Ted Cruz says he will 'absolutely' filibuster Obama's nominee to replace Scalia
Appearing on ABC’s This Week, 2016 GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz said he would “absolutely” filibuster anyone that President Barack Obama attempts to appoint to fill Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court.
Republicans are searching the Constitution for the clause that says when you're losin', you get to kick the ball into the woods. #Scalia - Tea Pain tweet
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
- Exclusive: Samples confirm Islamic State used mustard gas in Iraq - diplomat
- Meet the 23 men and two women facing felony charges for the Oregon standoff
- Senator McCain says could subpoena U.S. sailors held by Iran
- U.S. admiral warns against Chinese fighter flights from South China Sea runways
- North Korea's Kim Orders More Rocket Launches
Jeb Bush today said he is the only candidate who has the you-know-what to go up against Donald Trump. Oh, my god, Jeb. You can't claim to have balls if you don't even have the balls to say balls.- Seth Myers
So the current GOP frontrunner accused the last GOP president of an impeachable offense and everyone is like lol what a joker. - LOLGOP
Jeb Pulls Out The WMD
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush has enlisted his brother, former President George W. Bush, to try to give him a lift as he looks for a strong showing in South Carolina’s crucial primary.
Republican Shenanigans
- Conspiracy kooks shift into overdrive after learning Antonin Scalia was found dead with a pillow over head
- Poll: Trump has massive 22-point lead ahead of South Carolina primary
- Bush AG Alberto Gonzales: ‘No question’ Obama has ‘obligation’ to fill Supreme Court vacancy
- NBC host rips Rubio for obstructing Scalia replacement: ‘Do presidential terms end after three years?’
- Kentucky GOPers advance bill to force ultrasounds and make women listen to description of the fetus
- Glenn Beck claims Fox told him not to push prayer because it takes God’s attention off of war
Scalia was murdered, argues guys who think big oil has their best interests at heart.- LOLGOP
Ben Carson said he is open to being Donald Trump’s vice president. Yeah, it makes sense, Carson could deliver Trump the black Republican vote — which consists of Ben Carson.- Conan O'Brien
Morning Joe Biased?
CNN media correspondent Brian Stelter and Baltimore Sun media critic David Zrawik blasted MSNBC host Joe Scarborough over the weekend for his “unashamed” bias in favor of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
"You’ve got a very unstable guy in Cruz. He’s nuts.” -Donald Trump

Meanwhile, The Grownups Are Busy At Work
President Barack Obama said on Saturday he plans to fulfill his constitutional responsibility to nominate a Supreme Court justice to fill the vacancy left by the death of Antonin Scalia...
BREAKING: Obama nominates himself to Supreme Court, dares Republicans to vote against a premature end to the Obama presidency.- Tea Party Cat
Rock The Voter News
- Top DNC official: Sanders won more delegates in NH than Clinton
- Clinton lands support of ministers in Flint
- Foreclosure crisis snarls Clinton, Sanders' efforts to reach Nevada voters
What a disgrace! |
Michigan authorities blocked county health officials from investigating an outbreak of Legionnaires' disease that may have been linked to the water crisis in the city of Flint.
From June 2014 to November 2015 Michigan's Genesee County, which includes Flint, had 87 cases of Legionnaires', 10 of them fatal.
Happy You're Not Going To Be President Day @Jeb. - LOLGOP

The "Viagra" Bill
A Kentucky lawmaker fed up with anti-abortion laws in her state has introduced a bill that would require men seeking erectile dysfunction drugs to visit a doctor twice, get a note from their wives and swear on the Bible to be faithful.
Business/Tech News
- Oil holds above $33 per barrel on hopes OPEC could act
- China’s Stocks Tumble as Markets Reopen After Week-Long Holiday
- Shell pursues transition plan after sealing $53 billion BG deal
- TMZ blackmailed Justin Bieber, paid more than $100G for Ray Rice videos and millions to massive network of informants: report
I like when congressmen who work 100 days a year kill unemployment benefits to honor 'the dignity of work.'- John Fugelsang
Meanwhile, Look What China And Iran Are Doing
The first train to connect China and Iran arrived in Tehran on Monday loaded with Chinese goods, reviving the ancient Silk Road...
An exact replica of the Titanic is scheduled to set sail in 2018. The good news is by 2018, there will be no icebergs left to sink it.- Conan O'Brien
Fighting The Right Fundraiser
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