Friday, July 14, 2017

Is TIME sending us a subliminal message?

Russian-American Lobbyist Says He Attended 2016 Meeting With Donald Trump Jr.
A Russian-American lobbyist says he attended a June 2016 meeting with President Donald Trump's son, marking another shift in the account of a discussion that was billed as part of a Russian government effort to help the Republican's White House campaign.
Rinat Akhmetshin confirmed his participation to The Associated Press on Friday.

As a graphic designer of  forty+ years, I became curious about the TIME cover. I first viewed it from a distance on TV. It looked as though the words on Jr.'s lip and nose, was cocaine. And the other white highlighted words are curious also. LOL  Kudos to the TIME art director and graphic designer.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

"I'm on you now. You are f***ing with me now Let's see who you are Watch your back , bitch." A quote from our president's lawyer, Kasowitz. - Chelsea Handler

There Are Russians Coming Out Of The Woodwork. The Putin Effect?
In a late-night interview with CNN’s Jim Sciutto and Pamela Brown, Scott Balber — the attorney for Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov and his son Emin — confirmed the Agalarovs spoke to President Donald Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr during the campaign.

“Everywhere I go, people tell me that if I am impeached, they’re going to watch it,” Donald J. Trump said. - Andy Borowitz

The Speaker Of The House Is Just So Pissed Because Women Don't Have To Wear A Suit & Tie
Women attempting to enter the speaker’s lobby outside the House chamber have recently been denied entrance based on their shoulder-baring sleeveless shirts and dresses.

Trump told the First Lady of France that she’s “in such great shape.” I’m sure she’s been working out to defend herself from him. - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

Jeezus, These People Will Say Anything To Cover Up Russian Omissions
"a member of [Kushner's] staff prematurely hit the 'send' button for the [clearance] form before it was completed"

"What kind of moron leaves evidence like that in an email?" Putin asked angrily. - Andy Borowitz

Instead of sentencing a woman to jail time for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing, a D.C. judge threw out the woman's conviction and called for a new trial.

Trump Asks Hillary How to Set up Private Email Server. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

WTH? This Is Turning Into A Russian Spy Novel
A Republican operative who reportedly sought to obtain emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server from people he thought were Russian hackers killed himself in a hotel room in May.
Peter W. Smith, 81, left a file of documents in the Rochester, Minnesota room where he died, including what police described as a suicide note...

73% of Dems would give up drinking if it meant Trump would be impeached. May have found the only scenario where I support Trump in office. - Chelsea Handler


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One thing President Trump definitely did watch was his son Junior's interview with Sean Hannity last night on Fox News. Trump said his son was "open, transparent, and innocent." That's three lies in four words. That's a new record! - Jimmy Kimmeñ

Business/Tech News

Enough With The Nepotism Already!
Jared Kushner, President Trumps' son-in-law, organized a White House tech summit. The only startup with a seat at table is partly owned by his brother.

It would be great to find out the leaker is Ivanka because she's had enough of her father and her husband. Is it you, girl? - Chelsea Handler

Lady in lobby: 'Did you see Grey Gables?' 
Me: 'You mean Anne of Green Gables, or Grey Gardens?' 
Lady: 'Wow. No way you're straight.' - John Fugelsang

"Making people laugh is a really fabulous thing because it means you're getting 
deep inside somebody, into their psyche, and their ability to look at themselves." 
–Jane Lynch, who turns 57 today



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Muhammad Ali with young fan in a diner, Florida, 1970. Photograph by Danny Lyon.


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