Monday, December 4, 2017

Keep Tweeting Trump, keep tweeting.

Trump's lawyer says he wrote the president's tweet about Flynn's dismissal
President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, John Dowd, says he drafted the president's Saturday morning tweet that stated he fired former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn for lying not only to Vice President Mike Pence but also to the FBI.

BREAKING: Trump’s Lawyer Claims to Be Voice on Access Hollywood Tape. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

A Senior South Korean Air Force official tells CNN the large scale joint aerial drills underway this week will include attacks against a mock North Korean missile launch site and nuclear facilities. Some 230 aircraft & 12,000 US & South Korean personnel are participating. - Will Ripley, CNN

Our current nightmare is what happens when the richest one percent and the dumbest one percent are in charge.- Andy Borowitz

No Migrants R US
The United States notified the United Nations that it will no longer take part in the global compact on migration, saying it undermines the nation's sovereignty.
The US has been a part of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants since it was formed last year. The declaration aims to ensure the rights of migrants, help them resettle and provide them with access to education and jobs.

I won’t be satisfied with Trump being removed from office. I want the world we had before Trump restored to its original factory settings. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

A sad sign of where we are now as a country is that we need Billy Bush to confirm our experienced reality - Jess Dweck

71% Of Alabama Republicans Believe Roy Moore
A new CBS News poll finds 71 percent of Alabama Republicans say the allegations against Roy Moore are false, and those who believe this also overwhelmingly believe Democrats and the media are behind those allegations.

To be fair, 71% of Alabama Republicans also believe the Confederacy won the Civil War.- Erik Bransteen

Trump Lawyer: Trump Is Invincible
President Trump's outside lawyer said in a new interview that a president can't obstruct justice.
The "President cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer under [the Constitution's Article II] and has every right to express his view of any case," attorney John Dowd told  Axios.

At his trial in 1649, Charles I defended himself: ""No learned lawyer will affirm that an impeachment can lie against the King... one of their maxims is, that the King can do no wrong." The great-grandfathers of the authors of the Constitution cut off Charles' head for that.- David Frum

Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do after a loss. Not this time. 
This tax bill is only going to get worse as people learn more about it. There are 6 GOP Senators that have to run on it & 2 open seats in 2018.  We all need to get to work. - Hillary Clinton


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Republicans normalized torture during the Bush years
Republicans normalized racism during the Obama years
Republicans normalized grabbing girls during the Trump year - AllHatNoCattle

Rock The Voter News

Is Trump Going To Open A Trump Tower In Bear's Ears, Utah?
U.S. President Donald Trump will visit Utah on Monday to announce big cuts to the state's sprawling wilderness national monuments, a move that is likely to trigger legal challenges from tribes and environmental groups.

Setting up live shot for Trump visit. 
Man in pickup and trucker’s cap pulls up, rolls down window and in a voice right out of The Leftovers deadpans “A great evil visits us today.”- Bill Weir, CNN Tweet


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Business/Tech News

Yes its nice that the Stock Market is up Mr. Trump, but 2 things....
1) The Market was up 151% Under Obama.  It's up 23% under You...
2) The MAJORITY of Americans (52%) DO NOT own stocks.
Now stop Bragging! - Brian Krassenstein

GOP Senator Says Non-Millionaires Are Sex Crazed Drunks
In an astonishing defense of dropping “death taxes” for individual estates worth more than $5.5 million, GOP Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley implied that people not currently affected by that tax are “spending every darn penny ... on booze or women.”


Only $2030 to reach the goal!

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The first day at work.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Flynn Flipped

Flynn has promised Special Counsel 'full cooperation' in Russia probe: Source
Retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn has promised “full cooperation” in the special counsel’s Russia investigation and, according to a confidant, and is prepared to testify that Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians, initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS in Syria.

2016: “LOCK HER UP”
- Mike Flynn
- Hillary Clinton
- Tony Posnanski

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Impeach Obama for firing Michael Flynn which led to Trump hiring him over Obama's objections.- John Fugelsang

So, John Kelly Doesn't' Like Tillerson
The relationship between White House chief of staff John Kelly and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has soured in recent months, leaving the former Exxon CEO without a single top ally in the White House as talk has ramped up of him being replaced at the State Department.

‘You’re F-cked,’ Nixon Tells Trump from Hell - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump: Flynn admitted lying to the FBI. Sally Yates warned you that Flynn had been compromised by your friend Putin. You should've listened. Thank you Sally Yates! - Rep. Maxine Waters

So, The "Good Republicans" Stab The Middle Class In The Back, After All
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters on Friday that he believes Republicans now have enough votes to pass their tax bill, and they plan to do so later in the day. This comes after a closed-door meeting at which Senate Republicans discussed final changes to their bill.

I've seen kids spill out their piggy banks and plan their allowance budget with more care than the Republicans in Congress are planning for the future of the U.S economy.- Dan Rather


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Mueller is dreamin' of a White Collar Christmas. - Tim Hanlon

Rock The Voter News

Obama Fired Flynn And Warned Trump About Him
On November 10, 2016, two days after his stunning election victory, Donald Trump met with President Barack Obama, alone, in the Oval Office, for 90 minutes. They covered plenty of important ground, including the nuclear threat from North Korea and the need—at least in Obama’s view—for the United States to uphold its part in the Paris climate agreement and the Iran sanctions deal. They also talked about Michael Flynn.

Amazing to think that just three months ago when Hillary's book came out, not only was she being told to sit down and be quiet, but press mocked her for claiming she received hostile campaign coverage. - Eric Boehlert‏


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Business/Tech News

So, here is the News this morning. The Leader of the Free World is now completely unhinged, but we can't do anything at all about it because he has rock solid support from racists, and all the very rich Republicans who badly need another tax cut
And now, the weather... - John Cleese

Walmart Pulls T-shirts That Threaten Journalists
 Walmart  has pulled a T-shirt offered by an outside seller from its online store after a journalist advocacy group told the retailer it found the shirt threatening.
The shirt, listed on through third-party seller Teespring, said: “Rope. Tree. Journalist. SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED.”


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A Pallid Bat. Is that a salute? Photo/Ann Froschauer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Public Service Announcement

Congress is caught up in the sexual misconduct scandals. Will it police its own?
With a spate of sexual harassment allegations stirring trouble on Capitol Hill, Congress faces a new test of how well it can police itself.

Let me be about the billionth person to say this: while the current punishment of sexual harassers is welcome and long overdue, it is intolerable that a person who has boasted about serial sexual assaults remains in the White House.
- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It's a sign of just how far we have fallen that people are bummed that a former Exxon Mobil CEO with zero foreign policy experience is leaving the State Department.- Andy Borowitz

Putin Payback?
A senior Russian lawmaker says that U.S. media could lose access to government agencies in retaliation for the withdrawal of a Kremlin-funded television station’s credentials in the United States.

Donald Trump attacked a random woman named Theresa May on Twitter instead of the British Prime Minister. This makes me wonder if he put sanctions on the right Korea.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Radio stations in the DC area are pumping a Tax Reform ad every 10 minutes. GOP investing heavily (Koch?).- Brasilmagic

Roger Stone, Conehead.
Holy Cow, This Investigation Links Roger Stone And A Comedian. I Think Hollywood Already Rejected This Script.
A longtime outsider in New York State politics has been identified as the link between WikiLeaks and Roger J. Stone Jr., an adviser to Donald J. Trump who appears to have had advance knowledge about hacked emails related to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
The outsider, Randy Credico, a comedian who has frequently run for office, posted on Twitter on Tuesday that he had received a subpoena requiring him to appear before the House Intelligence Committee next month. The panel is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign.

2017. When a liberal saying “Happy Holidays” upsets so-called Christians but a conservative being a child molester doesn’t. -  OhNoSheTwitnt


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Bob Corker, Jeff Flake and John McCain: Donald Trump is an disgraceful manchild whom we must punish with a billion dollar tax cut. - LOLGOP

Let's Be Perfectly Clear: Joe Scarborough Heavily Promoted Trump Through 90% Of His Campaign And He Tells Us Now That Trump Has Dementia?
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said on Thursday that people close to President Trump told him during the campaign that Trump has "early stages of dementia."

This from 2016: Joe Scarborough-Donald Trump friendship increasing source of discomfort at NBC

Rock The Voter News

Hey Donald J. Trump since you’re having trouble with this whole “fake vs real” thing, here’s a little cheat sheet for you:
Anti-Muslim videos you retweeted: FAKE
Video of you bragging about assaulting women: REAL. - Andy Borowitz

So How's The Republican Outreach To Latinos Going?
The advocates of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are promising savings of $1,182 a year for median households and the creation of 975,000 full time jobs in the states. But if Section 4303 of the bill is not amended to exclude Puerto Rico, 75,000 jobs to U.S. citizens could be lost. Congress has the responsibility to legislate on behalf of all U.S. citizens no matter whether they reside in the states, commonwealths or territories.
The U.S. tax code treats Puerto Rico as foreign for tax purposes. Since 1921 and until 2006, this has been used by Congress for Puerto Rico’s advantage through special tax provisions that fostered economic development. In 1996, Congress decided to end that special tax policy by legislating a 10-year phaseout of Section 936. By no coincidence, the recession in the island started in 2006 when the phaseout ended. Since then, we have been in a downward spiral and economic decline that led Congress to pass the Puerto Rico Oversight Management and Economic Act last year. Adding insult to injury, we were hit with a category five hurricane in September.

In 2035 when we find out what's really happening in the White House right now, we will be shocked that we lived through this. - Laurie Kilmartin


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Business/Tech News

Kim Jong-un Worried That GOP Tax Bill Makes His Plan to Destroy U.S. Redundant - Andy Borowitz

Trump Hires Foreign Workers For Virginia Vineyard. Does Any Republican Care?
The Virginia vineyard, owned by Eric Trump, is seeking six workers to start in January. Businesses owned by President Trump or bearing his name have been frequent users of the program in the past, seeking to hire more than 400 foreign guest workers since he launched his presidential campaign.

The most likely outcome involves DT getting bored of the presidency & abandoning America for a younger, hotter country. -John Fugelsang


Me, Trying To Find Sanity In Trump's World


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
An underwater cave near Merida, Mexico. I hope those aren't Piranhas.
