Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Texas Republican Party Adopts Discredited 'Reparative Therapy' for Gays

Texas Republican Party Adopts Discredited 'Reparative Therapy' for Gays
This past weekend, the Texas Republican Party (“Fight to Keep Texas Red”) adopted a party platform for 2014 that includes support of so-called “reparative therapy,” a psychological approach that claims to be able to change the sexual orientation of adults, from gay to straight. Reparative therapy is a long-held cornerstone of the religious right

REMINDER: The party that thinks we can "cure" gay people says there's nothing we can do about gun violence.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

I Don't Support These Troops

The Ku Klux Klan plans to begin military-style combat training under the direction of military troops returning home from overseas deployments, according to a Barcroft Media report.

The notorious hate group has been attempting to recruit new members – children, in particular – in recent months, and the Loyal White Knights faction has begun preparations for a long-awaited race war.

The party that didn't prevent 9/11 thinks Benghazi is going to cost Hillary the presidency.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

The Citadel Fans The Flame Of Racism

A Confederate flag displayed at the Citadel military college in Charleston, South Carolina, can keep flying despite objections that it is offensive, the state attorney general's office said on Tuesday.

NEW STUDY: Fox News viewers nearly as uninformed as Fox News hosts. - LOLGOP

Racists Are Coming Out Of The Woodwork
A Texas city council member defended racist comments she made in a private conversation that was recorded.....“It’s not going to get any better until you get those blacks off the school board,” Trube says on the recording. “She really turned black. She got on the school board with the rest of the blacks and they all just ganged up and that’s why the school system has gone to hell.”

Rock The Voter News

Most Americans Support Illegal Immigrants Becoming Citizens
Sixty-two percent of Americans support providing a way for immigrants living in the United States illegally to become citizens if they meet requirements, while almost a fifth support deportation, a poll showed on Tuesday.

Hillary Clinton said she wants to travel this year, and won't make any announcements about her plans to run for president until 2015. When asked where she’ll travel, she said, “New Hampshire, Iowa, and maybe spend a few months in Florida.”- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

On Friday the CIA launched its official Twitter account. Which means that you could receive this terrifying email: “The CIA is now following you. - Seth Myers

California Fracking
Critics of fracking, may have hoped drought-ridden states might be inclined to shut down the oil and gas abstraction method that uses lots of water.

But just last month, in the midst of the worst drought in California's history, the state Senate killed a bill that would have put a moratorium on the state's use of hydraulic fracturing.

NRA's New Slogan: "Guns don't kill people, schools kill people."- Warren Holstein



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The northwest side of KauaŹ»i, the oldest inhabited Hawaiian island.


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