Wednesday, April 5, 2017

White House Shake Up Or Shake Down?

Bannon Loses National Security Council Role in Trump Shakeup
President Donald Trump reorganized his National Security Council on Wednesday, removing his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, and downgrading the role of his Homeland Security Adviser, Tom Bossert, according to a person familiar with the decision and a regulatory filing.

Bannon's Axing Freaks Out Other Unqualified White House Staffers. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If Steve Bannon wants any job security, he's going to have to propose to Tiffany. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

CIA jet for sale. Is the waterboard included?
...The Boeing 737 business jet seats up to 16 passengers and includes one queen and two single beds, a lounge bar, and three built-in 42-inch TV screens. The jet's listing does not mention, however, that in its former career, it was part of the Central Intelligence Agency's extraordinary rendition program, transporting "high-value" terrorism detainees around the globe to "black sites" where they faced "enhanced" interrogation techniques.

When the Putin-backed Assad regime is gassing Syrian children to death this would be a great time to have a US President who was not being blackmailed by the Russians.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Affirmative action = cheating
Nepotism = OK.

Gorsuch Plagiarized His Book And An Academic Article. Republicans Silent.
Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch copied the structure and language used by several authors and failed to cite source material in his book and an academic article, according to documents provided to POLITICO.

'Complicit' is our #1 lookup after Ivanka Trump told CBS "I don’t know what it means to be complicit." - Merriam Webster Dictionary Tweet


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Be patient, Patriots. They need to build a case against Trump so strong that even the GOP will hang their heads in shame & vote to impeach. - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

It's becoming painfully obvious what an aberration Barack Obama was: a President who was smart, highly educated, mentally healthy and, above all, decent. We didn't deserve him. - Andy Borowitz

Free Body Cams For Every Police Officer
Taser International revealed on Wednesday that not only will it change its name and ticker, but that it is launching a program to equip every U.S. police officer with a body camera, free of charge.

Thanks to Susan Rice, Trump now has both a black man and a black woman to blame his problems on.- Tea Pain


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Biz/Tech News

Pepsi just made the commercial of the year for Coke. - John Fugelsang

We Need To Modernize Our Deplorable Rail System. Pronto.
Government inspections of railroads that haul volatile crude oil across the United States have uncovered almost 24,000 safety defects, including problems similar to those blamed in derailments that triggered massive fires or oil spills in Oregon, Virginia, Montana and elsewhere, according to data obtained by The Associated Press.

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. - Helen Keller


Deep Curtsy.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The tree kangaroo of Papua New Guinea. I would love to hug it but those claws!


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tying His Russian Ties. Should he use a Half Windsor or a Hangman's Noose?

Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel
The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladi­mir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials...Prince’s sister Betsy DeVos serves as education secretary in the Trump administration. And Prince was seen in the Trump transition offices in New York in December.

Blackwater: Erik Prince's evil mercenary firm.
Blackwater: Also Scott Pruitt's goal at the EPA. - HITEXECUTIVE Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If Assad gasses any more people in Syria Trump plans to forcefully respond with the harshest possible condemnation of Barack Obama. - John Fugelsang

Assad Likes Trump And Putin
Evidence of a sophisticated chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime suggests the dictator in Damascus thinks he's now got Trump's carte blanche to kill as he likes.

Michigan Flooded With Fake News
A study released by Oxford University in England last week found that Michigan Twitter feeds were flooded with fake news between Nov. 1 and 11.
According to the study (titled "Junk News and Bots during the U.S. Election: What Were Michigan Voters Sharing Over Twitter?"), fake news was widely shared from Michigan users. By the study's estimate, 46.5 percent of all content presented in Michigan as political news was "of an untrustworthy provenance or falls under the definition of propaganda based on its use of language and emotional appeals."

Who among us hasn't secretly met with a Putin confidant in the Seychelles? - Senator Bob Casey

Republican Shenanigans

"Democrats must confirm Neil Gorsuch because he is qualified." -- Mitch McConnell
"What the fuck?" -- Merrick Garland
- Andy Borowitz

The Ailes-O'Reilly scandal & the apparent culture at FoxNews clarifies why their viewers were "meh" on Trump's teen peeping/grabby vulgarity. - Joy Reid

I'm shocked to discover that @realDonaldTrump is a volunteer in the Big Brother Program where he mentors a young man with no spine or soul. - Col. Morris Davis
Trump and Rand Paul, making America golf again.

Media is falling for Trump PR stunt of donating $70k paycheck to National Park Service. It costs $3 million each time he visits Mar-a-Lago. - Kaivan Shroff‏

Groper-in-Chief Is Protecting Himself
With little notice, President Donald Trump recently signed an executive order that advocates say rolls back hard-fought victories for women in the workplace.
Tuesday's "Equal Pay Day" — which highlights the wage disparity between men and women — is the perfect time to draw more attention to the president's action, activists say.

When McConnell  deprived President Obama of a vote on Garland, it was a nuclear option. The rest is fallout. - Rep. Adam Schiff


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Rock The Voter News

Bernard is still attacking Hillary. Donald is still attacking Hillary. 
Hillary is speaking out to defend women & minorities from attacks. - bitchyologist

Trump Repointing His Tiny Fingers At Obama
President Trump sought to turn attention away from the Russia investigation on Monday, saying that “the real story” was what he called a “crooked scheme against us” by President Barack Obama's team to mine American intelligence reports ...


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The Trump Effect: Americans Warming To China?
President Donald Trump may have bashed China on the campaign trail, but as he prepares to meet with President Xi Jinping, Americans' feelings towards the country are warming.

Biz/Tech News

Debating whether or not a Supreme Court nominee is qualified seems quaint when we have a President who is unfit to manage an Arby's. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Wants U.S. Companies To Hire U.S. Workers. Wink. Wink.
The Trump administration has issued a stern warning to U.S. companies as they begin applying for coveted skilled-worker visas, cautioning that it would investigate and prosecute those who overlook qualified American workers for jobs.


Only A Few Dollars To Go !

Bills Due Tomorrow!

Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lunch in the sky in Dubai. Oh my.


Monday, April 3, 2017


Democrats to filibuster Neil Gorsuch amid Supreme Court showdown
Forty-one Senate Democrats have announced they will filibuster President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, setting up a partisan showdown over the hidebound institution’s internal rules this week.

Adorable. Santorum says presidents who win elections get the right to pick who they want for Supreme Court. Tell that to Merrick Garland. - John Aravosis

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

We should probably have Jared Kushner pilot the International Space Station, because I'm sure he's not qualified to do that, either -Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Humps Egypt
Egypt’s military ruler Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was never invited to the Obama White House, where he was viewed as a brutal tyrant with little regard for human rights and democracy.
On Monday, President Donald Trump will roll out the red carpet for him.

President Trump’s daughter Ivanka is going to have her own office in the White House. So finally, we’ve got a woman named Trump who actually wants to be in the White House.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Imagine having seventeen intelligence agencies at your fingertips and choosing instead to get your facts from a third-rate morning chat show. - Jeff Tiedrich

Hawaii’s TSA recently seized a so-called “stun cane” from a passenger that is capable of delivering a 1 million-volt shock. To get an idea of what a 1 million-volt shock feels like, just remember what it was like to wake up on Nov. 9.- Seth Myers

Let The Lawsuits Begin
A federal judge in Kentucky is allowing a lawsuit by three protesters assaulted at a Donald Trump campaign rally last March to move forward, agreeing with the plaintiffs that Trump's call from the podium for his supporters to "get 'em out of here" incited rally-goers to physically attack them.

Fox News has sexual harassment suits coming out of its eyes, coming out of its wherever.- OhNoSheTwitnt‏

The faces of Sexual Assault Awareness And Prevention Month - talia tweet

The GOP obstructed Merrick Garland just like they obstructed Obama. They created this mess. Deal with it.- Dem Texas Girls Tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Trump’s so obsessed with Hillary that he’s *thisclose* to standing outside her house with a boombox over his head. - goldengateblonde tweet

He's gone over to the dark side.

This Is Why The DNC Didn't Trust Bernie. 
Donald Trump supporters are not racist “deplorables” and Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are to blame for November's shock election defeat: So said Clinton's defeated primary challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders during a rally in Boston Friday night.

On the one hand, you had Russia hacking the DNC, on the other, Bernie Sanders and his diehards trashing the DNC. And Trump loved it.-Peter Daou


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The White House says President Trump will not throw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals game. Apparently Trump was afraid of hurting his tweeting arm. - Jimmy Fallon

Biz/Tech News

The Trump tax plan marks the 1st time anyone's ever written erotic fiction directly for the Koch Brothers.-John Fugelsang

Scientists have proven that you can grow potatoes on Mars. When they heard this, half of America said, “Wait, a planet with no Trump and French fries? When do we go? Let’s get out of here! Let’s go!”- Conan O'Brien


Bills are Due. I Hate That.

I also hate to beg.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

These illuminated tires were developed by Goodyear in 1961 when women actually wore hose.
