Wednesday, September 23, 2020

'More than 90 percent of the population remains susceptible' to COVID-19, CDC director says

The United States has recorded nearly 7 million coronavirus infections and has surpassed 200,000 deaths, with public health officials warning that most of the population remains at risk of contracting COVID-19.

Trump Supporters Celebrate Imminent Loss of Their Health Insurance. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Are we 100% sure Dr. Fauci is not actually Rand Paul's neighbor? - Rex Huppke

I Wonder If John Bolton Has Bodyguards?
A former National Security Council official says the White House intervened in “unprecedented” fashion in the prepublication review process of John Bolton’s book in an effort to deem information classified and prevent the memoir’s publication. 

Americans Relieved That Their Initial Impression of Mitt Romney As Asshole Was Correct. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

White House Press Secretary: ‘Trump’s Critics Will Seize On Any Six-Figure Death Toll That Suits Their Narrative’ - The Onion

What's Next? Lebensborn?
Mahendra Amin, the physician accused of performing unwanted or unnecessary gynecological procedures at an immigrant-detention facility, is not certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology

The National Catholic Prayer Breakfast will present an award to Attorney General Barr for “Christlike behavior” today. A.G. Barr has ordered the executions of six men with at least one more on the calendar. What is “Christlike” about using discretionary power to kill? - Sister Helen Prejean


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Democrats Favor Expanding Supreme Court by Adding Entire Obama Family. - Andy Borowitz



Rock The Voter News

She was a beacon for decency....Her memory will be a movement. - Dan Rather



Prediction: GOP Investigation Of Hunter Biden Will Be As Successful As The GOP Investigation Of Benghazi
Republicans senators have finished an investigation that President Donald Trump was impeached for pursuing. The central thesis of GOP’s findings about Hunter Biden focused on information largely known to the public: Biden’s position on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma while his father Joe Biden was vice president...But other salacious claims and innuendos about Hunter Biden receiving a large wire transfer from the widow of Moscow’s former mayor and Biden allegedly making payments to Russian women linked to human trafficking are now entering the public sphere at the height of his father’s presidential campaign—a coup for Trump and Rudy Giuliani.

The person who told me Ruth Bader Ginsburg had passed away was my daughter, Neve. I was terribly sad, but also filled with gratitude that my daughter could see first hand how much intelligent, brave women can change the world. - Conan O'Brien


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Scientists say that pretty soon, robots will be smarter than us. In fact, they’ve started building a robot that wears a mask. - Conan O'Brien


Business/Tech News

Every day, Donald Trump challenges the Republican Party to sink lower than they already have, and every day, they oblige. - Middle Age Riot

I'm Surprised Trump Knew A Canned Tuna Fish Brand
Bumble Bee Seafoods responded to President Trump's claim during a rally on Tuesday night that protesters at anti-police rallies in several cities around the country are throwing canned food items at law enforcement. 

The NRA says if Biden wins Beto O'Rourke is going to come to my front door and take my AR-15.

I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I love my AR-15, on the other hand... it's Beto O'Rourke. - Renee Libby



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep I, circa 1560-1530 BC, on display at the Cairo Museum. Interesting that the artisan's work is around 3000 years later, and the Queen did what?


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Trump Says Coronavirus 'Affects Virtually Nobody' As Death Toll Set to Hit 200,000

Trump Says Coronavirus 'Affects Virtually Nobody' As Death Toll Set to Hit 200,000
President Donald Trump told a rally crowd in Ohio that the coronavirus that has killed 200,000 Americans and infected nearly 7 million "affects virtually nobody."

There are empty chairs at dining room tables and kitchen tables that, weeks and months ago, were filled with a loved one, a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister.. I worry we're risking becoming numb to the toll it has taken on us and our country. - Joe Biden

Republicans don't do terrible things because Donald Trump or the Russians "have something" on them.

They do terrible things because they're terrible people. - Middle Age Riot

Hmm, Is This The Real DEEP STATE?
A public affairs official at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases will "retire" after a news report identified him as the anonymous author of blog posts on a conservative website that disparaged Dr. Anthony Fauci and mocked the use of masks, a spokesperson for the health agency said Monday.

If we saw a government like the Trump Administration in a Middle Eastern country...

...we'd bomb that sucker into rubble and make them start over. - Stonekettle tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Says Vaccine Will Be Ready In Weeks But Could Take Several Months To Receive By Mail. - Andy Borowitz

Mitt Romney marched with Black Lives Matter and then sold them out. This is who he really is.
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) signaled on Tuesday that he is open to confirming a Supreme Court nominee this year, solidifying GOP support for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) vow to hold a vote on President Trump's nominee.

Is Mitt Romney's disappearing and reappearing spine a preexisting condition? - Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

We entered this timeline 20 years ago with Bush v Gore. - Chris Hayes

Kavanaugh Warns That Expanding Size of Supreme Court Would Require More Kegs. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Republican Party Declares Moral Bankruptcy. - Andy Borowitz

Biden Is Backed By 13 Nobel Prize-Winning Economists. Trump Is Backed By Larry Kudlow.

SUPREME COURT TRIVIA: 25% of the current Supreme Court Justices have been credibly accused of sexual abuse 
BONUS TRIVIA: 100% of them were nominated by Republican Presidents. - Andy Borowitz




Monday, September 21, 2020

Bill and Hillary Clinton bash McConnell for pushing forward with Ruth Bader Ginsburg replacement

Former President Bill Clinton, who nominated Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the Supreme Court during his first year in office, remembered her as a ...

Mitch McConnell is trying to pass a Supreme Court nomination before passing a Coronavirus bill during a pandemic, tells you everything you need to know.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I don’t want 4 more years of this administration. Actually if someone could take back the last 4 that would be great. I want 4 less years. - Sarah Cooper

Trump & the Taliban. Jesus.
President Donald Trump's former national security adviser H.R. McMaster on Sunday said the withdrawal of US troops from places like Afghanistan and Germany are "mistakes" from a long-term national security perspective and called for a sustained commitment to assisting the Afghan government and its security forces..."He, in effect, is partnering with the Taliban against, in many ways, the Afghan government," he said.

If I could nominate a Supreme Court Justice I’d pick that dude who threw the shoe at George W. Bush. - Ron Placone


Republican Shenanigans
When did we start nominating Supreme Court justices before the one who just died is even buried? 
You people really are just monsters. - Victoria Brownsworth

A Rapist That Chooses RBG's Replacement Is An Insult
President Trump on Monday said the Senate should vote to confirm his forthcoming Supreme Court nominee before Election Day, sending his clearest signal yet on the timing of a possible vote.

Jimmy Kimmel: “Of course we don’t have an audience, this isn’t a MAGA rally, it’s the Emmys."


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Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg served until her last day. Rep. John Lewis walked the Edmund Pettus Bridge in 2020 after announcing his Stage 4 pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Rep. Elijah Cummings signed subpoenas from his death bed. What do we owe them? EVERYTHING we can give. - donaldonethics tweet


Rock The Voter News

So let me get this straight: a Democratic president can’t appoint a new a justice to the Supreme Court during an election year, but a Republican president can? - Robert Reich

More Americans Think Democrats Can Cleanup This Mess

Anyone else feel like they’re living in a bad horror movie and the music just got a lot more ominous?


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Business/Tech News

Man Presiding Over 200,000 Deaths Insists Supreme Court Nominee Be Pro-life. - Andy Borowitz

Air Canada Is Much Nicer To Their Customers Than Any American Airline
Eligible Canadian residents will receive COVID-19 insurance included in the price of their international round-trip ticket with Air Canada, news which could help encourage vacations to Costa Rica.

The Trump trials better be televised. - Hamish Mitchell



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Vermilion Cliffs National Monument located in Arizona looks as though it is on acid.
