Tuesday, May 17, 2016

House wants Library of Congress to use 'illegal aliens'

House wants Library of Congress to use 'illegal aliens'
The House of Representatives wants to require the Library of Congress to refer to foreigners as "aliens" and undocumented immigration as "illegal."

"A new poll shows Hillary Clinton just one point ahead of Donald Trump nationally. And now Canada is thinking about building a wall." –Seth Meyers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

So far the only foreign policy Trump has come up with is bringing up Bill Clinton's sex life.- Tina Dupuy

Lawyers: Start Your Engines 
The Senate on Tuesday approved legislation that would allow victims of the 9/11 terror attacks to sue Saudi Arabia, defying vocal opposition from the White House.

Shocked to see a bigoted birther is more polarizing than the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

"Donald Trump said this morning that he will not be changing his tone as he gears up for the general election, and said, quote, 'You win the pennant, and now you're in the World Series. You gonna change?' Well, it depends. Did you win the pennant because you're really good, or because your division stinks?" –Seth Meyers

The GOP Needs An Impeachment Fix
The House Judiciary Committee’s decision to hold hearings a week from today on whether to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is a victory for the chamber’s far-right caucus, still smarting over the agency’s treatment of conservative groups.

Trump is going to tap himself to be his VP nominee. - Tina Dupuy


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Rock The Voter News

Trump Supporters Jailed
Two Boston brothers accused of urinating on and beating a homeless Mexican man and telling police "Donald Trump was right: All these illegals need to be deported," were sentenced to prison on Monday, prosecutors said.

The best part of being a successful woman is it opens up doors for men to say your success is based solely on the fact that you're a woman. - OhNoSheTwitnt


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Biz/Tech News

Hawaiian Wind Turbines: Surf's Up! 
Massive wind turbines could end up floating in deep ocean waters off Hawaii's shores under proposals to bring more renewable energy to the islands.

Amal Clooney bought hubby George a riding lawnmower for his 55th birthday. I have never been so jealous of a garden tool in my life. - Bette Midler




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Chester E. Macduffee next to his newly patented, 250 kilo diving suit. 1911. Well, at the very least, Mr. Macduffee should have put a man-bra on it.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Trump has a problem with making friends

Donald Trump: London mayor made 'very rude statements' about me
Donald Trump said Monday London's new mayor made "very rude statements" about him -- and the presumptive Republican presidential nominee warned he won't have a good relationship with British Prime Minister David Cameron if he's elected.

After 7 1/2 years pretendin' Obama's a dictator, Republicans finally decided it was time to get a real one and show liberals how it's done. - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

And The Award For The Least Productive Political Investigation Ever Goes To Trey Gowdy!
 Shortly before the House Benghazi committee ramped up its battles with the Department of Defense in its probe of the 2012 terrorist attack, the committee’s own top lawyer admitted at least four times in interviews with military officials that there was no more they could have done on that tragic night.

RNC Chairman says no one cares if Donald Trump mistreats women, unless he does it a bathroom in North Carolina, then it would be really bad. - The Daily Edge

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Challenges London Mayor To IQ Test
Speaking on Good Morning Britain, Donald Trump has challenged the new London mayor to an IQ test after Sadiq Khan said he was ignorant.
Mr Khan reacted to Mr Trump's latest comments, saying his views on Islam were ignorant.

A skeptic will question claims, then embrace the evidence. A denier will question claims, then reject the evidence. - Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist


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Rock The Voter News

Some people say they would only vote for Hillary if she were running against the worst person in the world. Obviously this is good news for her. - Andy Borowitz

Meghan McCain Prefers Tuna Over Hillary
Fox News contributor Meghan McCain on Monday called on conservatives to stop trying to defeat Donald Trump for president, arguing that Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton was “truly evil.”


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Look, Trump's policy on the minimum wage has been very consistent-- he will raise AND get rid of the minimum wage AND let the States decide.- Tea Party Cat

Something is seriously wrong with America. Trump is not the answer: He is the result. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Biz/Tech News

Next on CNN: 3 hours live coverage of Trump’s podium, an hour of his speech, 2 hours discussing it, and later how the media enables Trump. - Tea Party Cat

Perfect Example Why Unions Are Important: Employers Makes You Wear Diapers
The United States isn't exactly a hotbed of trade unionism and worker power. But presumably, most people can take for granted access to the bathroom while on the job. Not so for people who staff the nation's chicken slaughterhouses, according to a scathing new report from Oxfam America.

The New York Post reports that more people check their Facebook feed than read the Bible each week. Which explains that new commandment: Thou shalt not ‘like’ a bikini pic of thy neighbor’s wife.- Jimmy Fallon



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Oh No, Mr. Bill! The man in the moon looks like Mr. Bill of SNL fame, to me. This photo was taken by one of AHNC's favorite viewers, who wishes to remain anonymous.


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bible Thumping At Target

Angry Bible-waving mom screams at Target customers: ‘Are you gonna let the Devil rape your children?’
A Mother who was apparently angered over Target’s vow to allow transgender customers to use bathrooms and fitting rooms that correspond to their gender identity went marching through a store while waving a Bible.

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. - Mahatma Gandhi

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Somehow, Trump's refusal to release his tax returns doesn't worry me as much as his habit of talking like Hitler. - Andy Borowitz

SHOCKING: Jews And Palestinians Brought Together By The Sun
A solar project funded and operated by both Jews and Muslims is shining some light on Auja, a small Palestinian town located in one of the most controversial territories on Earth.
The $100,000 project is harnessing solar energy to power the drawing of water from deep underground to irrigate a grove of palms growing the prized Medjool dates. It is the first large project to be funded by both Jews and Muslims in the United States – including former New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg – and to be operated by Israeli Jews and Palestinian Muslims on the ground.

We live in a country where a guy who shoots up a Planned Parenthood can be too insane to stand trial for murder but not too insane to legally buy semi automatics.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans are very angry at the way Bill Clinton treated women. For instance, he made Ruth Bader Ginsburg work well into her 80s. - LOLGOP

Right now Donald Trump is physically beating his accountants until they erase those Clinton Foundation donations from his tax returns. - John Fugelsang

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Rock The Voter News

It's a good thing Mexico will pay for that giant wall because it doesn't sound like Trump contributes much in the way of taxes. - John Fugelsang

Chaos At Nevada Democratic Convention
Tensions were high at the Democratic convention in Nevada Saturday, with supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders demanding delegate recounts, booing Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and causing other disruptions, according to local media reports.

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Facebook has a political bias, say fans of FOX News. - John Fugelsang

Biz/Tech News

There is enough in Donald Trump's past to to disqualify him for a job at Kinko's. - Andy Borowitz

This Business Decision I Love!
Peanut butter chocolate fans, prepare your palate. We have sweet news.
Reese’s Cups and Reese’s Pieces are joining – in one candy. Yes, Reese’s Pieces candy will be stuffed inside Reese’s Cups for a mouth full of joy.


My landlady lent me an old refrigerator until mine gets fixed. Life is good and cold again! :)


It's a dirty job but someone has to do it!

Almost to $2000! Be still my heart.

Thank you so much for helping.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Tallest Bridge in the World, Millau Viaduct, France.


Friday, May 13, 2016

TGIF or not

My refrigerator died this morning. I've spent the morning dealing with that.

I've found temporary storage, at least.

Geez Louise, maybe I should change my FIGHT THE RIGHT FUNDRAISER to GET AHNC A REFRIGERATOR!

Two weeks ago my dog Luna was diagnosed with tick fever. She has a vet appointment today for her checkup.

I will post a new edition over the weekend! Thank you for stopping by and apologies for any humor inconvenience.
