Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Couple who brandished guns at protesters spotted in Kenosha to support Rittenhouse

Couple who brandished guns at protesters spotted in Kenosha to support Rittenhouse
The St. Louis couple who became a national sensation last year after waving firearms at Black Lives Matter protesters marching near their home have been spotted in Kenosha, Wisc., during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

The only question left in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is who will nurse Kyle while he waits for the not guilty verdict--his mommy or the judge? - Randi Mayem Singer

You'll never see Conservatives showing love the way they show love to a guy who shot two people to death.

It's simply amazing. - John Pavlovitz

Oh, Great, Right-wingers Put Bounties On Teachers Who Don't "Teach" Their Way.

Hint:  If you oppose abortion rights, which Jesus never mentioned, because you are so deeply Christian; but support the death penalty, which Jesus directly opposed, the rest of us are no longer obliged to take your Christianity seriously. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

A white man carrying an AR-15 is less likely to be shot by the police than a black man carrying a cell phone. - Middle Age Riot

Does RFK Jr. Get Invited To Family Gatherings?


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Rock The Voter News


Wyoming GOP Disowns Liz Cheney

Disney Installs Animatronic Christian Missionaries To Convert Natives On Jungle Cruise Ride. - The Onion


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Business/Tech News

Pro tip: if you can afford your own private space program, you can afford to pay your fair share of taxes. - Jeff Tiedrich

LOL. NRA Loses COVID Case.

Trump is never going to jail. He deserves to, but he’s rich and powerful instead of poor and black. Welcome to America. - Stephen King

Monday, November 15, 2021

Bannon Livestreams His Surrender to the FBI, Pausing to Promote His Podcast

Bannon Livestreams His Surrender to the FBI, Pausing to Promote His Podcast
Steve Bannon took full advantage of the very media spectacle he created, as the former strategist to ex-President Donald Trump handed himself over to the FBI.

Steve Bannon: "We've got the Hispanics coming on our side, African Americans coming on our side, we're taking down the Biden regime. [...] I want you guys to stay focused, stay on message. Remember, signal not noise. This is all noise."

Bannon Arrested For Contempt of Soap. - Andy Borowitz

81-million of us are sign guy today. - Scott Linnen


Rittenhouse Fires Attorneys, Says Judge is Doing 'Good Enough Job' Without Them

Gee, Delusions of Grandeur Much? 

"...Sloppy Steve Bannon, who cried when he got fired and begged for his job.   Now Sloppy Steve has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone.  Too bad!" -Donald Trump, Jan 5 2018

Republican Shenanigans

The fact the Chris Christie can hire some publicists and make CNN dance on a string to help sell his book after all the cowardice, avarice & venality he has shown in very contemptible career should scare you more than it probably does. - Noel Casler

I Am Amazed How These Parents Are So Willing To Harm Their Children
Groups this year have voiced opposition to suicide prevention programs, mental health coordinators and social emotional learning, claiming they are being used to indoctrinate students.

If there were a God, he’d be suing the Republican Party for slander. - Middle Age Riot

The media’s coverage of supposed tensions between Biden and Harris seem a little overdone when you consider that the previous president supported his VP’s hanging. - Andy Borowitz

CNN Going For The Ratings From Right Wingers, Is What's Happening Here.
CNN political analyst Bakari Sellers pushed back on a massive report from CNN on “entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus” from Vice President Kamala Harris and her staff... “I’ve spent a lot of time recently with the vice president’s office and no one is frantic.”


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Nikola Tesla would have hated Elon Musk. - Middle Age Riot

Business/Tech News

Reminder: Elon Musk isn't just a Twitter troll. He is trolling our democracy by lobbying against tax increases that would make billionaires pay their fair share. - Robert Reich

Yes! Biden Bans Drilling Near Chaco Canyon Tribal Sites.

Higher Prices May Force Americans To Eat Reasonable Portions On Thanksgiving. - The Onion

Friday, November 12, 2021

Trump dismisses rioters' calls to hang Pence: 'People were very angry'

Former President Trump argued that then-Vice President Mike Pence was "well-protected" during the Jan. 6 riot and defended angry chants against the vice president from rioters, including those calling for him to be hanged, according to a new audio excerpt released by ABC News on Friday.

If Mike Pence had any balls at all he’d march right up to the 1/6 Committee and spill the beans live on camera. - TheUSASingers tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The people who cry about CRT think everyone in The Bible is white. - DeathMetalViking tweet

Wow. They Don't Even Try To Hide Their Racism Anymore.
A defense attorney representing one of the men charged with murdering Ahmaud Arbery said on Thursday that "we don't want any more Black pastors coming in here," objecting to the presence of Rev. Al Sharpton at the court proceeding the day before.

Can we all ignore Congressional subpoenas, or is that a privilege reserved for traitors and insurrectionists? - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

Remember during Benghazi when Obama claimed executive privilege and went to court and refused to let anyone talk? of course you don't. Obama handed over every document and Hillary sat for 11 hours straight, because they had nothing to hide and they aren't whiny dipsh*t man-babies. - Jeff Tiedrich

Did This Man Ignore A Subpoena Because There's No Penalty?
Former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows has failed to show up for a Friday deposition with the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, according to multiple reports, despite a threat from the panel it would seek to hold him in contempt for any defiance.

Bannon refused to comply with the subpoena

Mark Meadow now refuses to comply with the subpoena

Stephen Miller is on Fox News shoving his defiance in our face

Jeff Clark won’t answer questions

Siri what happens when the Attorney General doesn’t enforce Congressional subpoenas? - Lindy Li tweet


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Rock The Voter News

It's crazy watching foreign countries treat Veep Harris better than our own country does. We are such a shameful country. - LynnV tweet



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Business/Tech News

About the vaccine:
Singer Dolly Parton helped fund the vaccine development.
Elon Musk…did not. - Randy Mayeux 

The Latest Coo Coo Treatment: Detox Your Vax
In a TikTok video that has garnered hundreds of thousands of views, Dr. Carrie Madej outlined the ingredients for a bath she said will “detox the vaxx” for people who have given into Covid-19 vaccine mandates.

The fact that Harold Bornstein was Trump’s physician (Dr Feelgood) since the 80’s, had been sued for overprescribing, had his records stolen by Schiller & Garten and then died suddenly and mysteriously in January and got exactly zero scrutiny in the press speaks volumes. - Noel Casler
