Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What happens to subpoena rejectors?

Don McGahn won't comply with House Democrats' subpoena
Former White House Counsel Don McGahn will not comply with a congressional subpoena for documents related to special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, after the White House instructed him not to abide by House Democrats' demands.

Trump says Mueller called him and said he's the most innocent person ever. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Today in review: Abortion is murder but the murder of a black woman in police custody is not murder and the murder of a blindfolded Iraqi by a US soldier is not murder. - OhNoSheTwint

The Tea Party Rapture Believer Cancelled A Visit To Germany
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo abruptly cancelled a planned visit to Berlin Tuesday citing "pressing issues."
Pompeo was due to meet Foreign Minister Heiko Maas in the German capital on Tuesday afternoon followed by a summit with Chancellor Angela Merkel

Kremlin names Trump Employee-of-the-month - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Mitch McConnell Says It's Time to Move on From Mueller Report And Get Back to Benghazi. - Andy Borowitz

IMHO, The Only Good Thing About Meghan McCain Was Her Father

White women who support Trump ignore the sexism so they can enjoy the racism. - Middle Age Riot


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"Trump is goading us to impeach him. That’s what he’s doing. Every single day, he’s taunting and taunting and taunting," - Nancy Pelosi

Rock The Voter News

Can’t believe it’s been a year since Melania rolled out her tone deaf and completely incompetent program that does God knows what... I think it would #BeBest for her to just read Becoming by Michelle Obama and call it a day... - Cyrus McQueen


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Business/Tech News

Not only did Prince Harry watch his wife give birth, it’s probably the first time he’s seen a royal family member perform labor of any kind. - The Daily Show tweet

What Has Happened to My Favorite News Channel?
A CNN article caused controversy this week for asking “how black will the royal baby be?” Former CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien argued that the article indicates that there is a lack of people of color at the network.

Experts say a whale that has been harassing Norwegian ships was likely trained by Russia. I feel for the Norwegians. We too have been harassed by a 2-ton whale trained by Russia. - Chelsea Handler


Fabulous Fundraiser

Thank you so much!


 Luna Update:
I found Luna's bandage next to my bed this morning.

My friend made a little black bootie for Luna to help keep on the bandage. it works!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
An old rusted lantern makes a great bird's nest.


Monday, May 6, 2019

Trump Organization exec publishes a bizarre op-ed kicking Michael Cohen on his way to prison

Trump Organization exec publishes a bizarre op-ed kicking Michael Cohen on his way to prison
Former Trump “fixer” Michael Cohen is heading to prison on Monday — and a Trump Organization executive has published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal slamming him as he goes to jail for the next three years.

The president's lawyer and campaign chair are now in prison.
That completes today's update on the "Lock her up" campaign y'all.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

“Blessed are the Peacemakers” ~Jesus

Trump Is Going After Iran
The United States is deploying an aircraft carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Middle East on short notice in response to "clear indications" Iran and Iranian proxies were planning an attack on U.S. forces in the region, a U.S. official said.

Dems Hold Barr In Contempt
The House Judiciary Committee has taken its first formal step toward holding Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena for special counsel Robert Mueller's unredacted report, as well as the underlying evidence.

Barr Vanishes Into Other Dimension After Accidentally Redacting Self - Andy Borowitz

Dear @VP Pence:The same Bible chapter that says men w/men must be executed also commands stoning for adultery.So if you really believe the anti-gay bit you're also obliged to execute you-know-who.Luckily, Jesus threw all that out so u can drop the homophobia & have bacon, too. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Q. What's the definition of 'irony?' 
A. Donald Trump complaining when a horse that finished second is declared the winner. 
- Translate Trump tweet

Wow, When You Lose Judge Napolitano From Fox, It Can't Be Good
Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano on Monday argued that Democrats have a “basis” for impeachment because former special counsel Robert Mueller alleged that President Donald Trump committed high crimes and misdemeanors.

The ppl who complained about the black president's expensive travel budget are here to never complain about Trump costing us more than those 8 yrs combined in his very first year. - John Fugelsang


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Florida lawmakers found $70,000,000 to arm teachers with guns yet they can't find money to pay teachers a liveable wage or like college-educated professionals. 
Seriously?! - StanceGrounded tweet

My 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Lee, told me that if I worked hard, I could be a teacher, too. That changed my world, and I’m still grateful. Thank you to our teachers across the country who fight every day so that our kids have the opportunity to succeed.  - Elizabeth Warren


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Business/Tech News

According to a recent poll, Donald Trump remains popular among morons, idiots, nincompoops, imbeciles, birdbrains, dunderheads, numskulls, nitwits, dullards, simpletons, buffoons, boobs, twits, clods, dolts, oafs, dopes, schmucks, schnooks, stupid people, and Republicans. - Middle Age Riot

When The Bottom Line Overrules Common Sense
Boeing Co did not tell U.S. regulators for more than a year that it inadvertently made an alarm alerting pilots to a mismatch of flight data optional on the 737 MAX, instead of standard as on earlier 737s, but insisted on Sunday the missing display represented no safety risk


Today's edition was a bit short. My sweet Luna hurt her back right paw pads. She must have stepped on glass or sharp metal. I spent most of the morning at the vets with her. She's been hiding under the bed until I lured her out with some chicken and rice, her favorite, and quickly snapped this photo. The vet said she is healthy and will recover in a few days. My recovery will be much longer.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Blue Canyon - Hopi Indian Reservation Land, Arizona. One of Mother Nature's finest works.


Friday, May 3, 2019

Trump and Putin talked about Mueller report, Venezuela and North Korea during phone call

Trump and Putin talked about Mueller report, Venezuela and North Korea during phone call
President Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin discussed the Mueller report, Venezuela and North Korea during a lengthy phone call on Friday, the White House said.
The two talked on the phone for more than an hour, according to White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Trump and Putin discussed Mueller's report on Russian interference in US elections this morning saying, “It’s over and there was no collusion."
So Trump just assured the man who attacked our free elections that he was safe. - Amee Vanderpool

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I never thought the words "barr" and "grill" could be so unsatisfying.- Stephen Colbert

Good News For Democracy In Ohio
A federal court has ruled that Ohio's congressional map is an "unconstitutional partisan gerrymander" and must be redrawn by the 2020 election.
In their ruling Friday, a three-judge panel from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio argue that the map was intentionally drawn "to disadvantage Democratic voters and entrench Republican representatives in power." The court argues the map violates voters' constitutional right to choose their representatives and exceeds the state's powers under Article I of the Constitution.

Pence Fears Barr Has Replaced Him As Trump's Favorite Kiss-Ass. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

[Trumps shoots a person on Fifth Avenue] 
Barr: "the allegation has been proven false"Giuliani: "murder isn't murder" 
Lindsey Graham: "the arresting officer was a Democrat" 
Hannity: "what about all the people Hillary killed" 
Maggie Haberman: "to be fair, it was only one person" - Jeff Tiedrich

Sickening. Joe & Mika Pumped Up Trump and Now This?
Disgraced political pundit and television personality Mark Halperin has been spending the past several months on a quiet yet calculated professional rehabilitation campaign with the active help of MSNBC Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.

TRAGIC: 74 careers dead and many more injured in Republican Party after moral high ground collapses due to overwhelming weight of hypocrisy. - Tea Party Cat tweet


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William Barr Shows Up To Congress To Testify At 3 A.M. After Reading Email Wrong. - The Onion

Rock The Voter News

Trump Gives New York Times Pulitzer For Reporting Spies In His Underpants. - Wonkette

Let’s Not Pretend That Trump Makes People Do Bad Things, He Merely Attracts Bad People
In April, protesters outside the nation's largest facility for unaccompanied migrant children noticed a familiar face enter the massive, fenced site in Homestead, Florida: former White House chief of staff John Kelly. Soon after, a local television station recorded footage of him riding on the back of a golf cart as he toured the grounds.
It wasn't clear why he was there, but Friday, Caliburn International confirmed to CBS News that Kelly had joined its board of directors.

NRA Calls For Teachers To Keep Loaded Gun Pointed At Class For Entire School Day. - The Onion


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Business/Tech News

Barr Unable to Give Honest Answer To Drive-Thru Window at Arby's. - Andy Borowitz

Oh Sure, Facebook Founder Wants Privacy! So Do We!
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg purchased two neighboring estates on the West Shore of Lake Tahoe in Northern California for $59 million, creating a massive and secluded compound.

Study: American Intestinal Bacteria Most Obese In World. - The Onion


Fabulous Fundraiser

Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Two lionesses moseying down the road babysitting a cub. Pure life.
Photo by David Lazar
