Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Supreme Court Nukes Hunter Biden Laptop Conspiracy in Brutal Ruling

The Supreme Court issued a surprising decision on Wednesday, finding that complaints that the Biden administration had forced censorship on conservative social media users were unfounded. In its 6–3 decision, the Supreme Court laid a death blow in particular to the conspiracy theory that the FBI forced social media companies to suppress stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

I wonder how the 51 IC members who signed onto the infamous Hunter Biden hoax letter feel now.

Aside: Dana Bash's ex-husband was one of those 51. Small world, eh?

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Donald Trump should be on trial for espionage but instead he's free to plan his next insurrection.

We live in the dumbest timeline. - MayoIsSpicyy

Biden Removes Border Debate Topic From Trump. This Debate Is Going To Be Very Interesting.

Just a reminder: Julian Assange has all the GOP hacked emails too. He chose not to release them. What did he get from them? - NotHoodlum

We are being asked that Assange be given privacy. 

Da. You read that right. - Darth Putin

Republican Shenanigans

Colorado Republicans Hand Job to Boebert. - Andy Borowitz

Moses: Hunter Biden Joe Biden Needs To Be Investigated More

Jesus Christ Republicans 
Steve Bannon is going to a minimum security prison 
for 4 freaking months 
It’s not like he’s going to the chair 
for God’s sake 
Get some freaking perspective. - William Buecker


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Rock The Voter News

Biden To Wear Shark Costume At Debate. - Andy Borowitz

Tax Dollars At Work: Republicans Keep Digging For Dirt On Biden
The House Judiciary Committee will vote Thursday on whether to hold President Joe Biden's ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over audio recordings of conversations with the president.

Lots of ongoing spin coming from the Trump camp in prep for the Presidential Debate with Biden. Having worked with these people, here's the bottom line: Donald Trump & his crew are running scared. The bravado is cover-up for their fear. - Olivia Troye


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Business/Tech News

Trump promised to build a wall covering the entire US/Mexico border, 1,954 miles -- he built 47 miles.

Trump now promises to build 10 new cities -- he is going to build ZERO.

If he's promising, he's lying. - Tristan Snell

Supreme Court Accidentally On Purpose Releases Abortion Ruling

This time, is there any chance we Americans will be granted the extreme honor of being told how exactly this latest Supreme Court leak occurred? - Michael Beschloss

Tomorrow night the president of the United States will debate a convicted felon. That boggles my mind. - Windsor Mann

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Judge lifts parts of Trump gag order ahead of sentencing in New York criminal case

The ruling by Judge Juan Merchan will allow the former president to attack jurors and witness, including his former lawyer Michael Cohen and porn star Stormy Daniels.

Trump better not violate the gag order, or else the judge may seriously consider maybe making him face consequences. - The Daily Show

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Julian Assange is headed to the Northern Mariana Islands for a court appearance Wednesday where he will plead guilty to violating the Espionage Act and disseminating classified national defense information. Why can't we send Trump to the same place for the same plea deal? - Victoria Brownworth

Stolen Valor by a Congressman Verified. Of Course He's A Republican.

Carlson: “Do you think we're moving towards civil war?”

Trump: “You know, Jan. 6 was a very interesting day because they don't report it properly...People in that crowd said it was the most beautiful day they've ever experienced.” (Aug. 2023)

Sidebar: Judge Cannon knows every single nuclear secret in those boxes. She knows he’s committed espionage. - Sandi Bachom

Republican Shenanigans

I never thought that Julian Assange would be more popular in the GOP than Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney. - Windsor Mann

Be Careful What You Wish For, Trump.

Fun Fact: every single state that voted for Donald Trump received more $$ from the federal government than its taxpayers contributed. That’s right. Every red state is a federal “welfare” state requiring the generosity and largesse of blue state taxpayers. - Jeff Timmer

Stormy Daniels Predicts Trump Will Give Unexciting Performance. - Andy Borowitz

Trump makes Bush look smart, Clinton look chaste, and Nixon look honest. - Michael Ensley  


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Rock The Voter News

Trump Backs Out of Debate Claiming It Might Be Wife’s Birthday. - Andy Borowitz

Apparently, Biden Has Given Up On Winning Florida. 😕
Florida Democrats have been fighting the perception that the Sunshine State is invincibly red this election cycle, but were just dealt a blow by a blunt comment by President Joe Biden’s campaign chair...

The debate will be worth watching just to see Trump muted. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Is Merrick Garland alive? - Brandon Unger

It's About Damn Time That The USA Modernizes Its Rail Systems
A sensor on the railroad tracks running through the town of East Palestine, Ohio, failed to catch an overheated rail bearing that led to the 2023 derailment of a train carrying hazardous materials, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said at a public hearing Tuesday morning.

During its heyday, MTV News would be covering Kendrick vs. Drake, Israel/Palestine and the election

The kids don’t realize how important it was. - Sowmya



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Oyster Bar in Grand Central Terminal, NYC.  It was built in 1913 and still operates today. I love the subway tile and oysters.


Monday, June 24, 2024

Trump Claims He Told UFC President Dana White to Set Up a League Where Migrants Fight Each Other: 'They Are Nasty Mean'

Trump Claims He Told UFC President Dana White to Set Up a League Where Migrants Fight Each Other: 'They Are Nasty Mean'
MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera held a panel discussion on Monday about former President Donald Trump’s speech over the weekend in which he claimed that he suggested to UFC President Dana White that he should start a league where migrants fight each other.

I am glad media is covering on front page that Donald Trump called for a “migrant fight league” for UFC fighters to take on migrants. Oh wait, they aren’t covering it all? How about he told the Hannibal Lecter and shark stories again? No? Or he said he has a beautiful body? No? - Ben Meiselas 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Hey Republicans.

Do you remember when those Russian "Commies" were our enemies, from 1946 to to approximately 2016 (when Trump colluded with them)?

What changed for you? - Brandon Unger

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
From his home office in small-town Kentucky, a seasoned political operative is quietly investigating scores of federal employees suspected of being hostile to the policies of Republican Donald Trump, a highly unusual and potentially chilling effort that dovetails with broader conservative preparations for a new White House.

Don’t worry, Mitch McConnell, we haven’t forgotten that most of this is your fault. - John Collins

Republican Shenanigans

The only reason ronny jackson thinks people in the White House is giving Biden performance enhancing drugs is because ronny jackson used to give people in the White House performance enhancing drugs. - Covie

Louisiana Classrooms to Replace History Books with “Art of the Deal” - Andy Borowitz

Is anyone really surprised that convicted rapist Trump is trying to force himself on America after she said no? - Andrea Junker

Jack Smith Wants To Muzzle Trump. Good Luck With That.
Special Counsel Jack Smith detailed specific threats he blames on former President Donald Trump in a blistering new filing seeking new conditions on Trump’s release pending trial...On Monday, Judge Aileen Cannon — a Trump appointee — will hold a hearing on  Smith’s motion demanding Trump be gagged from making statements like his false claims President Joe Biden tried to assassinate him with the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago.

Countdown to Steve Bannon reporting to federal prison: 6 days. - Alex Cole


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Rock The Voter News

I hope Joe Biden answers every debate question with, “Unlike the convicted felon to my right…” - JoJoFromJerz

How Many Times Does Frank Luntz Have To Be Wrong Before No One Asks For His Opinion?

Why on Earth is my former employer @ThisWeekABC putting Frank Luntz on air???  he is a shyster of the first order and i told everyone at ABC that when i worked there. - Matthew Dowd tweet


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Business/Tech News

There are 8 states that have made school meals free to all students regardless of income: CA, CO, ME, MA, MI, MN, NM & VT. That is what I call PRO LIFE. - Eugene

The Real Hunger Games

First thing Biden says to Trump on the debate stage.

"Does your probation officer know you're here?" - Alex Cole



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can't live it no other way. - Jimmy Buffett, Lone Palm

Graphic composite by me.
