Monday, July 7, 2014

ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 5 Years Ago Sarah Palin Quit Her Job As Governor

Sarah Palin Is Publicly Auditioning To Join 'The View'
Sarah Palin is dropping subtle hints that she might want to be a panelist on "The View." And by "subtle hints," we mean that she is explicitly saying in an interview that she might want to be a panelist on "The View."

Sarah Palin has basically decided to become B-roll for documentaries about the worst reactions to the first black president. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

You Go, Girls!
More than 60 women and girls abducted last month by suspected Boko Haram militants in northeast Nigeria have escaped their captors, sources said Sunday.

Local vigilante Abbas Gava said he had “received an alert from my colleagues … that about 63 of the abducted women and girls had made it back home” late Friday.

The GOP has been extremely successful in its outreach to corporations, fertilized eggs and adults who yell at buses filled with children.- LOLGOP

Germany Is Pissed At US
 German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday allegations that a German man had worked as a double agent for U.S. intelligence were serious and, if true, were a clear contradiction of what cooperation between partners is supposed to be about.

Republican Shenanigans

GOP House Gives Finger To SEC
A U.S. House of Representatives panel said on Friday it should not have to comply with a federal regulator's demand for documents sought for an insider-trading probe involving the staff director of a subcommittee and a lobbyist.

What could possibly go wrong when people who don't believe science get to randomly start deciding that some birth control  cause abortions?- LOLGOP

Uh Oh. The GOP Is Going After The Federal Reserve
The U.S. House Financial Services Committee has set a hearing for legislation to reform the Federal Reserve.

If life begins at fertilization, shouldn't conservatives want maternity leave to begin right then -- you know, just to be safe.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Federal Judge Blogs Curse Word At SCOTUS
Writing on his personal blog, a federal judge appointed to the bench by President George H. W. Bush advised the Supreme Court to avoid “divisive cases” in the future that do more harm than good — such as the recent Hobby Lobby decision – before offering a more blunt suggestion: shut the f*ck up.

Hi, I'm an angry political person on Twitter & to show the moral validity of my arguments I shall now call you a 'tard.'- John Fugelsang

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Unionizing College Football
Northwestern University urged the National Labor Relations Board Thursday to reverse a regional director's decision that classified the university's football players as university employees, therefore allowing them to unionize.

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."

It's in the Employee Handbook/ Bible! - LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Ooops. Fracking Does Cause Earthquakes
A study published in July 4, 2014 issue of Science determined that the surge in earthquake activity in what had been tectonically calm Oklahoma is a direct result of hydrofracking and waste-water injection.

If you call corporations people and immigrants "illegal," you're going to get *all* the corporations to vote for you. - LOLGOP

WTO Rules In Favor Of Obama, Not China
China failed to overturn a U.S. law targeting unfair trade subsidies on Monday, when the World Trade Organization's Appellate Body said it did not have enough information to uphold China's appeal against an earlier WTO ruling.

China had claimed that the U.S. "Public Law 112-99", also known as the GTX legislation, which was signed by President Barack Obama in March 2012, broke world trade rules, but a WTO dispute panel ruled against it in March.

Fertilized eggs are people but child refugees are not.

Welcome to America.- LOLGOP


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Northern lights in Norway.


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