Texas congressman Randy Weber says Obama is basically worse than Hitler
"Even Adolph [sic] Hitler thought it more important than Obama to get to Paris," begins a Hot Take served up on Twitter last night by a member of Congress.
Next on Fox News: Did Obama promise Ohio State a national championship if the state went for Obama in 2012? We find no evidence he didn’t. - Top Conservative Cat
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
- Shelling hits Ukraine bus, killing 10, as airport battle worsens
- Kerry urges Pakistan to fight terror groups threatening whole region
- Prosecutor: Man Linked To Charlie Hebdo Attacker Arrested In Bulgaria
- Stewart Skewers 'Journalist-Jailing' World Leaders For Attending Paris March (VIDEO)
- Charlie Hebdo to publish Mohammad cartoon on front page
- Hollande vows France 'will never yield' as attack victims buried
The White House regrets not sending someone to Paris.
Now how about you regret the Iraq War? - LOLGOP
Terror In Washington D.C.
It was a commuter’s worst nightmare: a Metro train abruptly stops, goes dark and fills with smoke in a tunnel in downtown Washington. Before it was over, one woman was killed and more than 80 passengers were suffering from respiratory problems and other health issues.
Obama should have done _____________ so we could have criticized him for doing _____________.- LOLGOP
Media Slams Obama Skipping Paris March
Several members of the media are criticizing President Barack Obama's decision to skip an anti-terrorism march in Paris over the weekend, even as leaders from 44 other countries stood together in solidarity against the killings last week of 17 people, including 12 at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper offices.
Republican Shenanigans
- Sessions: Not 'a single dime' for Obama's immigration moves
- Scarborough: BBC Should Fire Reporter For Israel Question (VIDEO)
- Cruz on Romney: No need for 'mushy middle'
- Ted Cruz to oversee NASA: What does his record tell us?
Next on Fox News: Charlie Hebdo perpetrators killed, though House GOP investigating whether they died to cover up Obama's role in it.- Top Conservative Cat
For Republicans who crave repeating disasters, it must be almost impossible to choose between Romney and Bush.- LOLGOP
Step Right Up! See Your Real Live Racist In The U.S. Congress!
Six years before he spoke to a white supremacist group, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) voted as a state lawmaker against a resolution apologizing for slavery, according to a 1996 article from the Times-Picayune.
Rock The Voter News
- White House threatens to veto House GOP’s immigration gambit
- Dems troll GOP by pushing for Senate vote on climate science
Mitt Romney: "I'm considering another run for president. I've come up with a whole new series of panders and flip-flops."- Top Conservative Cat
Yet Again, Donald Trump Sues Because Airplanes Fly Over His Club Sometimes
Donald Trump says the Palm Beach International Airport is routing planes over his Mar-a-Lago club just to spite the millionaire mogul, so he's suing the county for a whopping $100 million.

I have to admit that Mitt ruining Jeb's 2015 is the best thing he's done since the prequel to Obamacare.- LOLGOP
Rich people pay FOX people to make middle-class people blame poor people.- John Fugelsang
Business/Tech News
- Russian ruble falls further as oil price tumbles
- Prospect of Chinese cars in US still remain years away
- EU vote gives governments the choice to grow GM crops
- In resort towns, working class squeezed out as rich move in
Hacking For Free Trips
Thieves with stolen usernames and passwords have broken into customer accounts at American and United airlines and in some cases booked free trips or upgrades.
More people believe that global warming exists than believe that a moderate Republican exists.- LOLGOP
Odd News
- Houston retailer offers furniture buyers a $7,000 oil price bet
- Coin dealer pays nearly $2.6 million for rare American penny
- Woman Steals $3,000 Worth Of Cat-Grooming Supplies At Airport
- Tortoise Gets Wheelchair Made From Legos, Skates Around Like A Pro
- What Your Avatar Says About You
Time To Deflate Photo
Who needs beach furniture? Sculpt your own out of sand! How cool is that?
Clinton is the alleged daughter of Bush Snr, did you not notice the red tongue on Nasa's logo, and why Harry Potter (Mad about Harry) they used Prince Harry to cover their feed into the Reptilian Agenda, Hollywood is a cover for the CIA,
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