Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bill O'Reilly threatens N.Y. Times reporter

Fox News host Bill O'Reilly threatened a New York Times reporter on Monday night, promising to come after the reporter "with everything I have" if he felt that any of the reporter's coverage about his Falklands war controversy was inappropriate.

If Bill O'Reilly gets discredited enough, Fox News will just use him as its "liberal."- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

GOP: If Obama loved America, he'd put more troops at risk and duplicate the strategy that created ISIS in the first place.- LOLGOP

UFD's (Unidentified Flying Drones): Spotted Over Paris
 At least five drones were spotted flying over central Paris landmarks during the night and police were unable to catch the operators, sources close to the probe said on Tuesday.

If you're unfairly called racist for criticizing Obama you now know how it felt to be called UnAmerican for criticizing W.- John Fugelsang

Burning Down The Library In Mosul
While the world was watching the Academy Awards ceremony, the people of Mosul were watching a different show. They were horrified to see ISIS members burn the Mosul public library. Among the many thousands of books it housed, more than 8,000 rare old books and manuscripts were burned.

Republican Shenanigans

Clearly Obama has bungled George W. Bush's great victories in Afghanistan and Iraq, so who better to win them back again than Jeb Bush?- Tea Party Cat

Red State Turns Green
On Tuesday, Alaska became the first red state to legally allow the possession, gifting, and growing of marijuana.

The legal change comes after Alaska voters in November approved a ballot initiative that fully legalized marijuana in the northernmost state. 

Skipping over stories about Jeb Bush's wife because I'm sure the GOP won't have anything to say about the Democratic nominee's spouse.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

GOP Arguing On How To Shut Down DHS
 Divided Republicans are searching for a way out of an impasse over immigration that is threatening to shut down the Homeland Security Department within days.

This week Wal-Mart announced that it will increase its employees' hourly wages by 40 percent. Workers are pretty excited because they'll finally make enough money to shop at Target. - Jimmy Fallon

 Click here for The Charmed Time

While Republicans are mad at Obama for refusing to call terrorists Islamic, I am mad at Obama for refusing to call Republicans assholes.- Andy Borowitz

Secret Tunnel In Toronto?
A sophisticated tunnel has been discovered near a major sporting venue and a university in Toronto, reports said Monday, with Canada on edge over the threat of possible extremist attacks.

Business/Tech News

The FCC has delayed the decision on the Time/Warner Comcast merger. So how do you think those folks like being put on hold?- David Letterman

Nyet To Polish Cheese
The Russian consumer watchdog Rospotrebnadzor said on Monday it had suspended all imports of cheese from Poland due to irregularities in "normative requirements".

Wife: It says here on this website, women use over 70% more words than men.

Husband: Really. - Jokeblogger.com



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

An Alpaca near the world's tallest active volcano, Cotopaxi in Ecuador.


Monday, February 23, 2015

Big US, Canadian shopping malls: Next terrorist target?

Big US, Canadian shopping malls: Next terrorist target?
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says he’s “confident” that big shopping malls will enhance security measures in the wake of new threats of attack by Al Shabab, an Al Qaeda-linked extremist group based in Somalia.

The fact that American Sniper didn't win Best Picture means Obama is a puppet master & Hollywood dances to his Kenyan tune!- Rob Delaney

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Jeb Bush gave a speech yesterday. He had a pretty rough time. He accidentally said that ISIS has 200,000 men instead of 20,000, and then he mispronounced the name of the terrorist group Boko Haram. So if history has taught us anything, Jeb is well on his way to winning the White House.- Jimmy Fallon

Bankers Rob Themselves 
Staff at a branch of Afghanistan's central bank in southern Kandahar province may have got away with as much as 81 million Afghanis ($1.4 million) when they robbed their own bank and ran, an official said on Saturday.

I trust Jeb Bush's opinions on foreign policy.

- guy who said the Iraq War would pay for itself


A News org that keeps telling you it's balanced is like a guy who keeps telling you he's straight.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Right Wing Christianity - still America's leading manufacturer of atheists.- John Fugelsang

Giuliani Comments Meet Bipartisan Pushback
Politicians of both parties used Sunday talk-show appearances to condemn former Mayor Rudy Giuliani's remark last week that he didn't think President Barack Obama loved America.

Bill O'Reilly's War On Bill O'Reilly
On Sunday, a former CBS correspondent spoke to CNN's Reliable Sources to refute Bill O'Reilly's claims he reported in a "war zone" during the Falklands war–the subject of a Mother Jones investigation published last Thursday. CNN's Brian Stelter also reported that he has talked to several other former CBS News journalists who disputed O'Reilly's account. 

A big difference between Bill O'Reilly and a real journalist is that Bill O'Reilly trusts Bill O'Reilly as a source.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Gallup, the polling company, released its annual well-being index where they rank the health and happiness of residents of each of the 50 states. Alaska finished first and Hawaii was No. 2. It's interesting that the top two happiest states are the ones that are farthest away from the rest of us. - Jimmy Kimmel

A doctor refused to care for a gay couple's baby, but that's Christian because the baby chose gay parents, right?- Tea Party Cat

GOP STRATEGY: Destroy The Country From Within!
The Obama administration is warning states that the possible shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security would harm the nation's ability to counter the extremist appeal of the Islamic State group within the U.S. and help communities struggling with an onslaught of winter snowstorms.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

When Republicans are running against "the media," it's code for, "They're telling the truth about us again."- LOLGOP

The Frozen, Freeze Travel Website
A New York tourism office's suggestion that potential visitors should go to the Florida Keys instead has ended up crashing its website.

Business/Tech News

Photoshop is turning 25 this week. Well actually, it’s turning 38 but it looks 25.- Seth Myers

GOP Governors Want To Shut Down DHS
Several Republican governors are urging GOP congressional leaders to stand firm next week in opposing legislation funding the Department of Homeland Security if it doesn't also overturn President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration.

The Oscars are when the most popular people on Earth have a popularity contest.- John Fugelsang


Is Anyone Out There?



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Briksdalsbreen Glacier, Norway. What? No whitewater rafters?


Friday, February 20, 2015

Kim Jong-un has a new haircut and of course it's epic

Kim Jong-un has a new haircut and of course it's epic
North Korea leader Kim Jong-un has debuted his latest haircut — and it's a resplendent wedge of ludicrous joy, with a pair of dinky eyebrows to match.

The Dear Leader chose a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea on Wednesday to show off his new cut, a vertiginous tower of hair that fans out dramatically over his round face. Shaved sides and two hyphen-sized mini-brows complete Kim's look.

It's obscene to think Bill O'Reilly is lying. This is a man who took shrapnel in the fiercest fighting of the War on Christmas.- Hett Jerr

Bill O'Reilly Lied About War?

Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly is facing scrutiny over his own war reports by Mother Jones. The allegations follow the top cable news host criticizing NBC Brian Williams over his tall tales on his program.

Sickening to see these cowards questioning Bill O'Reilly combat experience. WHERE WERE YOU DURING THE WAR ON CHRISTMAS 2007, LIBTURD? - LOLGOP

Only in America can having a bad president for a father & a really bad president for a brother qualify you to be president.- John Fugelsang

JEB: Education Governor? NOT!
Here we go again with Jeb Bush’s charade as the “education governor” outlined in Helen Aguirre Ferré’s Jan. 4 column, Smart conservatism is at the core.

He wants everyone to think he was great for Florida’s education system when the facts, as I recall them, are much different.

Giuliani is going through all the stages of being an Internet racist. Next comes him explaining Dr. King would be mad Obama is so liberal.- LOLGOP

Elitist Critics Want A President With A College Degree. Snobs.
The Republican governor is dismissing "elitist" critics who say his lack of a college degree could work against him should he run for president.

You can't say you love America unless you're literally fracking it right now.- LOLGOP

Exxon Mobil Refinery Failed Inspection 8 Times
The Exxon Mobil Corp refinery in Torrance, California, that was hit by an explosion this week was cited in November for eight serious violations following state inspections last year, according to documents released on Thursday.

Wal-Mart boosts minimum wage to $9/hr. Unfortunately, also boosting an hour to 120 minutes.- The Daily Show

Kansas War On Women
A national group's push to redefine and outlaw a procedure commonly used in second trimester abortions as "dismemberment" advanced Friday in Kansas, with the state Senate's agreement to ban the practice.

Obama: 'At every step...we were told by our good friends the Republicans our actions would...destroy the country'

New Confederates: Locked And Loaded
After years of rhetoric threatening violence, the neo-Confederate League of the South (LOS) is training a uniformed, paramilitary unit tasked with advancing a second southern secession by any means necessary, Hatewatch has learned.

America believes in the separation of mosque and state but church and state makes for quite a yummy Reese’s Cup.- John Fugelsang

Kanye said that he's the next Mandela. In that case can we put him in prison for the next 30 years?- JokeBlogger.com


I see nothing but stuffed animals...wait...


Time To Deflate Photo

Yesterday, President Obama announced three new national monuments, including the gorgeous Browns Canyon National Monument pictured here. Located in Colorado, Browns Canyon will protect a stunning section of Colorado’s upper Arkansas River Valley, which features rugged granite cliffs, colorful rock outcroppings and mountain vistas that are home to a diversity of plants and wildlife.

The other new national monuments are Pullman National Monument in Illinois -- a location iconic for its history of labor unrest and civil rights advances -- and Honouliuli National Monument in Hawaii -- the site of an internment camp where Japanese American citizens, resident immigrants and prisoners of war were held captive during World War II. Since taking office, President Obama has protected more than 260 million acres of public lands and waters -- more than any other President -- helping to ensure that our public lands preserve all of America’s history. - U.S. Department of the Interior

Peace and I hope to be back Monday with a normal edition.