Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Adam Schiff says Biden should ‘pass the torch’ and bow out of 2024 US election

Adam Schiff says Biden should ‘pass the torch’ and bow out of 2024 US election
Adam Schiff, the high-profile California Democrat and US Senate candidate, on Wednesday called on Joe Biden to end his presidential campaign, stating he has “serious concerns” about the president’s ability to beat Donald Trump in November.

Jon Stewart doing to Biden now what he did to HRC in 2016. - Matt Murphy

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Elon Musk
Peter Thiel
Rupert Murdoch

The immigrants ruining America. - Mark Elliot

DHS Is Investigating The U.S. Secret Service. Hope They Uncover What Caused The Debacle.

Have you guys noticed that the same media that demanded Biden release his medical report is silent about Trump releasing his? - Alex Cole

The crowd at the RNC is chanting "F Joe Biden."

Yet the media still wants you to believe they are lowering the temperature.

--Chris D. Jackson

Republican Shenanigans

How many ankle monitor bracelets are at the RNC convention? Someone do a poll. - Outspoken

got in the uber last night and the first thing he says is, “how are you going to miss trump he’s gigantic and orange. they shot tupac at night .” - Myka Fox

Darn, I Was Hoping For Fisticuffs


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Rock The Voter News

If Trump and his team really thought he was headed for a win in November,  he wouldn't have picked J. D. Vance. This is an act of desperation, like when McCain picked Palin. - Christopher Bouzy

He looks a missing kid’s age progression from Unsolved Mysteries

Orwell really underestimated things. - John Collins

I'm In The Minority According To This Poll
Nearly two-thirds of Democrats say President Joe Biden should withdraw from the presidential race and let his party nominate a different candidate, according to a new poll, sharply undercutting his post-debate claim that “average Democrats” are still with him even if some “big names” are turning on him.

AXIOS Was Wrong In 2022

Arguing with my 6 year old about why she can’t sleep with a water balloon feels just like arguing with a Trump supporter. - Maggie Reed


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Business/Tech News

JD Vance Blames Democrats for Hillbilly Elegy’s Horrible Score on Rotten Tomatoes. - Andy Borowitz

Oh Yeah, Nice Velvet Glove Slap By Gavin Newsom

Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Do not become bitter or hostile. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble. We will find a way to make a way out of no way. - posted on July 16, 2019 by Rep. John Lewis (1940-2020)




Hi Lisa, Just found your website. Question: How many people work for you? The amount of info is broad and with the cartoons and quotes made my day. Democrats are more creative.
Thanks,  Teacher Tom

Hi, Tom. You made my day! Thank you for that.

My staff has become quite extensive over the years. 

Nope, it's just me. And Taco, my chihuahua who often paws at my keyboard, so if there are any errors, blame Taco.

And yes, it is hard work and it is nice to feel appreciated!

I agree about creativity and Democrats, and I'll go further, Democrats are more creative in every art field in existence since the beginning of time.

Thanks again..


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Trump assassination attempt unlikely to have lasting political impact, observers say

Trump assassination attempt unlikely to have lasting political impact, observers say
The bullet that former president Donald Trump said grazed his right ear was one of dozens aimed at U.S. presidents, presidential candidates and other prominent elected officials over nearly 200 years.
But Saturday’s assassination attempt, while shocking, is unlikely to have significant political or economic reverberations given the makeup of the American democratic system and the fact that it didn’t involve an incumbent head of state, researchers say.

Highlites of Project 2025 Convention.

1. Teleprompter breaks on Speaker, so he just left.
2. Ron Johnson gave the wrong incendiary speech because they loaded the wrong one in the teleprompter.
 3. Trump shows up with a Kotex on his ear. 
4. Trump publicly naps in middle of it. - Nancy Lee Grahn

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

MSNBC is unlistenable right now, unless you want to believe Trump has been “humbled” by recent events. Mainstream media refuses to accept the obvious fact that a fascist movement is plotting to overthrow our democracy. - Mark Jacob

So, The Secret Service Knew This And Still Did A Lousy Job
U.S. intelligence received information in recent weeks indicating an Iran-backed plot to assassinate Donald Trump, which led to increased security around the former president. CNN reported that “there’s no indication that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the would-be assassin who attempted to kill the former president on Saturday, was connected to the plot, the sources said.”

New Conspiracy Theory Links Wide Availability of Guns to People Getting Shot. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

If the pee tape were released today, Republicans would sell special edition Blu-rays of it as a fundraiser. - Middle Age Riot

What A Typical Republican Weenie Excuse
Despite calls for softer political rhetoric in the wake of Donald Trump’s attempted assassination over the weekend, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) did not hold back when he spoke at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Monday, slamming Democratic policies as a “clear and present danger” to America...Asked by PBS News host Amna Nawaz about why he had said Democratic policies are a “clear and present danger” to America, Johnson said: “That speech was written last week.” He added that “they literally loaded the wrong speech” into the teleprompter.

Biden Uses Presidential Immunity to Replace Judge Cannon with his Dog Commander. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Trump’s ear bandage shows you how there’s absolutely nobody in his orbit who has the balls to say ‘Sir, you look absolutely ridiculous right now…it doesn’t even look like a real dressing. Maybe we can do better…’ he’s like ‘nope just tape the cocktail napkin to me ear please’ - Noel Casler

If bribe enthusiast Bob Menendez can be convicted of bribery - bribe enthusiast Clarence Thomas can be convicted of bribery. Tick f---ing tock. - anyonewantchips

JD Vance: "I Will Be Honored for Donald Trump to Someday Tell an Angry Mob to Hang Me" - Andy Borowitz

JD Vance once called Trump “America’s Hitler,” which proves that sometimes flattery works. = Andy Borowitz

Changing A Candidate 4 Months Before An Election Is Highly Risky, At The Least

Guys, we're not sleepwalking into fascism, we're being deliberately and methodically marched into it. - Mary L. trump

Nation’s Immigrants Demand Crackdown on Violent White People with Guns. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Next time we’re told there’s going to be a news feed replacing us…the news feed will be us or they can get somebody else to host the show. - Joe Scarborough

This Is Sorta Like Karma Because Joe & Mika Were Super Duper Accommodating To Trump In 2016

we stayed at an airbnb with the most perfect pillows. a revelation. perfectly firm but soft. my neck stopped hurting. so I wrote down the brand and item number from the tag and looked it up and they're the same pillows we have at home. - katie


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II shopping gallery in Milan, Italy, was opened in 1877. Be still my heart. Forget shopping, I'd be inhaling all the craftsmanship.
