Tuesday, December 14, 2021

AllHatNoCattle is 21 years old today

Twenty one years ago, after the Coup d'Robe by the U.S. Supreme Court stopped the vote counting in Florida, AllHatNoCattle was born and what a wild ride it has been.

Jeb Bush and the Republicans ruined my beloved Florida,  just as his brother George W. Bush ruined the USA during his reign by starting two wars that failed and crashing the U.S. economy.

They catered to the gun toting religious right wing "pro lifers" and now we are a country overridden with gun violence and laws based on their form of "Christianity."

Joe Scarborough catered to those same Christofascist gun nuts when he was a Republican U.S. Congressman from 1995-2001. I lived in his district. He was hired by MSNBC months after he resigned from congress. He had a failed show for years until he took over fired Don Imus' morning show. He promoted Trump throughout the 2016 election, except the last few months. In 2006, Scarborough sent me a cease and desist letter wanting me to remove everything from my website about him and his dead aide. I had an hour conversation with his lawyer urging me to comply. I didn't. Never heard a peep from him again. Liberal media, my ass.

So, today's edition is a yearly flashback from 2001 to today.





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Thank you so much for 21 years! 
I couldn't have done it without you!



Peace and love.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Meadows said National Guard would be ready to 'protect pro Trump people' before Capitol insurrection, House investigators say

Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows sent an email saying the National Guard would be present to 'protect pro Trump people' in the lead up to the US Capitol insurrection, according to a new report released by the January 6 committee Sunday night.

Meadows was going to have the National Guard protect the "pro Trump people" against whom? The Capitol Police?

Trump was banned from Twitter for inciting a coup. Twitter has held Trump more accountable than any committee or Justice department has. - Out5p0ken tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Trump Denies Having Attention Span To Sit Through a PowerPoint. - Andy Borowitz


Governor of California Does An End-Around SCOTUS

Newsom survived the recall and decided to make the California GOP regret it every day of their lives. - Santiago Mayer

America 2021, where plutocrats run their own personal dick-shaped space programs while school teachers are forced to humiliate themselves for spare change, so yeah, I'd say that late-stage capitalism is working out just f*cking swell for everyone. - Jeff Tiedrich

Even Chris Christie Thinks The Coup Attempt Was Juvenile

I'm surprised the Catholic Church is so critical of Joe Biden, considering he actually attends their services, and never teargasses the parking lot first. - John Collins

Listen To Hillary, Please!
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — in an NBC interview that was released in its entirety Sunday — predicted that former President Donald Trump would seek the presidency in 2024 and said victory by him "could be the end" of US democracy.

Biden is so mentally unfit, he hasn’t thrown a single roll of paper towels. - Jeremy Newberger


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Business/Tech News

Nobody: "Person of the Year should be an insufferable narcissist who actively campaigns against paying his fair share in taxes and whose haircut suggests there are no mirrors in his house."

Time: "Elon Musk it is." - Middle Age Riot

Bolts & Washers In Your Coca Cola? Maybe.

It really doesn’t feel like Christmas until Pavarotti is singing “Oh Holy Night” to the counterpoint of my wife shouting at the cats to get out of the tree. - popehat tweet