Monday, July 29, 2024

This is how I decide who to vote for president

Vice President Kamala Harris' favorability rating among Americans jumped 8 points after Joe Biden stepped down as the Democratic nominee and endorsed her, a new ABC/Ipsos poll shows. .

Trump has worn the same damn suit for 20 years. - Rick Lenzie

People are rightly worried about violence if Kamala Harris wins, but this coming January 6, we won't have a petulant brat in the Oval Office who will watch any violence on TV, doing nothing to stop it. We will have a decisive president who will call out the National Guard. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The French Are Laughing At Ignorant Christian Americans. They Really Are.

Far-right evangelical Christians think everything is satanic except their shi--y behavior. - Kyla Lacey

Watching hillbillies who have never owned a passport vowing to boycott France will never stop being funny. - JoeMyGod

Republican Shenanigans

I’m sure the French are just devastated that some guy in Oklahoma says they aren’t welcome. - John Collins

Over Two Weeks Have Passed Since Trump Was "Shot" and The FBI Still Hasn't Interviewed Him

Two weeks ago the election seemed irreparably grim and there was nothing to laugh about. And now there is JD Vance. - Andy Borowitz

I don't want Donald Trump just to lose.

I want his defeat to be so comically humiliating for him and the Republican Party that nobody so mentally, emotionally, and morally unfit to be president is ever nominated again. - Middle Age Riot

This is why I hate the f-ing media.

Two weeks ago they were talking about an and old white guy running for president.

And now they refuse to talk about an old, racist, sexist and convicted felon running for president. - Captain Obvious

Shame On Iowa For Endangering Women's Lives

I'm sure the French are very upset that their world-famous art and culture are not appreciated by US conservatives who just 10 days ago displayed their own cultural finest: Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan, Amber Rose & their Jesus: a convicted felon who cheated on his wife with a porn star. - Jill Filipovic


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Business/Tech News

Hey, CNN,NBC,CBS and ABC, don't forget to question Trump every day about his age and his mental acuity.  You know, just like you did to President Biden. I have heard nothing so far. - Deacon Blues

COVID Is Making A Comeback? Sigh.

Remember when Trump disbanded the National Pandemic Response Team and then we had a pandemic? - Thelma Johnson

What a week!
What Games!
This is France! - Emmanuel Macron 



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
White Cliffs of Dover, England. The lighthouse keeper must have a magnificent view.


Friday, July 26, 2024

Record-breaking Zoom supporting Harris mobilizes white female voters

Over 160000 attendees in a key demographic 'answered the call' on Thursday, when nearly $2m was raised for Harris.

Fellow white women:

We broke zoom and raised money. 

Neither of those things matter if we don’t vote. 

Our work has just begun. - DaraLynn

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Donald Trump (retiree, rapist & convicted felon from Mar-a-Lago) has now met with both Viktor Orbán (PM of Hungary) and Bibi Netanyahu (PM of Israel). So I think it’s worth asking again — and seriously — what exactly do we have the Logan Act for if it’s not enforced? - Andrea Junker

Moses Sure Doesn't Know U.S. Election Laws

The FBI wants to talk to Trump about his assassination attempt and figure out what actually happened. What a novel goddamn idea. - Adam Parkhomenko

Republican Shenanigans

Wait so JD Vance was searching for porn that featured dolphins and women? And then he posted a screenshot and didn’t realize people could see his search history? Is that right? - Brett Meiselas

Ann Coulter: Trump is “like a couch, bears the impression of the last person who sat on him.”


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Rock The Voter News

Kristi Noem is coming for your dog, JD Vance is after your cat. - NotHoodlum

Apparently, JD Vance Isn't A Likeable Fellow In His Neck Of The Woods

Trump is a joyless, ice cold, deeply stupid tyrant who's never helped anyone but himself. Kamala's gifts for compassion, decency, freedom and celebration have changed the global conversation - she's like the sun coming up. - Paul Rudnick 


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Business/Tech News

Vance was a great pick, every day some old video of him giving a speech in a basement surfaces where it sounds like he’s reading the manifesto of a school shooter. - Adam Johnson

DEA Captures Drug Kingpin But Says It Won't Make Much Of A Difference. 

Good luck to all the athletes representing @TeamUSA at the Olympics and Paralympics in Paris this summer. You represent the best of the best in our country — and your talent, hard work, and determination make us proud. I'll be rooting for you all the way! - Barack Obama


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Biden says he's 'passing the torch' to defend democracy in speech from Oval Office

President Joe Biden said on Wednesday he pulled out of the race against Republican Donald Trump over concerns about the future of U.S....

If I could meet anyone in the world...just one person...I would choose President Biden. I would just like to look into his eyes, feel his presence, shake his hand...and say, "Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you."

I think we all feel that way. - Jack Hopkins

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Netanyahu Assures Critics He Still Has Utmost Respect For U.S. Money. - The Onion

It’s shameful to have a criminal like Bibi Netanyahu, who routinely interferes in our domestic political process, address Congress. - General Wesley Clark (retired)

Destructive Pro Hamas Vandals In D.C.

FBI Director Christopher Wray: “With respect to former president Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear.”

Republican Shenanigans

He had a convention and his polls didn’t go up. 

He picked a new VP and his polls didn’t go up. 

Someone tried to assassinate him, and he still didn’t get a bump in the polls.

That tells me Trump has peaked at the number of crazies who support him. - HeidiOCanada

Why Is Trump Obsessed With A Fictional Cannibal?

I just overheard someone say “I’m not voting for Kamala Harris because she’s a woman, I’m voting for Kamala Harris because she wants me to have as many rights as a man”. 

This needs to be said more. - Andrea Junker


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Rock The Voter News

Watch how quickly the media stops mentioning age and cognitive ability now that those issues only apply to trump. - Covie

My pronoun: Meow. - Cee Cee

Apparently, trump Never Read Kamala's Bio


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Business/Tech News

Trump Campaign Deeply Split Over Whether to Emphasize Racism or Sexism. - Andy Borowitz

I Didn't Know Michelle Obama Was Writing Another Book
Former first lady Melania Trump is releasing her first memoir in the fall...The book is set to cost $40, with signed editions going for $75, according to Melania’s office. A “Collector’s Edition,” which comes “in full color throughout, with each copy signed by the author,” is also available for pre-order for $150.

Racism is not simply a personality flaw, it’s also a spiritual defect. - LeVar Burton