In his resignation letter to Trump, Mattis implicitly criticized him for not being "clear-eyed" about U.S. enemies and competitors.
Mattis back at work by 6:15 this morning day after resigning. Senior official tells me Trump was "surprised' by the resignation., Final straw for Mattis was potential Kurdish bloodbath. #buckleup this is all far from over sources say. - Barbara Starr, CNN
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump
- Speculation about a secret pact swirls after Trump declares Syria withdrawal following call with Turkey's Erdogan
- UN tells UK: Allow Assange to leave Ecuador embassy freely
- ‘Fox & Friends’ co-host Kilmeade: Trump just ‘refounded ISIS’ by pulling troops out of Syria
- Prayers, tributes in Lockerbie mark 30 years since Pan Am bombing
Defense officials tell me Mattis went to the White House to discuss Syria & that he was livid after reading reports that Turkey's Defense Minister threatened to kill US-backed Kurds & put them in ditches once the US withdrew. He was incensed at this notion of betrayal of an ally. - Ryan Browne, CNN
It Will Be Déjà vu In Afghanistan Again. Remember Charlie Wilson?
Wilson, a Democrat, was considered both a progressive and a defense hawk. While his efforts to arm the mujahideen in the 1980s were a success — spurring a victory that helped speed the downfall of the Soviet Union — he was unable to keep the money flowing after the Soviets left. Afghanistan plunged into chaos, creating an opening eventually filled by the Taliban, which harbored al-Qaida terrorists.
After the Sept. 11 attacks — carried out by al-Qaida terrorists trained in Afghanistan — the U.S. ended up invading the country it had once helped liberate.
He's burning down the house now. Years from now, the only thing that will matter, the one thing people will remember, is who helped to put the fire out. - Tom Malinowski
Okay, Republicans. How much longer are you going to let this farcical “presidency” continue? At a time of such political, economic, and geo-strategic turbulence—both nationally and globally—are you waiting for a catastrophe to happen before acting? Disaster looms! - John Brennan
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump calls on McConnell to change Senate rules and use "Nuclear Option" to get funding for border wall
- Maggie Haberman: 'Disgusted' Republicans Now Privately Admitting They Regret Supporting Trump
- GoFundMe for Trump's border wall raises over $11 million
- The man behind a GoFundMe campaign that has raised $11 million to build Trump's wall also ran a conspiracy-theory page that got kicked off Facebook
- DHS Secretary Nielsen struggles to answer basic questions
- Judge rules plaintiffs suing Trump over sham businesses can remain anonymous
Thanks to Donald Trump we’re not saying “Happy Holidays” anymore, we’re saying “JESUS CHRIST WE’RE ALL GONNA F*CKING DIE”- Chase Mitchell
Where Has Bob Corker Been The Past Two Decades?
Outgoing Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) on Friday decried amount of power that conservative media personalities such as Rush Limbaugh and the hosts of “Fox & Friends” have over the Republican Party.
Based on these insane tweets this morning, in addition to his adderall I think Trump has been huffing Stephen Millers ‘hair in a can’ - Roland Scahill
Rock The Voter News
- Schumer to Trump: You will own the shutdown
- Ginsburg undergoes procedure to remove cancerous growths in lung
- Signs go up naming California highway after Barack Obama
Actions have consequences, and whether we’re in Syria or not, the people who want to harm us are there & at war. Isolationism is weakness. Empowering ISIS is dangerous. Playing into Russia & Iran’s hands is foolish. This President is putting our national security at grave risk. - Hillary Clinton
Trump has now done everything he criticized Hillary and Obama for except be a woman or black. - OhNoSheTwint
There are only 10 more shopping days until Democrats take control of the House. - TDP tweet
Business/Tech News
- Trump warns shutdown could last 'very long time'
- FCC fines Swarm $900000 for unauthorized satellite launch
- Alexa devices cause privacy concerns
- Ford is recalling 874000 pickup trucks in North America for fire risks
“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems and make it possible for them to come here legally, with a work permit, and then while they are working and earning here, they pay taxes here." - Ronald Reagan, 1980
Pope Francis Throws The Pedophile Farm Under The Bus. Hopefully.
Pope Francis is urging predator priests who have raped or molested children to turn themselves in "to human justice, and prepare for divine justice," devoting part of his Christmas message to the abuse scandals that he said have undermined the Catholic Church in 2018.
The Curse of Mar-a-Lago? Nixon Went There A Month Before He Resigned.
You know that bottle of hooch under the tree? Break that bad boy open, pop some popcorn, and relax.
There is nothing you or I can do anyway.
We're watching history. - Aunt Crabby tweet
When panoramic pictures go wrong
Made me laugh. Thank you and bless you.