Monday, July 1, 2024

'The President is Now a King Above the Law': Justice Sotomayor

'The President is Now a King Above the Law': Sotomayor Says She Fears For Democracy in Scathing Dissent to Trump Immunity Decision
The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 to grant presidents absolute immunity for all official acts as president, to the exclusion of private acts. Dissenting were the three liberal Justices Elena Kagan, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and Sonia Sotomayor, who tore into the conservative majority in her dissent.

“When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."

Richard Nixon, 1974

Affirmed, US Supreme Court, 2024 - John W. Dean

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

While this Russian backed far right surge sweeps Europe, please remember that despite Ukraine never having more than 4% support for the far right, it was one of the core justifications for Russia's invasion that was sold to the exact far right that is now seizing power in the EU. - JayinKyiv

Americans Ask Supreme Court for Immunity From Trump. - Andy Borowitz

He's Right, We Should Be Scared As S---

Just 3 days before July 4th, 6 MAGA terrorists in SCOTUS gave the presidency the powers of a King to help the trashiest crook in US history. Constitutional conservatives my ass, more like arsonists. - Ricky Davila

Republican Shenanigans

This morning on CNN, Jake Tapper said that the U.S. Supreme Court needed to intervene in election 2000 because the Florida Supreme Court made a series of bad decisions. That is a lie and he knows it. The U.S. Supreme Court is corrupt, The Republican Party is corrupt all aided by the corrupt media.

New York Times Argues Biden Lacks Necessary Stamina to Lie for 90 Minutes Straight. - Andy Borowitz



Will The Rule of Law Prevail?

Oklahoma Requires Ten Commandments Be Posted Inside Uterus. - Andy Borowitz

After 2020 and Biden won the election the News Media needed Donald Trump so badly that they turned into him. - Robert Welch II

These Anti-Biden Democrats Are Helping to Elect Trump. SMH.
Democratic strategist Mychal Wilson told NewsNation it’s “totally feasible” to replace President Joe Biden, and he believes that replacement should be California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D)

The CNN Coverage of Hillary in 2016

Judge Chutkan will hold a hearing to process the SCOTUS ruling.

Any decisions she makes about what remains in scope for a trial will be challenged…all the way back to those who architected his escape.

There will not be a trial before the election.

Make your peace with it and then suit up.

It’s up to us to fend off this darkness at the ballot box.

We are the last line of defense. - 7Veritas4


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Business/Tech News

Biden Calls on New York Times to Drop Out of Journalism. - Andy Borowitz

Will Saudi Women Wear Their Black Veils At Trump Tower? Or Nah.

London's Fleet Street's Coverage of Trump

There are some compelling arguments for replacing Joe with Hunter. You could still use BIDEN ‘24 campaign regalia. He’s a generation younger. And the fact that he’s a convicted felon could attract Republican voters. - Andy Borowitz

No one leaves here alive. So please stop treating yourself as an afterthought. Eat delicious food. Walk in the sun. Jump into the sea. Speak the truth that you carry in your heart like a hidden treasure. Be silly. Be good. Be weird. There is no time for anything else. - Anthony Hopkins



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Seven Teacups is located in Dry Meadow Creek, a tributary of the Kern River in Sequoia National Forest, California. Sasquatch's teacups?


Friday, June 28, 2024

Trump made more than 30 false claims during CNN’s presidential debate — far more than Biden

Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump made false and misleading claims during CNN’s presidential debate on Thursday – but Trump did so far more than Biden, just like in their debates in 2020.


Biden sounded and looked as though he had a cold or flu.  At the beginning of the debate he was coughing and clearing his throat. 
He had a bad performance. Next.

I refuse to join the Democratic vultures on
Biden’s shoulder after the debate.

No one knows more than me that a rough debate is not the sum total of the person and their record. - John Fetterman

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Lying with confidence is still lying. - John Collins

What, Is SCOTUS Going To Throw Out All Of The Charges If Trump Is Elected? This Is Nuts.

30 minutes in, not one question about trying to overturn a free and fair election. Not one question about 34 felony counts. - Kyle Griffin, NBC

Here's an appreciation tweet for my friends @jaketapper  and @DanaBashCNN - history making performance. They gave this country what it needed out of this historic event. Great job to them and everyone at @cnn. This network rose to the occasion and delivered in a huge way tonight. - Scott Jennings, former GW Bush advisor kissing a**

Donald Trump is a convicted felon with the morals of an alley cat. - Joe Biden

Republican Shenanigans

George Bush not coming out and resoundly supporting Joe Biden tells you everything you need to know about what a small, pathetic man Bush is. He doesn't really care about America. - Matt

Anyone Taking Bets That SCOTUS Will Overturn This If Trump Is Elected?

Chevron is now overruled. The administrative state just died. The imperial judiciary joins the imperial presidency, relegating Congress to a secondary role except when it legislates with unrealistic specificity and foresight. - Laurence Tribe

First Lady Jill Biden, "What you saw last night on the debate stage was Joe Biden, a president with integrity and character who told the truth and Donald Trump told lie after lie. "

Still coughing, but Biden is giving a strong speech in Raleigh, NC now. - Stuart Rothenberg 



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Rock The Voter News

President Biden: Donald Trump isn't just a convicted felon, Donald Trump is a one-man crime wave.

Oo, Oo, Moses Wants Biden Removed From Office
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said Friday that members of President Biden’s Cabinet should consider using the 25th Amendment to remove him from office in light of his weak debate performance Thursday night.

When you get knocked down, you get back up. - Joe Biden


I'd vote for a dead Biden rather than a live Trump.


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Business/Tech News

Dr. Seuss Got It Right Back In The 1930s

Bidenomics is so bad for America that a record number of people are traveling for the 4th of July. - Lee202nard

Supreme Court Issues Ruling: Kick Em When They're Down
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor gave a blistering dissent of Friday’s ruling that will give local governments the ability to punish homeless people for sleeping outside...The decision, Grants Pass v. Johnson, will make it easier for states and cities to ban homeless people from sleeping outside while punishing them with civil fines and even jail time. 

I don't walk as easily as I used to.  I don't talk as smoothly as I used to, I don't debate as well as I used to.  But I know what I do know.  I know how to tell the truth. - Joe Biden today in NC


Thursday, June 27, 2024

5 things to know for June 27: Debate day, Supreme Court, Bolivia coup attempt, Midwest flooding, Cell phone ban

President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, are set to make history on CNN today as they meet for their first 2024 debate. 


In my view, Democracy ended in the USA when Jeb Bush broke his oath to uphold the laws of Florida to count all the votes, instead he went to the U.S. Supreme Court which handed the presidency to his brother.

W ruined Blue Texas and Jeb ruined Blue Florida. 
And that's why this site exists, folks.


And so the Supreme Court reads the room today and refrains from dropping a Presidential immunity decision on the morning of a crucial Presidential TV debate. - Michael Beschloss

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

I can't wait to find out if it's okay for a President to shoot someone. - Paula Poundstone

Supreme Court allows women to get health care when they're dying, as a little treat - Aaron Rupar

Maybe He'll Have A Bone Spur Flare Up!
Biden-Harris 2024 communications director Michael Tyler dropped a provocative hint when he floated the possibility former President Donald Trump might not show up for the blockbuster CNN debate with President Joe Biden.

Supreme Court Rules Anyone Who Had Abortion Under Roe Must Be Re-Impregnated. - The Onion


Judicial Hubris Is The Nice Way To Put It
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor issued a scathing dissent in an opinion released on Thursday, taking the time to read it from the bench to emphasize her objections to what she characterized as the conservative majority’s “judicial hubris.”

Listen up, you guys, we've got a democracy to save! And neither the courts nor the media is going to help us. Buckle up. - URockLive1

When people tell me they’re a Christian, I ask: “Dolly Parton Christian or Orange Man Christian?” -  Hate Liberals? Bite Me


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Business/Tech News

In a 5-4 decision, five conservatives on the Supreme Court just blocked enforcement of the EPA's plan to limit downwind pollution from power plants — known as the 'good neighbor' rule.

Barrett joins the three liberal justices in dissent. - Kyle Griffin, NBC

FACT: There Is No Affordable Housing In The USA

Jacksonville just approved $775 million in public funds for a revamped Jaguars NFL stadium. The team's owner is worth $12 billion.

Can anyone explain why billionaires get "incentives" from taxpayers but people get "handouts?" - Dan Price

Many of our problems would be solved if Republicans just minded their own business. - Jess Piper