Friday, December 10, 2021

SCOTUS won't stop Texas abortion ban, lets clinics sue

Justices left in place Texas's ban on most abortions — generally around six weeks — but ruled that clinics can sue over the state's most restrictive abortion law in the

I’m changing my name to “Clump of Cells” so I can get some basic rights.

What Jussie Smollett did was horrible, but I can’t get over the fact that in America you get more jail time faking a crime than murdering two people. - Tony Posnanski

Surprise! Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Makes Sane Decision!

My son saw the picture of Boebert's kids with automatic rifles and said that's how you create more school shooters. He's only 12. - Edward Marrs tweet

Republican Shenanigans

The only thing preventing a successful Republican coup,

Is Donald Trump leading it. - ReportsDaNews tweet

Well, At Least This Judge Is Sane
A judge in Texas ruled on Thursday that a law prohibiting abortions after about six weeks violated the state's constitution because it allows private citizens to sue abortion providers.

Report: Nation’s Collapsed Bridges Save Hundreds Of Americans From Jumping Off Them Annually. - The Onion


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Rock The Voter News

Remember when Nancy Pelosi refused to allow the insurrectionists to stop her from carrying out her duty to certify the Joe Biden electoral votes? She’s tough. - AvengerResister tweet

HBO Causes Peloton Stock To Drop


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Business/Tech News

The US Senate voted to overturn Biden's mask mandate for businesses. The US senate is trying to kill us. - Stephen Colbert

Cream Cheese Shortage Apparently Caused Anti-Semite Hackers

All I want for Christmas is one high profile arrest. - Hamish Mitchell


Thursday, December 9, 2021

'Get them ready now': Matt Gaetz and Steve Bannon discuss plan to take over government with 'shock troops'

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Thursday talked with conservative broadcaster Steve Bannon about a plan to use "4,000 shock troops" to take over the jobs of federal government employees.

Do not be misled: President Trump is trying to hide what happened on January 6th and to delay and obstruct. We will not let that happen. 

The truth will come out. - Liz Cheney

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Putin Believes Negotiating With US Would Be Easier If He Had Pee Tape of Biden. - Andy Borowitz

I have come to the conclusion that I must continue my work as attorney general. 

There are a number of important investigations and cases that are underway, and I intend to finish the job.

I am running for re-election to complete the work New Yorkers elected me to do.  - Letitia James 

My, My, My. Do You Think Trump Will Show Up?
New York's attorney general wants Donald Trump to testify within weeks as part of her investigation into potential fraud in his family-owned business.

Letitia James just put down a deposit on all of the empty space in Trump’s head.

I can’t wait for the his “official statement.” - ReportsDaNews tweet

Republican Shenanigans

And somewhere in Eastern Europe, Donald Trump's 4th wife just finished her math homework. - John Fugelsang

Who Knew That COVID Feminizes You? Tucker Carlson, That's Who!


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Rock The Voter News

You In Danger, Girls. Kevlar Up!

Humanity. Decency. Empathy. Respect for human life. Waking up every day to make lives better. These things matter. Thank you, Joe Biden. - Steven Beschloss


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Business/Tech News

When FOX News learned that under Biden, jobless claims are lower than they've been in 52 years, heads exploded, along with their plastic and wire Christmas tree. - Cheri Jacobus


Ah, Michael Smerconish, the CNN Host Who Interviewed Ken Starr During the ME TOO Movement AND When The Pandemic Broke Out He Told His Son To Go On Spring Break! You Can Do Much Better, CNN. Much, Much Better.
CNN’s Michael Smerconish, filling in for recently-fired anchor Chris Cuomo, secured 659,000 total viewers and 176,000 viewers in the demo. While those numbers pale in comparison to Hannity’s, they are in line with what Cuomo drew in recent months, and ensured Smerconish placed third on the CNN roster in total viewers and second in the demo.

I prefer not to think about that study that shows children who play Mary and Joseph are statistically more successful in adulthood. As I watch my son play Sheep Number 42. - Felicity Hannah



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A beautiful beach inside an island at the Azores, Portugal.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Biden says U.S. won't send troops unilaterally to defend Ukraine against Russia

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden said Wednesday that his administration was not considering sending U.S. troops to Ukraine amid an alarming.

‘You Know, If I Were You, I’d Go After Finland,’ Says Biden Trying To Dissuade Putin From Invading Ukraine. - The Onion

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

If Pearl Harbor happened today and Joe Biden was the President, Republicans would side with the Japanese. - jojofromjerz tweet

Republican Says: It Takes One To Know One
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) on Tuesday torched some of his most prominent Republican colleagues this week, calling members of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus “grifters” and “performance artists” who only “know how to say slogans real well.”

The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of rifle mags danced in their heads. - freshwaterpurl tweet

Antivaxxers are convinced that their sperm will soon be worth a fortune!  Hahahahaha!  How much would anyone be willing to pay for sperm from a person so stupid that it will probably swim the wrong way? - Bette Midler

Congressional Staff Members Call Out Rep. Boebert
More than 400 congressional staff members are calling on House leaders to “categorically reject the incendiary rhetoric” in the workplace following the recent anti-Muslim remarks by Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., about Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.

Teary-Eyed Prince Andrew Reveals Ghislaine Maxwell Groomed Him To Have Sex With Dozens Of Teens. - The Onion

Mitch McConnell is going to be in the Senate until they carry him out in a box, and probably then he'll be knocking on the lid and screaming, "We didn't vote on this!" - Stephen King

The Democratic Party Should Kick Out Joe Manchin

Meadows Decides To Testify After Being Threatened With Sharing Prison Cell With Bannon. - Andy Borowitz

The Olympics: When all the nations of the world compete to see who has the best steroids. - Trevor Noah

Roseanne Roseannadanna Agrees!

BREAKING: Gas prices are falling significantly, the stock market is surging, the job market is red-hot, pay is up, the vaccination rate is climbing, and Vice President Harris hasn’t defended a president who attacked our democracy and wanted her dead. - Earl Stephens tweet
