Monday, November 14, 2016

Damn Liberal Media

Trump Names His Kids, Who Are Supposedly Going to Run His Business via “Blind Trust,” to White House Team
During the presidential campaign Donald Trump deflected questions about how he'd handle conflicts of interest as president—many of his business endeavors could benefit from shifts in government policy and/or serve as conduits with which to buy his favor—by saying his children would run his companies in a "blind trust." Observers pointed out that this would not really be a blind trust because the director of a blind trust is supposed to be independent of the trust's ultimate owner.

Remember in the debates how Trump started--cool, collected, almost presidential--till Hillary got to him? That's how the presidency will go. - George Takei

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Imagine if white nationalism upset Paul Ryan as much as the thought of working Americans being able to retire one day.-LOLGOP

Trump Oblivious To Hate Crimes He Inspired
In a “60 Minutes” interview Sunday night, President-elect Donald Trump said he had not heard reports of an increase in racial slurs and threats against minorities since his election.
“I am very surprised to hear that-- I hate to hear that, I mean I hate to hear that,” Trump said.
“But I think it’s a very small amount,” he added.

I wonder what Putin will get Trump for an Inauguration gift, but I heard what Trump is giving Putin. Don't tell anyone, but it's Ukraine.- Michael Ian Black

Trump Tweeting Is His Addiction
Donald Trump on Sunday continued to walk back some of his most controversial campaign rhetoric.
The president-elect went on a mini-tirade against The New York Times on Twitter, taking issue with the way the newspaper described his past statements about nuclear proliferation. 

Great to see that the man who coined the word "libtard" will be the senior advisor to the potus while the First Lady tackles bullying. - Sarah Silverman

Republican Shenanigans

This upsets Paul Ryan: Americans getting the Medicare they're promised.
This doesn't:
Trump making a white nationalist his chief strategist. - LOLGOP

Trumpers are now askin' for Democrats to "work with Trump" as if he suddenly stopped bein' a white nationalist sexual-predator.- Tea Pain


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Rock The Voter News

We have a president-elect who doesn't believe in climate change. Millions of people are going to have to say: Mr. Trump, you are dead wrong.- Bernie Sanders

Black Comedian Booed Mocking Trump
Stand-up comedian Wanda Sykes flipped off the audience at Boston’s TD Garden on Saturday night after the crowd booed her for railing against president-elect Donald Trump.


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I know a lot of you couldn't bear to watch Trump on 60 Minutes, so let me summarize for you. Coherence level: sub-Palin. - Andy Borowitz

Biz/Tech News
"He'll surround himself with good people."
-- Germans, circa 1933 - Andy Borowitz

Silicon Valley Still Shunning Trump
Shares of large technology companies fell again Monday, as investors continue to worry that Silicon Valley will suffer under policies enacted under the regime of President-elect Donald Trump.

Say what you will about Trump, he is not stupid. He is a smart man with a deep understanding of what stupid people want.―Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

You only live once.


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Happy Saturday!

If the Electoral College overturns the election, it'll be a first, as it was a first in 2000 when Jeb asked the Supreme Court to make Florida stop counting their votes.

Not only would it be sweet revenge but it would save the USA from a pussy grabbing fascist who was ushered into office by the FBI and the Russians.

Possibly, the Electoral College may be a brilliant process. Let's imagine a winning candidate dies before the Electors vote, or is diagnosed with a terminal disease, or says and does outrageous things, such as offering aid and comfort to the enemy, namely Russia...oh, and is an admitted pussy grabber.

I came up with these 2 memes.

Can Hillary Clinton Still Win? Electoral College To Vote In December After Candidate Wins Popular Vote
Hillary Clinton supporters aren’t ready to give up hope. A petition created Wednesday wants the Electoral College to vote for the Democratic candidate instead of President-elect Donald Trump.

Hey, at the very least, it's worth a shot to sign the petition to stop this monster.

I saw this photo of a bluebird and thought: Hillary did get the most votes after all!

Peace is a state of mind at this point.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Inquiring minds want to know

Professor who called Trump’s election now predicts he’ll also be impeached 
Professor Allan Lichtman made a lot of people’s eyeballs roll when he predicted Donald Trump’s election — except he turned out to be 100% right.

Astonishing to think HRC will end up with a bigger vote margin than two people who actually won the presidency.- Christopher Hayes

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Hey Happy Veterans Day to all you patriots who voted for a man that insulted POWs, Gold Star parents, thinks our troops should commit war crimes, says he knows more than the generals, said troops with PTSD were weak, didn't pay federal taxes to support our troops and got 5 deferments for a war he supported. It's a good thing y'all don't have to hear facts like that in the news you consume. - John Fugelsang

In The True Fox News Spirit, Megyn Pulls The Old Bait & Switch
Now that the election is over, Megyn Kelly (in order to sell books) reveals the pro-Trump conspiracy within Fox News

As People publishes its glowing Trump cover, Sen Harry Reid has choice words about covering a "sexual predator who lost the popular vote."- Mrs. Betty Bowers

Freedom isn’t free. It blooms by the blood of those who seek it & those who protect it against forces that would take it away. - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Republican Shenanigans

Obama and Hillary won the most votes in the last 3 elections, but of course it is they who are out of touch, not white rural people. - Tea Party Cat

Justice Cruz? God Help us.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) encouraged Donald Trump to nominate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Deportations Will Begin Pronto
Donald Trump’s deportation machine is already in place. It just needs to be turned on.

Can't wait to see Trump, Christie & Gingrich onstage together so I can make that joke about the Nine Wives Club. - John Fugelsang


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Obama has to hand over the presidency to a man who made him show his 'Freedom papers.' - Star Jones on THE VIEW this morning

Rock The Voter News

People didn't vote for Trump out of racism, it was economic anxiety. The anxiety that economically a black person might do better than them.- Tea Party Cat


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A sign outside a pub in Chenoweth, England.

Biz/Tech News

We're now all in the Trump business. A business that went bankrupt 7 times in the last three decades.- LOLGOP

I Guess Trumpsters Have Enough Guns
On Thursday, shares of gun makers are still slumping after Donald Trump's stunning presidential victory earlier this week.

I'm going to be quiet for a while.  I am in mourning for my country, for women, and for our world.- Bette Midler



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sometimes, a Mother's love can be difficult.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Crucifixion Of Hillary Is Complete

Many longtime Democratic viewers emailed me with more hatred against Hillary by kicking her when she was down. These still sore losers are blaming her and the DNC for Bernie not getting the nomination or the VP slot and Hillary is to blame for her loss because she is a corrupt liar. Blah blah blah. I am not reading or answering your emails anymore Hillary haters. You are not welcome at AHNC.

It is challenging enough producing AHNC solo but dealing with viewers who hate Hillary is exhausting and hurtful. I'd prefer posting my normal issue and not wasting my time.

The same thing happened to AHNC in 2008 when I supported Hillary over Obama. I was attacked viciously. But I never hesitated to support Obama when he won the nomination, and was disappointed he didn't name Hillary as VP but I sucked it up, Buttercups.

Hillary got "Ross Peroted." Which is ironic since her husband won the presidency because of Perot. If all the Democratic Stein and Johnson voters voted for Hillary she'd have won.

Speak into my necklace, Monica.
There is intense loyalty within the Democratic party for Hillary because we respect what she has done for this country and her party for many decades. Bernie never had that support from Democrats because they loved Hillary more. It was that simple. She's not perfect. Hell, I would have hit Bill over the head with a frying pan when he was caught cheating, through a sting operation by Ken Starr starring Linda Tripp secretly taping Monica Lewinsky. BTW Starr just resigned as president of Baylor because of his lack of investigating sexual assaults on campus. The irony!

My admiration for Hillary hits on a somewhat personal level also. For the past five years, in two countries, I have been accused in court, with dozens of false claims by my evil husband. I have won every court case in Costa Rica. But it financially and mentally devastated me. I have a little fight left in me now but as I watched Hillary fight the smear machine, she would inspire me beyond description.

The inspiration I receive from AHNC viewers is beyond description also. Well. most viewers.

Remember what I wrote yesterday?  That I hadn't cried yet -- well I just burst out crying. We as Democrats had the chance to keep this country moving forward and we were brought down by our own Democrat Hillary haters. And now we are at the doorstep of fascism.

Democrats need to move on. Hillary was right in her concession speech when she said we must keep fighting for what is right. Trump will be president and we must deal with him.

Bitches get things done.
But who will even begin to fill Hillary's shoes as a Democratic leader? Elizabeth Warren and Julia Louis-Dreyfus come to mind. Democrats need some pizazz! It sure worked for Trump.

The DNC needs some housecleaning for sure. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz got the deserved boot but her replacement Donna Brazile was caught funneling debate questions to Hillary and parted ways with CNN. I like Donna Brazile but the party deserves better than this. I am not one to encourage throwing the baby out with the bathwater at this point. Hopefully both Debbie and Donna can redeem themselves.

Michelle loves this outfit.
On one hand, I am comforted that Obama will be living in DC after his presidency , but on the other hand it will give the Trump Deportation Forces easy access to send Obama back to Kenya.

Hillary may want to become an expat so Trump won't LOCK HER UP as he promised. Or maybe she can lead the prosecution of Trump University?

Will Rogers said it well, back in the 1930s: "I'm not a member of an organized party, I'm a Democrat."

In a month and four days AHNC will be 16 years old and things have gotten considerably worse due to the media or lack thereof. That is why I created AHNC.

Hang in there, I will if you will.

WORD for the Day: hypocrisy
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

America leads the world in putting landlords w/reality shows in charge of fighting ISIS.- John Fugelsang


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I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I believe that this election was rigged by a several-decade process of making Americans dumber.- Andy Borowitz


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Imagine That. Female Voters In the USA Have Low Self Esteem Or Enjoy Pussy Grabbers
Despite sex assault allegations hounding him, fat-shaming a former beauty queen and his controversial abortion stand, a large number of women voters helped put Donald Trump in the White House.

Is It Too Late To Overturn The Election? I Don't Want To Learn Russian! NYET!
Russia said that it talked with the teams of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton during the U.S. presidential election as part of routine outreach during a campaign.
Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the Russian embassy in the U.S. held talks with the Trump camp that “were on a sufficient, responsible level.” Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for Trump, said in an e-mail that she was “not aware” of any meetings by campaign representatives with Russian diplomats.
Ryabkov said the talks were “part of routine everyday work.” There was also “sporadic” contact with the Clinton team, though it was “not always productive,” he said.

Mr. Trump: Want to unify Americans? Let your cabinet appointments reflect that. But Gingrich, Palin, Christie, Giuliani? These horrify many. - George Takei



Time To Deflate Photo
Our CYGNSS mission, a collection of eight low-cost, low-Earth orbiting microsatellite observatories, is designed to accurately measure ocean surface winds in the inner core of hurricanes because their signals are degraded in regions of heavy precipitation. NASA Photo.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

History has been made

I feel your pain. Do I ever.

The media, the FBI and disgruntled Democrats elected Trump. And Lady Liberty got her pussy grabbed in the process.

Not only am I stunned but ashamed that a racist pussy grabber won the presidency. The lump in my throat will go away when I cry, but that hasn't happened, yet.

Click on meme for larger view.
At this writing, less than 90,000 votes separate Trump and Hillary. Jill Stein got over a million votes, so we can say those disgruntled Democrats handed Trump the presidency as Bernie Sanders warned would happen. Gary Johnson took a much larger share of voters than Stein so they get some of the blame too.

But first, I blame the media, who for decades, not only convinced these disgruntled Bernie Sanders Democrats but most of America that Hillary was evil. I blame the social media also, even their Twitter/Facebook posts were as crude and distorted as Trump trolls, in fact identical at times.  Fools you are, you all didn't listen to Bernie.

And James Comey must be relieved that he won't be prosecuted for interfering in an election. Instead he is busy building a case to lock up Hillary, right President-elect Trump?

And where is Putin in all of this? Probably sipping a vodka planning his new dacha in the Ukraine or in Texas overlooking the yuge wall.

Republicans retained control of the House and Senate. Ladies, get ready for vaginal probes and don't bother buying new shoes as you'll be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

The Canadian immigration website crashed.

I offer my apology to the world as we watch this inevitable train crash over the next four years because you know Trump is going to get in a nuclear twitter war.

And Democrats, get your act together.

Now to get your mind off the pussy grabber, a few photos from yesterday, to reassure you that I will be here to help through the pain over the next four years, gods willing.

This is Playa Brasilito, right in front of the restaurant, Don Brasilito, where we enjoyed lunch gazing at the ocean.

This is the restaurant. There is a confederate flag license plate hanging on the wall. Now I see it as an omen.

Here I was yesterday, under the illusion that Hillary was winning.

We decided to take the back "low tide" road to Flamingo. I wonder who did those wheelies. :)

My amigo said the low tide road to Playa Flamingo was just fine, I chickened out.

We made it to Playa Flamingo to visit our friend Yvonne and enjoyed the view from her front balcony.

Pura vida.