Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Anyone who complains about the microphone is not having a good night. - Hillary Clinton

Trump: I Don't Want To Push 'Conspiracy Theories' But My Mic Was Bad
Donald Trump on Tuesday morning complained that during the Monday night debate, his microphone was malfunctioning and that the volume was lower than that of Hillary Clinton's microphone.

Two candidates onstage last night at Hofstra: one prepared to be President, one prepared to go on Sean Hannity's radio show. - Stephen King

After the debate, Hillary walked to the audience with Bill and engaged directly with people while the Trump family stood awkwardly on the stage just looking around. 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"I'm glad Trump found out that Crimea was part of Ukraine. By the way, I heard he was on the verge of acknowledging gravity." —@JoeBiden - Hillary Clinton

One Of Trump's Admirers?
A shooter who wounded nine people in Houston on Monday morning was wearing Nazi paraphernalia, the Houston Police Department said.
Click2Houston reports that two law enforcement sources have confirmed that police found the shooter wearing a swastika-covered, World War II-style German uniform after they fatally shot him on Monday.

Trump, between sniffles, says the lady that mopped the floor with him for 90 minutes "doesn't have the stamina to be President." - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

On @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump said he won a @CBSNews post-debate poll. We did not conduct a post-debate poll. - Major Garrett, CBS News

Giuliani Attacks Hillary For Standing By Her Man
Hillary Clinton’s decision to stand by her husband and attack former White House intern Monica Lewinsky when news of a sexual relationship between the two broke in 1998 prove that the former secretary of state is “too stupid to be president,” Rudy Giuliani said Monday night.

Is Rudy trying to tell us that Trump left the mothers of his children because they cheated on him? - LOLGOP


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Chris Christie, on MSNBC, just said that we shouldn't believe fact-checkers, because "they have an agenda." Yes. It is to check facts, dude. - Wil Wheaton

Rock The Voter News

I'm going to do all I can to make sure Trump does not become president. That work continues tomorrow in New Hampshire with @HillaryClinton. - Bernie Sanders Tweet

Florida Pro-Lifers Want Women Executed
“They’re pro-life and want to see women who get abortions executed,” wrote Mehta, “in case you needed more proof that Christians are often hypocrites.”...


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Climate Deniers Still Remain In Denial 
Donald Trump's running mate is breaking with the Republican nominee's claim that climate change is not the result of human activity.
Vice presidential nominee Mike Pence said Tuesday "there's no question" that human activity affects both the climate and the environment.

What the media doesn't get is that Donald Trump is the closest millions of Real Americans will ever get to voting for Boss Hogg. - John Fugelsang

Biz/Tech News

Nothing says male privilege like showing up at debate unprepared, admitting u don't pay taxes AND pundits still say you weren't horrible!! - ogorvolsky

Ford Motor Co. Fact Checks Trump
Ford Motor Co. went on the defensive following the latest attacks from Donald Trump aimed at the auto maker’s big-dollar Mexico investments and production plans.

A society that keeps building more for-profit prisons is a society that needs more crime. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

My high school friend Terry and his wife Jo are traveling throughout the west visiting the National Parks. This photo was taken last week at Redwood National Park.


Monday, September 26, 2016

Preparing for the debate...

WARNING: Drinking every time Trump lies during the debate could lead to alcohol poisoning and death
Many of you, no doubt, will be playing drinking games tonight during the 90 commercial-free minutes of the presidential debate between Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. We at the Raw Story Stomach Pump Incident Prevention Desk would like to warn you that if you’re planning on drinking every time Trump tells a lie, you could be seriously endangering your health and even risking your life.

Across the country, liquor stores reported a desperate run on their merchandise as Americans fortified themselves for what many called "ninety minutes of horror."- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Lawyer In Shoot Out With Police In Texas
A gunman who died in a shootout with officers in Houston Monday was a lawyer who lived in the neighborhood and left a car full of weapons near the scene, the city's police chief said.

"A man you can bait with a tweet, is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons." -Hillary Clinton

Republican Shenanigans

Weird. A guy whose campaign is built on calling immigrant criminals when they commit fewer crimes than citizens hates fact checkers.- LOLGOP

Hurrah! Someone Will Fact Check During The Debate
Bloomberg TV will conduct on-screen fact checks of statements made by both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton during Monday night’s debate...The channel’s decision to conduct an on-screen fact-check sets Bloomberg apart from the other major TV networks, none of whom have committed to doing on-screen fact checks during the debate.

“Trump didn’t say the c-word and he spoke in complete sentences. We select him as the winner of the debate.” —the news media, tomorrow - Erik Bransteen


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A White House email account was hacked and a lot of their information was leaked yesterday. They're saying the information was stolen from the Gmail account of a low-level staffer. Then Joe Biden was like, "Technically, my title is vice president."- Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

Donald has been preparing his entire life to yell at a woman for 90 straight minutes.- LOLGOP

Move Along Kansans, Nothing To See Here
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback enacted his grand “tea party experiment” of Republican government, where he and his Republican-led legislature cut taxes and significantly reduced spending. The result has been catastrophic for the state’s economy and for jobs, but a report that would detail just how catastrophic is now being censored by the Brownback administration.


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Trump was actually describing himself in an interview this week and said that his strongest suit is his temperament. Although sadly, even that suit is made in China.- Jimmy Fallon

Biz/Tech News

From a ratings standpoint, the 2016 election has been an enormous success, the only downside being the possible destruction of all living things on the planet.- Andy Borowitz

Wah! He Wants To Be Condescending To Women! Mission Accomplished.
Fox News host Bill Hemmer claimed over the weekend that men faced reverse sexism because they could not get away with being “condescending” to women on television.

When I was a kid they told us pot makes you violent and lazy. 
I say making violent people lazy prevents a lot of crime. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A group of samurai in front of the Sphinx in Egypt, 1863.


Friday, September 23, 2016

Trump's Russian Ties Increase

U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin
U.S. intelligence officials are seeking to determine whether an American businessman identified by Donald Trump as one of his foreign policy advisers has opened up private communications with senior Russian officials — including talks about the possible lifting of economic sanctions if the Republican nominee becomes president, according to multiple sources who have been briefed on the issue.

People who are voting Trump because of the Supreme Court are essentially saying they'd rather see the world explode than two dudes kissing. - Emanuel Zbeda on Twitter

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Wow, Peace In Colombia? Really?
Leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have given their unanimous support to a peace agreement reached last month with the government.

Perhaps if we all started referring to Climate Change as 'ISIS' the media might take the threat seriously.- John Fugelsang

Yep, Most Americans And EaglesThink Trump Is Nutz
A majority of voters say Donald Trump would allow the U.S. to default on its debt and that he would misuse the power of the presidency to punish his political opponents.
And nearly half of voters — 46 percent — say the GOP nominee would use a nuclear weapon to attack ISIS or another foreign enemy.

Republican Shenanigans

If you actually thought Ted Cruz had principles, I'm sure some news organization wants to interview you right now.- LOLGOP

30% Of Voters Have No Idea WTF Trump Is Doing
Nearly a third of voters say they know little about Donald Trump’s positions ahead of the first presidential debate on Monday, a new poll found.
Thirty percent know “not much” or “nothing at all” about the Republican nominee's stances, according to a Pew survey released Friday. A smaller percentage, 18 percent, said they know “not much” or “nothing at all” about Hillary Clinton’s positions.

Trump Warns That Clinton Will Rig Debate by Using Facts - Andy Borowitz

Uh Oh. We May See Trump Take A Perp Walk Before Election Day
Donald Trump committed perjury. Or he looked into the faces of the Republican faithful and knowingly lied. There is no third option.


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Rock The Voter News

Hillary Disobeys Obama!
Hillary Clinton would sign a controversial bill allowing families of victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to sue Saudi Arabia in U.S. courts, her campaign says, breaking with President Obama.

They’re offering the debate in virtual reality, so if you want to feel like you’re actually on stage during the debate, here’s your chance, Jeb.- Jimmy Fallon


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A letter written by George Washington in 1786 is going on sale for $35,000. The letter is to a friend and says, “Don’t tell anyone, but I was born in Kenya.”- Jimmy Fallon

Biz/Tech News

A UPS Drone Will Be Coming To A Location Near You!
United Parcel Service Inc. UPS -0.42 % said Friday it successfully used a drone to deliver medicine to an island near Boston, jumping into a race with competitors such as Amazon.

In Breaking Bad 2 a sick botany teacher grows weed to provide for his family & the whole town mellows out & everyone gets along.- John Fugelsang


Just kidding, I showed up for work today! Thank you for visiting!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I shudder to think that this Bengal Tiger pounced on the photographer right after the shot.

Give Peace A Chance.