Tuesday, June 14, 2016

America's Love Affair With The Gun

6 Guns That Got a Barrage of Free PR From Hollywood
While gun makers like to stay out of the limelight, their wares often receive free publicity from the entertainment industry. Here are six guns that got their 15 minutes of fame:

The fact that FCC won't let us call Wayne LaPierre an America-hating f*ckwit on TV proves we already accept limits on constitutional rights. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The NRA needs to change their name to "Hobby Lobby." - John Fugelsang

The Russians Are Coming Arrived
Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.

Trump is right. Obama's refusal to say that we are at war with radical Islam has put us in danger, because the only way to solve a complex problem like terrorism is by name-calling. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

"We don't have religious tests here. Our Founder, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights are clear about that." - President Obama schooling Trump on banning Muslims

Is Book Burning Next, Trump?
The White House Correspondents Association has released a statement responding to Donald Trump‘s decision to revoke the Washington Post‘s access, blasting the presumptive GOP nominee for attempting to “disown the principles of the First Amendment.”

Republicans hope for 2016 is that a 70-year old man will go through puberty in the next 5 months. - LOLGOP

Trump: US Should Deport Anyone Who Ate Hummus in Past Ten Years. - Andy Borowitz


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A Study Was Needed For This?
The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy was interested in determining how “good” and “bad” press reflected the rise of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to their respective nominations. Though Trump has criticized the media on a more frequent basis than Clinton due to his penchant for controversy, the study concluded that his media coverage has had much more of a positive impact for him than for the former Secretary of State.

Rock The Voter News

I've been waiting for 7 years for Obama to take my gun and all I got was a job, health insurance and marriage equality. - LOLGOP

31 cases of voter impersonation since 2000. 
83 Americans are killed by a firearm EACH DAY.
Guess which problem the GOP is willing to fix. - LOLGOP


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Biz/Tech News

Thanks, Obama!
A U.S. appeals court upheld the Obama administration's landmark rules barring internet service providers from obstructing or slowing down consumer access to web content on Tuesday, dealing a blow to big cable and mobile phone....

Women of a certain age, before you rush out & get a facelift, ask yourself if anyone you care about can even see that well anymore.- Bette Midler


Please, I don't want to be the worst fundraiser ever. 
Five months and counting. :(


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Cordillera de los Andes, Santiago de Chile's great protector and natural border wall between Chile and Argentina.

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Orlando Massacre

Trump on Obama and Islam: 'There's something going on'
Donald Trump on Monday cast doubt on President Obama's commitment to fighting radical Islamic terrorism, saying “there’s something going on.”

Donald Trump is suggesting that the president of the United States is a secret Muslim terrorist. What do you think he'd do to you? - LOLGOP

Dear fundamentalists of all religions:  If I didn't like #lgbt people I wouldn't have created them in every civilization in history. - God (John Fugelsang)

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
Hillary: It is long past time for Saudis, Qataris, Kuwaitis ...to stop their citizens from funding extremist organizations.

Blame Hillary For Terrorism!
Longtime Donald Trump confidante Roger Stone said Monday that the Orlando terrorist attack was a good opportunity for his candidate to question whether top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin could be a “terrorist agent.”

Hillary: "It’s not hard to imagine Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin”

Republican Shenanigans

I can't wait for President Trump to make ISIS surrender by saying the words 'Radical Islamic Terrorism.' - John Fugelsang

Gun Lobbyists Are Celebrating
Shares of U.S. firearm makers surged on Monday as renewed fears of tighter gun control after the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history led to expectations of a spike in firearm sales.

USA: Where Omar Marteen can easily get a machine that rapidly kills large #s of Americans, and @tommychong went to jail for selling bongs. - John Fugelsang


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Frustrated Obama Writes Letter To His Congressman About Need For Gun Control. - The Onion

Rock The Voter News

Two decades of Fox News have given us a GOP that only feels safe when it's having the s*it scared out of it. - LOLGOP


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Imagine how weak you must feel to look at Donald Trump and see strength. - LOLGOP

Biz/Tech News

Trump's First Public Company
It was promoted as the chance of a lifetime: Mom-and-pop investors could buy shares in celebrity businessman Donald Trump’s first public company, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts.
Their investments were quickly depleted.

Microsoft agrees to acquire LinkedIn for $26.2 billion. Which is also the number of email updates users receive daily. - Michael Blackman



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Feathers of the Spot-bellied Eagle-Owl appear as tiny black hearts.


Friday, June 10, 2016

The Trump Effect

Philly cabinetmaker: We went broke after Trump stiffed us
He's been called a lot of things. Fraud. Billionaire. Fake Billionaire. Presumptive Nominee. Presumptuous. Short-Fingered Vulgarian. Misogynist. Racist. Possible 45th President.
Now, add a new word to the Donald Trump lexicon: Deadbeat.

Donald Trump, who outsourced manufacturing jobs to China, is explaining how undocumented workers have hurt the inner city.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Donald Trump just said we can't let Syrian refugees into the United States because "we don't know where they come from." *sigh* - Brasilmagic Tweet

'The danger I faced from getting sexually transmitted diseases was my own “personal Vietnam"' - Draft-dodger Trump

Republican Shenanigans

"In the general election, Donald Trump plans on painting Hillary Clinton as money-grubbing and unethical. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton plans on painting Donald Trump as Donald Trump." –Conan O'Brien

Southern Baptists Are Having Less Baptisms
The Southern Baptist Convention announced its membership stats this week, and it wasn't a cause for celebration.
Southern Baptists declined in membership by 1.32 percent, marking the ninth decrease in a row. 

"In an interview, Donald Trump said he won't have to ask God for 'much forgiveness.' Unless, of course, God turns out to be a Mexican woman who's a Muslim." –Conan O'Brien


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Rock The Voter News

Thank you, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, for pledging today to do everything in your power to save the country from an orange Nazi. ‪#‎FeelTheBern‬ ‪#‎ImWithHer‬ - Andy Borowitz

"It's official now, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have both clinched the nomination for their respective parties. Which means we could be looking at our first female president or our last president." –Seth Meyers

Congrats Malia!
President Obama’s oldest daughter, Malia, is graduating from high school on Friday — a day the president says he has both welcomed and dreaded.


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"Hillary had to reach the threshold of 2,383 delegates to become the presumptive nominee. Hillary hasn't been this excited about a threshold since the one she carried Bill over on their wedding night." –Jimmy Fallon

Biz/Tech News

There is a movement to oust Trump at the GOP convention and nominate a Republican with a more nuanced racist message.- Andy Borowitz

Please stop thanking Me for everything. I’m not a firefighter or a nurse. Most days I just lie on the couch and watch Netflix.- TheGoodGodAbove Tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Two boys at a payphone in the USSR, 1961. Photograph by Oleg Neelov.


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Congratulations Democrats

Hillary Clinton began her telling of American history Tuesday night by recounting Seneca Falls, a July 1848 gathering in Upstate New York of women...

"We should be a little graceful and give him the opportunity to decide on his own," - VP Joe Biden on Bernie Sanders as he walks through Capitol

NOTICE: More sick days needed. I slept most of yesterday. I hope I have the flu and not Dengue or Chikungunya. Mosquitoes are everywhere with all the rain we have had.
I will return ASAP!


Monday, June 6, 2016

Orange is the new white

GOP senator: Trump's judge comments 'literal definition' of racism
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) lashed out at Donald Trump on Monday, calling the GOP presumptive nominee's criticism of a California judge "the literal definition of 'racism.'"

The Giant of the boxing world and a transformative social figure, Muhammed Ali, has gone from this world.  I join millions in mourning him. - Bette Midler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Afghan War is like a reality show that everybody hates, nobody watches, it costs too much & keeps getting renewed. - John Fugelsang

Obama and Putin?
 A two-pronged advance to capture key urban strongholds of the Islamic State group and its self-styled capital of Raqqa has underlined a quiet convergence of strategy between the U.S. and Russia...

Republican Shenanigans

Trump reminds you that a woman, gay, Muslim, disabled, immigrant, Af-American or former POW judge would be unfairly biased against him too. - John Fugelsang

Clearly, if we do not build a wall, Mexicans will swarm across the border, enroll in law school en masse, and eventually become biased judges. - Andy borowitz

Tropical Storm Degraded Trump
Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has canceled his Monday meeting with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to monitor a tropical storm that is expected to hit the state's west coast, according to CNN. 


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I will vote for any candidate of any party who promises to keep Michelle Obama as First Lady. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Obama played golf over the weekend, angering Republicans. Congress plans to release a statement when they return from vacation in two weeks. - FrankTheDoorman tweet


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Biz/Tech News

Welcome to America, where even though the Civil War's been over for 151 yrs we still have poor whites fighting for rich plantation owners.- John Fugelsang

Oil, Oil Everywhere...
More than 25 European and Asian-owned supertankers are shipping Iranian oil, data seen by Reuters shows, allowing Tehran to ramp up exports much faster than analysts had anticipated...



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Bora Bora. I could get lost there.


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Hey, I'm blonde, half Polish and possibly a lebensborn.

CORRECTION: SIEG HAIR TOON in 6.2.16 edition

me editor:       Which is better Sieg Heil Hair or Heil Hitler Hair!
me designer:    Heil Hitler Hair! Sounds better.
me editor:       Thumbs up! Heil Hitler Hair it is. Change the type.
me designer:    zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Mea culpa.

Corrected toon

This photo gives a great view of Trump's hair swooping forward then backwards. It's not a comb over, it's a swoop over.