Monday, August 18, 2014


Autopsy Shows Michael Brown Was Struck at Least 6 Times
Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was killed by a police officer, sparking protests around the nation, was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found.

People are still fighting about immigration. Congress is suing the president. I'm not saying things are bad, but the Middle East just sent diplomats to negotiate peace in OUR country.- Jimmy Fallon

Stage 1: Bullying the messengers in Ferguson last week.
Stage 2: Threatening to shoot, then, bullies the messenger early this morning (see below)
Stage 3: ?

The right won't buy the military's story on Benghazi ever. But they buy whatever the police in Ferguson tells them -- no questions asked. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Waiting for the bipartisan movement to demilitarize John McCain.- LOLGOP

Baby Boomer's Protest In 1972
August 22, 1972: 3,000 protest against the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami Beach. Ron Kovic, a wheelchair-bound Vietnam veteran, led fellow veterans into the Convention Hall, wheeled down the aisles, and as Nixon began his acceptance speech shouted, "Stop the bombing! Stop the war!"

We've spent the past two decades militarizing our police forces to respond to problems that never materialized.Mother Jones' Kevin Drum

We're #1: You're more likely to get shot by a cop in the USA than anywhere else! 
THE shooting of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African-American, by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, is a reminder that civilians—innocent or guilty—are far more likely to be shot by police in America than in any other rich country. In 2012, according to data compiled by the FBI, 410 Americans were “justifiably” killed by police—409 with guns. That figure may well be an underestimate. Not only is it limited to the number of people who were shot while committing a crime, but also, amazingly, reporting the data is voluntary.

Last year, in total, British police officers actually fired their weapons three times. The number of people fatally shot was zero.

Any other smears about Michael Brown we need to know before we find out about the guy who actually killed someone?- LOLGOP

The Great UFO Coverup
In a new documentary, US government agents claim they spent decades giving fake evidence of extraterrestrials to gullible ufologists. But why? And how can we trust them now?

Republican Shenanigans

You call them "illegals" and future voters will call them "grandpa." So good luck with that.- LOLGOP

How Mexican-Americans Rioted
August 29, 1970, Chicano Moratorium. 20-30,000 Mexican-Americans participated in the largest antiwar demonstration in Los Angeles. Police are attacked with clubs and guns and kill three people, including Rubén Salazar, a TV news director and LA Times reporter

If you're going to call Wendy Davis 'Abortion Barbie' then you kinda have to call her opponent 'Coat Hanger Ken.' - John Fugelsang

Surrrrrre, The KKK Will Make Things All Better In Ferguson
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members from three different states are reportedly traveling to Ohio to hold a two-day fundraiser for the officer who shot unarmed teen Michael Brown, and to “guard white businesses.”

Rock The Voter News

Is anyone telling the Chief of the Ferguson PD that talking may not be his thing?- LOLGOP

How White Rich College Students Rioted In 1967

If teens in the Eisenhower-era didn't have an official Spring Break destination, the 1960 beach-blanket flick Where the Boys Are, shot on the sands of Ft. Lauderdale, surely gave them one. Starring Connie Francis and George Hamilton, the film produced box-office bling-bling and firmly established Ft. Lauderdale as collegians' bachnallian hot-spot.

Each year thereafter, spring breakers arrived in ever-increasing numbers, pumping millions into Ft. Lauderdale's economy. It was win-win.
All that changed, however, over the three-day Easter-weekend in 1967, when a full-scale riot erupted between spring breakers and police

Remember: The real danger of marijuana use is it could lead you to becoming president of the United States.- LOLGOP

 Click here for The Charmed Time

What could have possibly happened in the last week that would make people suspicious of the Ferguson PD? - LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

So you're ok w/cops killing unarmed black teens b/c they stole cigars?  Great, let's discuss what some unarmed white Wall St guys stole. - John Fugelsang

Kentucky Is Betting On U.S. Drinking More. Ha.
 In a business where patience is part of the process, Kentucky bourbon makers are making a big bet by stashing away their largest stockpiles in more than a generation.

After today, there will be no Jewish Republican members of Congress, which is clearly a sign that Jewish voters are drifting toward the GOP.- LOLGOP



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia.

During the raining season, water turns this Bolivian salt flat into the world's largest mirror. It's been called "the border between heaven and earth".


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