The Kremlin is personally mocking President Donald Trump, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia has said, after state news TV likened photos of the U.S. leader playing golf to propaganda.
“Mr. President, Putin is now getting personal in his mockery of you & your golf game,” Stanford professor and ex-Ambassador Michael McFaul tweeted Monday. “This is a state owned network,” he added, linking an image from state-run channel Rossiya 1’s programming earlier in the day
The White House is talking about using lie detectors to stop White House staffers from producing leaks. The idea of bringing lie detectors into the place Trump lives is like bringing Kryptonite into Superman's Fortress of Solitude. - Andy Borowitz
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- North Korea now making missile-ready nuclear weapons, US analysts say
- White House aide: N. Korea a 'Lilliputian' nation
- Russia-linked bots are promoting articles, including one from Breitbart, attacking H.R. McMaster
- ‘Parallels of history escalate’: Anne Frank Center cites 6 chilling reasons Trump is turning into Hitler
It's Purple Heart Day. You know who has a Purple Heart & a Bronze Medal? Robert Mueller. You know who doesn't? Donald Trump. That's all. - Ana Navarro
Private Contractors? I Believe The Correct Term Is Mercenary Army.
The White House is actively considering a bold plan to turn over a big chunk of the U.S. war in Afghanistan to private contractors in an effort to turn the tide in a stalemated war, according to the former head of a security firm pushing the project.
Blackwater founder Erik Prince's sister is Sec of Ed Betsy DeVos, who'd love to privatize schools. The US govt is now their piggybank. - goldengateblond tweet
I love you like Donald Trump loves not even commenting once on the Minnesota Mosque bombing. - John Fugelsang
When The Law And Science Collide
A federal court on Tuesday struck down an Obama administration rule that banned certain uses of certain gases used in air conditioning and refrigeration.
The court said that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cannot ban hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) under a Clean Air Act provision meant to protect the ozone layer, since that section is meant only to stop ozone-depleting substances.
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump tweets Fox News report based on intel leak after threatening reporters who publish leaks
- Haley rips classified leaks in Fox News report after Trump tweets story
- GOP strategist to Trump: "Stop outright lying"
- Sean Hannity parrots Trump conspiracy, threatens to sue Barack Obama for spying on him
- Ex-Cruz spokesman recommends "24-hour suicide watch" for Trump aides
- Stephen Miller revealed to live in million-dollar high-end condo after calling reporter "cosmopolitan"
- GOP Senate candidate rips McConnell's "slime machine"
- Pat Robertson: Fox’s Eric Bolling can’t be guilty of sexual harassment because ‘he’s a dedicated Catholic’
Good to see a nice Jewish boy like Stephen Miller make it as a white supremacist. - Kona Lowell
Announcement From The Dept.Of Vocabulary Adjustment
Staff at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have been told to avoid using the term climate change in their work, with the officials instructed to reference “weather extremes” instead.
A series of emails obtained by the Guardian between staff at the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), a USDA unit that oversees farmers’ land conservation, show that the incoming Trump administration has had a stark impact on the language used by some federal employees around climate change.
Mexico Is Our Ally, Not Our Enemy
A million Mexicans and Americans cross the Mexican/ American border every day. On the same day, 365 days-a-year a billion and a half dollars’ worth of goods and services cross the border between the U.S. and its oldest neighbor, Mexico, every day.
I would watch an HBO show about an alternate timeline where Hillary won and Republicans are shot in the streets and forced to bake gay cakes. - Comfortablysmug tweet
Trump denies calling White House a “dump” at his golf club. Who’m I gonna believe? 8 or 9 people who heard him or a man who lies every day? - Bette Midler
Rock The Voter News
- Senate Dem wants closer look at Russia's fake news operation on Facebook
- Seth Meyers Thinks Republicans Are Living in an Alternate Universe Where Hillary Clinton Became President
E-mails show that the AmazonWashingtonPost and the FailingNewYorkTimes were reluctant to cover the Clinton/Lynch secret meeting in plane. - Donald J. Trump
How Trump Plans To Win The Popular Vote In 2020
The Trump administration redoubled its support on Monday for efforts to remove people from voter registration rolls, siding with the state of Ohio in a case that could allow states to cancel registrations for voters who fail to cast a ballot over the course of several elections.
Mike Pence is denying rumors that he’ll be running for president in 2020. He’ll be president much sooner than that. - Chelsea Handler
Business/Tech News
- Mazda's New Invention: Diesel, Without The Diesel
- NRA has a message for the New York Times: “We’re coming for you."
- HBO faces hacker threat: pay up, or suffer bigger data leak
- Vegan café charges 18% 'man tax' to address the gender gap
Trump Has An Aide To Find Good News About Him
President Donald Trump is so desperate for positive news about himself that he’s paying White House director of rapid response Andy Hemming $89,000 to find good stories.
Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie. - Anonymous
The All Hat No Cattle
"I'm Terrified Trump Is Going To Kill Us All"
Those real estate guys should let homeless people live there until the homeowners association ponies up a mil or so.