Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen gets prison surrender date delayed

Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen gets prison surrender date delayed 
President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, 52, will now have to surrender to prison on May 6 to begin a three-year sentence, ... Michael Cohen was given a two-month extension for his scheduled date

Bezos Says Amazon Drones Ready To Deliver Mueller Report to Every American Household - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

President Vladimir Putin is seriously the worst president since President Dick Cheney. - John Fugelsang

Southern "Bell" Sounds Off On Syria
Senator Lindsey Graham clashed with acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan during a briefing last weekend regarding Syria, according to NBC News....‘Dumbest f*cking idea’

Remember the major political party that spent 8 years screaming about Sharia Law? Well, you may be shocked to learn they're quite busy these days illegally trying to get Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Privilege: Still being out on bail after publishing an image of a federal judge in crosshairs. - Jonathan Allen

Little Sandmann May Regret Making His Life An Open Book
Nick Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School student who was at the center of a viral confrontation with a Native American elder in Washington, D.C., last month, has sued The Washington Post for $250 million over its coverage of the confrontation.

It's Wednesday, or as I like to call it, Roger Stone's last 24 hours of freedom. - Rick Wilson


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Paper ballots are the smartest, safest way to conduct secure elections and protect from voter manipulation. Russia can’t hack a piece of paper. Our nation needs to be ready to protect our election systems against attacks by foreign powers. Now is the time to prepare. - Kamala Harris

Rock The Voter News

CNN Gave Us Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Robert Novack, And Now...
CNN’s baffling, self-sabotaging hire of Sarah Isgur.
The network’s new political editor is a former Trump official who has never worked in journalism

CNN has hired as "commentators":
* Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski* Trump campaign staffer and Putin image consultant Michael Caputo* Racist Jeffrey Lord who was fired only after he literally tweeted "sieg hiel"
Of course they hired a Jeff Sessions operative. - Sarah Kendzior


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SCOTUS Bans Excess Fines
In a decision that may curb the rise of financial penalties and property seizures in the U.S. criminal justice system, the Supreme Court on Wednesday for the first time ruled that the U.S. Constitution’s ban on “excess fines” applies to states as well as the federal government.

White House Doctor Says Trump In Excellent Health But Russian Remote-control Implant Needs New Battery - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

British lawmakers called Facebook "digital gangsters." Thank god we're all safe here on Twitter, where nothing unseemly ever happens! - Bette Midler tweet

I Hope This Isn't Rope A Pope
In an effort to deal with the sex scandals rocking the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope has convened an extraordinary summit of bishops in Rome.
This follows his recent, unprompted, admission that priests had exploited nuns as "sex slaves" at a convent in France.

I'll give you this, Amazon: Telling people you're going to Queens and then bailing is one thing New Yorkers can relate to. - Stephen Colbert


Today the ceilings get painted and the floor poured!

Windows, Doors and Laptop

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Seceda Mountain, Italy. Now that is a getaway to go skateboarding.


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