Wednesday, July 27, 2016

History is made.

Historic moment: Hillary Clinton nominated for president
Hillary Clinton is officially the first woman nominated by a major political party to be president of the United States.

Bill Clinton had better start doing some cardio and working on his arms ASAP if he wants to be as fly of a First Lady as Michelle Obama. - OhNoSheTwitnt

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump loves a white president so much, he'll even go to Russia to worship one. - LOLGOP

Donald and The Russians
The statement from Trump press secretary Hope Hicks did not address questions about Russian money in the real estate mogul’s businesses in the United States or elsewhere outside Russia. His son Donald Jr. said eight years ago that Russian investors had put plenty of money into the family’s enterprises.

Make Americans Make Russia Great Again.- John Fugelsang

Trump Deceived War Widow
The cognitive dissonance over evangelical Christians’ support of Donald Trump was best exemplified at last night’s DNC when Cheryl Lankford, a war widow and Trump University victim, stood up before the convention and admitted how ashamed she had felt when Trump deceived her.

Not only does God endorse Multiculturalism but He seems to have invented it. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Bill O'Reilly reminds you that Kunta Kinte never even thanked white people for the free boat ride.- John Fugelsang

Trump: Hasn't Paid His Bills To KIDS!
In January, the USA Freedom Kids rocketed to viral fame after performing at a Donald Trump rally in Pensacola, Florida. But undisclosed after the red, white and blue performance of "Freedom's call" was a brewing resentment from the group's manager toward the Trump campaign.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend? - Donald Trump Tweet


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The ‪#‎DNC‬ is like the ‪#‎RNC‬ but with sane people.- Andy Borowitz

Bernie To Leave Democratic Party
Bernie Sanders said he plans to return to the Senate as an independent, despite winning 13 million votes in the Democratic Party’s presidential primary contest.

Rock The Voter News

CONVENTION TRIVIA: Michelle Obama is the only person to be featured in speeches at both the DNC and the RNC. - Andy Borowitz


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The combination of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton's resume should have us here until September. - LOLGOP

Biz/Tech News

Republicans hate the way Bill Clinton treats women. For instance, he made Ruth Bader Ginsburg work well into her 80s.- LOLGOP

Apple's Optimistic
As Wall Street watches closely for clues about Apple's (AAPL) upcoming iPhone release, CEO Tim Cook said he feels "fantastic" about iPhone sales in the last quarter and touted the strength of the company's services business.

They say the Verizon guy switched to Sprint but if you watch the commercial he mouths the words: “Verizon, I’m sorry, they have my family.” - Conan O'Brien

Opening ceremony of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games.


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Chapel on the Rock, Colorado.


Monday, July 25, 2016

Trump & Putin

Trump & Putin. Yes, It's Really a Thing
Over the last year there has been a recurrent refrain about the seeming bromance between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. More seriously, but relatedly, many believe Trump is an admirer and would-be emulator of Putin's increasingly autocratic and illiberal rule. But there's quite a bit more to the story. At a minimum, Trump appears to have a deep financial dependence on Russian money from persons close to Putin....

My biggest fear about Putin is that he will inspire Trump to take his shirt off in public.- Andy Borowitz

The plot thickens. DNC researcher targets Manafort-- then has her personal email hacked by "state-sponsored actor" - Michael Isikoff ‏

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

ISIS is holding a fundraiser for you, you giant spray-tanned terrorism recruitment poster you.- John Fugelsang

Putin Must Be Enjoying This
An unusual question is capturing the attention of cyberspecialists, Russia experts and Democratic Party leaders in Philadelphia: Is Vladimir V. Putin trying to meddle in the American presidential election?

Weird. Wikileaks isn't releasing Trump's tax returns.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

"The new joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin likes me"- Donald Trump Tweet

RNC Chair Defends Trump's Conspiracy Comments To Keep Base Happy
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday defended presidential nominee Donald Trump, who again linked Sen. Ted Cruz’s father to President Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald last week.

Mysteries solved by the GOP this year:
1) who killed JFK? (Ted Cruz's dad according to Trump.)
2) Why were the pyramids built? (To store grain according to Ben Carson.)
3) Who came up with global warming? (The Chinese according to Trump.)
4) Do vaccines cause autism? (Yes according to Trump, Carson, and Rand Paul.)
5) Who invented biological evolution (Lucifer according to Carson.)

What a F-ing clown show. - spec9

Beginning to think Trump won't release his tax returns because Putin claims him as a dependent.- LOLGOP


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I like imagining what certain Trump supporters would say if Hillary Clinton accepted the Dem nomination with her 5 kids by 3 different men. - John Fugelsang

Door Hits Debbie In Ass On Way Out
Chaos erupted as Debbie Wasserman Schultz addressed Florida delegates on Monday, as protesters jeered the outgoing Democratic National Committee chairwoman as she delivered a speech.

Trump mocks Elizabeth Warren's heritage in one tweet then slams DNC considering mocking Sanders heritage in the next. - Katy Tur

Loyalty or Political Suicide?
Hillary Clinton is thanking her “longtime friend” Debbie Wasserman Schultz after the Florida congresswoman’s decision to step down as chair of the Democratic National Committee. Clinton says that Wasserman Schultz will serve as honorary chair of her campaign’s 50-state program to help elect Democrats around the country.

Debbie Wassermann Schultz goes from running DNC to working for HRC.
Never before has a public figure fallen so sideways.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

CNN suspends Donna Brazile, as she apparently lacks the electoral objectivity of a Corey Lewandowski.- John Fugelsang

FBI Investigation Begins On DNC Hack
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has launched a probe into the hacking of the Democratic National Committee's emails, the bureau announced Monday.
"The FBI is investigating a cyber intrusion involving the DNC and are working to determine the nature and scope of the matter," the agency said in a statement. "A compromise of this nature is something we take very seriously, and the FBI will continue to investigate and hold accountable those who pose a threat in cyberspace."

The Russians didn't hack the RNC because conservatives cleverly encrypt their emails with poor grammar, bad spelling and no punctuation. - Tea Pain


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Biz/Tech News

Oil Prices Dropping
Oil prices fell nearly 3 percent, with U.S. crude slipping to a 3-month low on Monday on rising concerns that a global glut of crude and refined products would pressure markets, delaying a long-anticipated rebalance in the market.

I always feel bad for the gorgeous 50something actresses playing the bizarrely enthusiastic wives in Cialis commercials.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A stunning picture of South America taken from the International Space Station. Wow.


Friday, July 22, 2016


Trump's 76-minute acceptance speech longest in recent history 
Trump’s marathon address clocked in at nearly 76 minutes, eclipsing Bill Clinton’s 64-minute acceptance speech in 1996, according to an analysis by C-SPAN

The party I was part of is dead. - Meghan McCain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump is wrong. The real cause of instability in the Middle East was the Bush-Cheney invasion of Iraq. By the way, where is President Bush? - Bernie Sanders

Flashback To 2008

BREAKING: Donald Trump promises to make America great again, impose law and order, and achieve world peace merely by shouting for 100 days.- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Succeeds in Delivering Speech No One Will Want to Plagiarize. - Andy Borowitz

Senator David Duke?
Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke announced Friday on his website that he plans to run for U.S. Senate in Louisiana..."I'm overjoyed to see Donald Trump and most Americans embrace most of the issues that I've championed for years. My slogan remains America first."

Donald Trump will make America safe again with his running mate, who oversaw one of the biggest outbreaks of HIV in recent American history. - Will McAvoy

Trump vows to protect LGBTQ citizens from his own party platform & lunatic homophobic VP who tried to make discrimination legal.  Bigly. - John Fugelsang


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It's not that Trump is going to turn America into Mad Max Fury Road; it's that Trump seems to think we're already like that.- John Fugelsang

Chairman Trump

Yesterday we learned at last exactly how Donald Trump plans to make America great again.

It does not involve building a wall, deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants, or preventing Muslims from entering the country.  We won’t have to repeal Obamacare or renegotiate trade deals.  Nor will we have to take out ISIS in a matter of weeks or let smaller countries develop their own nuclear arsenals.

Thankfully, it does not involve paying off the national debt in eight years by requiring debt holders to “take a haircut,” thus causing the rest of the world to question the validity of the “full faith and credit of the United States.”

All we have to do to make America great again is elect Trump president – not for what he will do as president, because he plans to delegate all the actual work to his vice-president.

No, in Trump’s self-absorbed mind, the mere fact that he occupies the Oval Office is what will make America great again.  It’s really just as simple as that.

The New York Times reports that several weeks ago Donald Trump approached a senior advisor to Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) with an offer: if he joined the Trump ticket, Kasich would become the most powerful vice-president in history.  As Trump’s vice-president, Kasich would assume full responsibility for domestic and foreign policy.

Then what exactly would President Trump do?

Trump Jr.: “Make America Great Again.”

So that’s it.  President Trump, by his very presence, by his mere continued existence, is what would make America great again.

He wouldn’t have to formulate policy. Policy is for losers anyway, which Kasich was in the GOP primaries.  He wouldn’t have to do actual work; worker bees do that stuff.  He wouldn’t have to make decisions but he would reserve the right to second-guess Kasich’s decisions.

His one marching order to the vice-president and Cabinet secretaries would be, “Don’t make me look bad.”

In Trump’s self-centered world, he would sit as Chairman of the Board – the “Mr. Outside” – to Vice President Kasich’s CEO/COO – “Mr. Inside.”  Kasich would do all the work and, if things went right, Trump would take the credit.  Of course, if things went wrong – as they seem always to do with Republicans – then Kasich would shoulder the blame alone.

All this only confirms what has been apparent to many of us from the start: Trump has no interest in being president.

He wants to win the presidency, of course; he wants to win big.

He wants to be called President Trump, “Mister President,” for the rest of his life.

But he knows that a few days into his term he would get bored with the whole thing – the meetings, the briefing papers, all the reading, the accountability; the pressure of actual crises, domestic unrest, and world events he can’t control.

Then he would be stuck in a job he doesn’t want, secure only in the knowledge that within three years he will face a reelection challenge from that insufferable douchebag Ted Cruz.

So the Kasich offer is simply Trump’s attempt to have it both ways.

Kasich, wisely, rejected the offer.

Trump now says he never made any such offer to Kasich, which is true: his son made the offer.  And he made it to a Kasich advisor, not to Kasich himself.

All this is classic Trump.  Trump takes the credit, garners the glory, or scoops up the money; while others bear the burdens, do the work his machinations have made impossible, pay the costs, and suffer the losses.

Now Trump faces a dilemma: he doesn’t want to stay but he can’t go either. Short of dying on the campaign trail and leaving Pence to head the ticket, what can he do?

He can lose.  And the present state of his campaign management and fundraising operation suggests he intends to lose.

But in Trump’s mind, that’s won’t make him a loser.  If he intends to lose and succeeds, then he will be a winner.  The losers will be the people who failed to get him elected.

Thus, Chairman Trump succeeds either way.  It’s classic Trump.

~ Rick Wise

Cotton Doesn't' Cotton To Hillary
 Arkansas people have "warm feelings" toward Bill Clinton, but don't feel the same about his wife, according to Sen. Tom Cotton.

Rock The Voter News

Voters Afraid To Vote In A Mosque. Really.
A Muslim advocacy group in Florida says it may take legal action over the removal of an Islamic center as a polling place for the presidential election in November.

The last time a deranged billionaire promised to end all crime it involved a bat suit.- John Fugelsang


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“Mexico is our third-largest trading partner. We sell more to Mexico than we do to China, India and Russia combined." - President Barack Obama

Biz/Tech News

Trump plans to trim taxes by 10% and our Constitution by 100%. - Tea Pain

GOP Convention Ratings Low
Donald Trump's 75-minute acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention attracted roughly 30 million television viewers on major U.S. cable and broadcast networks, according to early ratings data that suggested the audience will not break convention records.

Somehow I feel like the best way to get over the RNC & 4 days of listening to white people yelling isn't a week-long vacation with my family. - OhNoSheTwitnt



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I wouldn't sleep, I'd be afraid of missing the light show. This is Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort in Finland.
