Dems Roll Out Bill To Overturn Hobby Lobby: Women 'Tired Of Being Targeted'
Congressional Democrats rolled out legislation on Wednesday to overturn the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling and restore the legal right to cost-free contraceptive coverage for women in their employer insurance plans.
A well-regulated vagina being necessary to a good craft store, the right to decide which medications women deserve shall not be abridged.- LOLGOP
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
- More than 50 bodies, including 2 children, found in Iraq
- In Iraq, death toll rises among Shiite recruits battling insurgency
- Israel: Hamas firing rocket every 10 minutes
- US Envoy Says Afghans Should Form Coalition Government
- Russia test launches first new space rocket since Soviet era
- Germany asks top US spy to leave the country
A Ugandan police officer claims he was forced to shoot an aggressive tortoise that attacked him while he was drinking tea at home. In his defense, he had to act quickly, or move over a few feet and weigh his options for another hour.- Seth Myers
U.S. And Cuba Talking, Finally.
U.S. and Cuban government officials were meeting in Washington on Wednesday for the latest round of migration talks, a rare chance for dialogue between two countries that have not had full diplomatic relations for more than five decades.
If you're cutting food stamps to buy more missiles, you're going to have to stop pretending your concerns are religious.- LOLGOP
Republican Shenanigans
- Pastor Robert Jeffress tells Fox: Jesus would have wanted a border fence
- Hobby Lobby supporter tells Fox her AR-15 and Bible photo is ‘America’s founding principles’
- Fox’s Keith Ablow: LGBT rights will lead to ‘three humans and a dog’ marriage
- Analysis: Over Half of All Statements Made on Fox News Are False
- Sarah Palin stiffs on Obama impeachment thing
- Christie ranks second in packed Republican field, trails Clinton in new 2016 poll
- Primary Fights Drain Republican Super PACs
The President shall be removed from office for treason, bribery, or other high crimes including being a Democrat who won a second term. - LOLGOP
Boehner Says No To Border Security
U.S. House Speaker John Boehner said on Wednesday that Republicans needed to study President Barack Obama’s $3.7 billion emergency spending request for border security before passing judgment on it.
Weird. Speaking at conferences where the Confederacy is celebrated doesn't help you with the black vote. - LOLGOP
Rock The Voter News
- Obama rejects criticism over border crisis
- Rare bipartisan approval of job training measure
- Senate confirms Castro as HUD secretary
The difference between your guns and birth control is someone is actually coming for your birth control.- LOLGOP
Fracking Up Texas
A Texas waste hauling company that is already facing civil charges for a March accident that spread toxic drilling waste along a rural road could also be facing criminal charges.
Ted Cruz is upset that there are so many refugees who would like to come make a life in America the way his father has.- LOLGOP
Business/Tech News
- Oil prices continue to fall as supplies grow
- China's Wanda to build $900 million complex in Chicago
- U.S. housing market in recovery...thanks to China?
- Holder won't meet with BofA CEO as mortgage talks stall: sources
- Sterling lashes out at wife in trial over $2 bln Clippers sale
China Says U.S. Needs To Lead
China's finance minister said Wednesday that the country is not planning any new stimulus measures and it is up to the United States to drive the global economy.
If Brazil were the GOP, it would be suing Germany today for not respecting its powers.- LOLGOP
Odd News
- In ‘sexting case’ Manassas City police want to photograph teen in sexually explicit manner
- Naked Seattle intruder recites Scripture in home
- Duking it out: John Wayne’s family suing university over rights to ‘Duke’ name
- Pilot buys pizzas for passengers grounded by storm
- Cat in central Florida goes wild; owner calls 911
Time To Deflate Photo
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