Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Trump Has Conditions For Debate

Donald Trump Says ‘I Want to Debate Very Badly.’ But He Has Conditions
Donald Trump said Tuesday that he will commit to three debates this fall with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, but may try to re-negotiate the terms that have been agreed upon by a bipartisan commission.
“I will absolutely do three debates,” Trump told TIME in a phone interview. “I want to debate very badly. But I have to see the conditions.”

Stop asking Ryan, Priebus and McCain if they still endorse Trump. Ask them if they support his effort to spark an armed revolt if he loses. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Our friends in North Korea are said to be working on a big new project. Sometime in the next 10 years North Korea is hoping to plant a flag on the moon. And by that they mean they're looking for someone who can Photoshop a picture of their flag on the moon.- Jimmy Kimmel

Trump Encourages Second Amendment People To Shoot Hillary
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump seemed to suggest at a rally in North Carolina on Tuesday that Second Amendment advocates might take up arms against Hillary Clinton if she is elected.
"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks," he told the crowd, which was booing the prospect of Clinton picking Supreme Court nominees. "Although the Second Amendment people. Maybe there is, I don't know."

"The Republican Mantra: 
Love The Fetus, Hate The Child. Love The Soldier, Hate The Vet. Love America, Hate Americans".  
~ Shay Chandler

Republican Shenanigans

Good News, Democrats!  Donald Trump is not changin' his strategy or his temperament. - Tea Pain

GOP Fleeing To Hillary
Team Clinton has gained some prominent—and unlikely—backers in this wild election. While a growing number of big-name Republicans have refused to support Trump, many have also taken the additional step of pledging to vote for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton instead. 

Don't confuse elected Republicans dumping Trump for sudden spasms of conscience. It mostly means he's losing.- LOLGOP


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Someone around Trump should probably tell him that a "third Obama term" is not exactly a threat when the President's approval rating is at 54. ‪#‎math‬ - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

The Witch Hunt Expands
The parents of two Americans killed in Benghazi, Libya, are suing Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for wrongful death, alleging the 2012 attack "was directly and proximately caused" by the then-secretary of state's mishandling of government secrets.

I saw that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has picked his wife to run as his vice presidential candidate. Then Bill and Hillary looked at each other for a second and went, "Nah, nah."- Jimmy Fallon


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Biz/Tech News

Trump Blasts NBC for Covering Olympics Instead of Him - Andy Borowitz

Delta Is Still Having Computer Problems
Delta’s flight woes from a computer glitch carried over into a second day Tuesday.
The airline said it canceled about 530 flights as of 12:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday. Additionally, another 440 flights were delayed...

Republicans are outraged Trump said Hillary should be killed instead of coyly implying it like they’ve been doing for 25 years. - InternetHippo Tweet


Thank you.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A Mercury train in Chicago, 1936.


Monday, August 8, 2016

The Evolution of the Republican Party

The Party Of Honest Abe Now Stuck With Dishonest Don
Win or lose this November, Donald Trump is headed for the record books regardless, presidential historians say, albeit with an admittedly dubious achievement: the most falsehood-prone candidate in the two centuries of the republic.

Poll: Significant Number of Americans Cite Trump's Concession Speech as Reason for Living. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The question of whether or not Trump should be trusted with our nuclear codes misses the point. I would not trust him with my Netflix password.- Andy Borowitz

Some Bubba Calls In ISIS Like Threats
Police are investigating a threat made to a local mosque in Watauga, Texas, where an unidentified man threatened to decapitate Muslims who attended it.

"Go Russia!"
-- Trump, enjoying the Olympics

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump has retracted his claim that he saw a video of a US plane delivering cash to Iran. What he actually saw was a video of a cat playing the piano.- Andy Borowitz

Wow. A Conservative Is Running As An Independent.
Evan McMullin, the former CIA agent who announced today that he is running for president, had harsh words for both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, telling ABC News he believes both are "woefully unfit for the responsibilities they seek."


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Rock The Voter News

Probably my favorite law that Hillary will definitely get passed when she becomes president is that men will have to bear children now. - OhNoSheTwitnt


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Biz/Tech News

Trump's economic plan: Build a wall between rich and poor and make the poor pay for it!- Tina Dupuy

Economists Find Trump's Economic Plan Simply Frightening
Economists and Wall Street executives portrayed Donald Trump's economic platform as a kind of Frankenstein's monster, stitching together old ideas from the left and right.

It's #InternationalCatDay.  Your cat doesn't care.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Siberian Eagle Owl.


Friday, August 5, 2016

Donald really wants to build a metaphorical wall around the United States

Trump says refugees are ‘animals’ who pose a hidden threat
“Hillary Clinton wants to have them come in by the hundreds of thousands,” Trump warned Thursday, to a chorus of boos.

If you insiders to Trump talk him into dropping out I swear we comedians will never forgive you. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Look, by dodging the draft, Trump sacrificed all the medals he'd have won had he served in Vietnam, so brave and glorious he'd have been. - Tea Party Cat

ALERT: National Hurricane Center upgrades Hurricane Donald to Category 5, warns conservatives to seek higher ground. - Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

George Zimmerman is a hero to everyone who wants to legally kill the person kicking your ass in a fight you started. - John Fugelsang

Keeping Donald At Arm's Length
One of the many signs that Donald Trump is going to lose this election (possibly very badly) is that some of his biggest media supporters/enablers are already starting to either jump ship, or to dive for cover from the inevitable blowback from his defeat. The two best examples of this so far are Joe Scarborough and Sean Hannity.

The Funniest Tweets Imagining #DonaldTrumpTheMovie - about.com

And just last month The Onion rejected my story on Donald Trump fighting a baby as “too far fetched, even for satire." - Tea Party Cat


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Rock The Voter News

Republicans are as mad at Obama for succeeding as we were at Bush for failing. - LOLGOP

Cursing Is Now Acceptable On CNN?
On Don Lemon's CNN Tonight, which has a knack for featuring explosive, passionate, sometimes out-of-control panels on touchy subjects like race, we got both an a-bomb and an s-bomb by actor Graham Beckel in the same segment. 


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Longest streak of total job growth on record, wages rising at fastest pace in 7 years. We've come a long way, America—let's keep it going. - President Obama Tweet

Biz/Tech News

Paul Ryan: "Even though Trump won't endorse me, I endorse him. His dictatorship and nuclear war won't be so bad if the rich get tax cuts."- Tea Party Cat

Costa Rica Taxi Drivers Against Uber
Taxi drivers across the country will stage a national protest next Tuesday, Aug. 9 against what they said is a lack of action from the government to stop the ride-hailing service Uber, which they say is illegal. They plan to block major roads and highways at strategic points, including in front of Juan Santamaría International Airport and at major intersections in San José

Forget the T-shirt or beer guy, the most popular Rio Olympic vendor will be the dude who sells OFF! mosquito repellent. - Erik Bransteen


Pretty Please With Sugar on Top.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Stunning Bled, Slovenia. Is that Melania's home? Photo by @Ilhan1077
