Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Donald Trump Requests Security Clearance for Son-in-Law Jared Kushner
...It's unprecedented for a "child or family member" to receive security clearances, said Bradley Moss, a national security lawyer who has held that kind of security clearance and clerked for the National Security Archive.
He added, "You can't hold a security clearance as an informal advisor — there is no such concept."

What could be more comforting to Americans than an incompetent President-elect bein' advised by his even less competent kids? - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The quickest way to get rid of Trump is to tell him the U.S. is 240 years old. He'll immediately leave us for a younger, prettier nation. - Tea Pain

From His Golden Throne, Assad Thinks Trump Is A Natural
"We cannot tell anything about what he's going to do,” Assad said Tuesday in his first public reaction to the U.S. electoral results.

Donald Trump considering Rudy Giuliani for Secretary of State. Awesome! The humanitarian crisis in Syria will be solved with stop-and-frisk! - Tea Party Cat

I hate fake news. But the real news is now actually worse. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans Insist That Obama Must Stop Being President. NOW!
The Office of Management and Budget disregarded the Republicans' plea in a statement. "The administration will continue to be guided by the same rigorous practices and principles used to develop and review regulations that have been upheld throughout ...

If Trump is serious about unifying the country, that would really disappoint his biggest fans. - LOLGOP

I appreciate all the white men vouching for how *not* racist their well-documented anti-Semitic white supremacist buddy Steve Bannon is.- Tina Dupuy


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Rock The Voter News

BREAKING: House GOP announces end to Hillary investigations, saying “we all know they were just bullsh-t to keep her out of office.”- Tea Party Cat

It Is Somewhat Comforting Knowing Half The Voters Aren't Nuts
As Americans' votes continue to be counted, Hillary Clinton's lead over Donald Trump in the popular vote has grown to more than 1 million ...


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Biz/Tech News

Pretty sure the only thing this administration will be good at is taking away your health insurance.- LOLGOP

Trump's Only Billionaire Supporter Speaks
“Both are good friends of mine but, more importantly, they are two of the smartest people I know.” Longtime Donald Trump supporter and activist investor Carl Icahn confirmed on Tuesday that the president-elect is looking at Wall Street veteran Steven ...


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Odd News

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A Red-Eyed Tree Frog Mother with her babies. I love their suction cup toes.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I need a day off from Trump

I bet you do too.

We are suffering from Election Dysfunction as we did in 2000.

I need to get my mind refreshed, a reboot, if you will.

I will be back tomorrow to return to Trumplandia, populated by the worst of the worst old conservative politicians of the 1980s and the politics of the 1860s. I do not like the taste of South in my Mouth.


Monday, November 14, 2016

Damn Liberal Media

Trump Names His Kids, Who Are Supposedly Going to Run His Business via “Blind Trust,” to White House Team
During the presidential campaign Donald Trump deflected questions about how he'd handle conflicts of interest as president—many of his business endeavors could benefit from shifts in government policy and/or serve as conduits with which to buy his favor—by saying his children would run his companies in a "blind trust." Observers pointed out that this would not really be a blind trust because the director of a blind trust is supposed to be independent of the trust's ultimate owner.

Remember in the debates how Trump started--cool, collected, almost presidential--till Hillary got to him? That's how the presidency will go. - George Takei

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Imagine if white nationalism upset Paul Ryan as much as the thought of working Americans being able to retire one day.-LOLGOP

Trump Oblivious To Hate Crimes He Inspired
In a “60 Minutes” interview Sunday night, President-elect Donald Trump said he had not heard reports of an increase in racial slurs and threats against minorities since his election.
“I am very surprised to hear that-- I hate to hear that, I mean I hate to hear that,” Trump said.
“But I think it’s a very small amount,” he added.

I wonder what Putin will get Trump for an Inauguration gift, but I heard what Trump is giving Putin. Don't tell anyone, but it's Ukraine.- Michael Ian Black

Trump Tweeting Is His Addiction
Donald Trump on Sunday continued to walk back some of his most controversial campaign rhetoric.
The president-elect went on a mini-tirade against The New York Times on Twitter, taking issue with the way the newspaper described his past statements about nuclear proliferation. 

Great to see that the man who coined the word "libtard" will be the senior advisor to the potus while the First Lady tackles bullying. - Sarah Silverman

Republican Shenanigans

This upsets Paul Ryan: Americans getting the Medicare they're promised.
This doesn't:
Trump making a white nationalist his chief strategist. - LOLGOP

Trumpers are now askin' for Democrats to "work with Trump" as if he suddenly stopped bein' a white nationalist sexual-predator.- Tea Pain


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Rock The Voter News

We have a president-elect who doesn't believe in climate change. Millions of people are going to have to say: Mr. Trump, you are dead wrong.- Bernie Sanders

Black Comedian Booed Mocking Trump
Stand-up comedian Wanda Sykes flipped off the audience at Boston’s TD Garden on Saturday night after the crowd booed her for railing against president-elect Donald Trump.


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I know a lot of you couldn't bear to watch Trump on 60 Minutes, so let me summarize for you. Coherence level: sub-Palin. - Andy Borowitz

Biz/Tech News
"He'll surround himself with good people."
-- Germans, circa 1933 - Andy Borowitz

Silicon Valley Still Shunning Trump
Shares of large technology companies fell again Monday, as investors continue to worry that Silicon Valley will suffer under policies enacted under the regime of President-elect Donald Trump.

Say what you will about Trump, he is not stupid. He is a smart man with a deep understanding of what stupid people want.―Andy Borowitz



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