Monday, November 8, 2021

‘Does Ted Cruz Hate America? CNN’s New Day Drags Conservatives Launching ‘Bonkers’ Attack on Big Bird’s Vaccine PSA

‘Does Ted Cruz Hate America? CNN’s New Day Drags Conservatives Launching ‘Bonkers’ Attack on Big Bird’s Vaccine PSA
CNN’s New Day ripped into Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) during a broad slam on the outrage against Sesame Street encouraging people to protect themselves from the coronavirus.
Cruz was among the most prominent conservatives wailing about “government propaganda” over the weekend after the verified Twitter account for Big Bird announced that the beloved kids’ character was vaccinated for Covid-19. 

Ted Cruz, a United States senator, went on a 2 day rant about a bird puppet, but liberals are the snowflakes. - OhNoSheTwitnt

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

People who tweeted more outrage 
over Colin Kaepernick's knee 
than Derek Chauvin's knee 
have already told you 
all you need to know. - John Fugelsang

Red States Bled COVID, Blue States Not So Much
By the end of 2020, there was no discernible difference between the rate of people who died of COVID-19 from areas that voted for President Biden and those who voted for former President Donald Trump — but "then the vaccines arrived," and "they proved so powerful, and the partisan attitudes toward them so different, that a gap in COVID's death toll quickly emerged," David Leonhardt writes in Monday's New York Times. And now, "the gap in COVID's death toll between red and blue America has grown faster over the past month than at any previous point."

Republican Shenanigans

"Now you listen here, mister.  We're conservative Christians, and we don't take kindly to politicians who want to help the poor & less fortunate." - John Fugelsang

Virginia Was Bought By Billionaires

Mr. Rogers did not adequately prepare me for the people in my neighborhood. - marianna z tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Biden has now done two big things Trump wanted to, passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill and gotten out of Afghanistan. I don't think a lot of people will spin it that way though. - Dan Friedman

When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them.

Today would be a great day for Steve Bannon’s perp walk. - Tim Hannan


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Business/Tech News

Amazon Assures Customers That Alexa Is Far Too Busy Devising Their Own Plans To Listen In On Private Conversations. - The Onion

“I’m not offended by ‘dumb blonde’ jokes. I know I’m not dumb. I also know I’m not blonde.” - Dolly Parton



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A 650 ft tall underwater rock called "Dirty Rock" is located in the Pacific ocean, just off the coast of the Revillagigedo Islands, near Mexico. 


Friday, November 5, 2021

US Economy Adds 531,000 Jobs in October

 US Economy Adds 531,000 Jobs in October
The U.S. economy added 531,000 jobs in October as the unemployment rate decreased to 4.6 percent from 4.8 percent the previous month, announced the Department of Labor on Friday.

BREAKING: Conservative news outlets are reporting that caravans of socialist immigrants are approaching the US-Mexico border to join MS-13 and take guns away from Americans while teaching their children critical race theory. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Look: just throw us a bone and indict the f*ck out of someone already. it's been another sh*tty week and we could all use some cheering up. - Jeff Tiedrich

Surprise, Surprise. FBI Investigating Right Wing Group For Stealing The Diary of Joe Biden's Daughter.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation this week reportedly raided two locations associated with conservative group Project Veritas as part of a probe that started under former Trump-appointed Attorney General Bill Barr...the searches were related to an investigation into how the personal diary of President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, was stolen just ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Just so we’re all clear, critical race theory isn’t taught in elementary school but active shooter drills are. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Republican Shenanigans

This is the most uncertain period in US history since that time Dick Cheney had heart surgery & Bush almost became president. - John Fugelsang

Guaran-Damn-Teed That Marjorie Taylor Greene Pumped Up The Insurrectionists During Her Jail Visit

Rather than putting "Christ" back in "Christmas," l'd settle for putting "Christ" back in "Christians." - Mohamad Safa


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Rock The Voter News

Democrats Favor Permanent Paid Leave For Joe Manchin. - Andy Borowitz

Fox News Brain Eating Cancer Spreading To Democrats
More Democrats are watching Fox News during prime time than CNN, according to data from Per Nielsen MRI Fusion.


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Business/Tech News

Report: Catapult Industry Won’t Survive Another Year Without Medieval War Breaking Out. - The Onion

Who Is Behind This? Russia? China? Iran?
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday announced new leadership of the agency’s task force addressing so-called Havana Syndrome cases, promising to find answers on the mysterious incidents impacting hundreds of staff with debilitating health symptoms.

In the last 2 years that I have been wearing a mask, I had no colds. No sniffles or anything. I will wear a mask on a plane for the rest of my life. - JoeSchmoe tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is one of those photographs that takes my breath away. Courtesy of NASA/ISS.

Have a peaceful weekend everyone.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Rioter who bragged she wouldn't go to jail gets prison term

A Texas real estate agent who bragged she wasn’t going to jail for storming the U.S. Capitol because she is white, has blond hair and good job has been sentenced to two months behind bars

Can we please stop shaming all "white women" and focus instead on the GOP demographic of "white women who are dead inside." - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I'm still angry about 2001-2008. Those MOFOs went on an 8 year crime spree and are living on steak and lobster today. - CWJediMaster tweet

Racist "Comedian" Removed From Rittenhouse Jury

Right wing activist and Capitol invader Jenna Ryan once said that she's "definitely not going to jail." Today she received her sentence. She was right. She's not going to jail. She's going to prison. - Palmer report tweet

Fauci Admits Funding Research To Build Immunity To Rand Paul. - Andy Borowitz

70s - "Stupid Bleeding-heart Liberals"
90s - "Stupid Politically-Correct Liberals"
20s - "Stupid Woke Liberals"

Every generation of selfish mean people - who pretend to be Christian - finds a new way to smear empathy & kindness. - John Fugelsang

The Ghost of Ukraine Past Is Visiting Giuliani
The high-profile federal criminal investigation of Rudy Giuliani in recent days has zeroed in on evidence that in the spring of 2019 three Ukrainian government prosecutors agreed to award contracts, valued in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, to Giuliani and two other American attorneys as a way to gain political and personal influence with the Trump administration.
Federal investigators believe Giuliani and two attorneys who worked closely with him, Victoria Toensing and Joe DiGenova, probably violated federal transparency laws that require Americans working for foreign governments or interests to register as foreign agents with the US justice department and fully disclose details of each such action they undertook on behalf of the foreign interests.

Trump Claims He Is Now Governor of Virginia. - Andy Borowitz


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I am confused about how one state going Republican for governor and another remaining Democrat is the death knell for Biden’s agenda. Seems like the scripts are written no matter the results. - Ida Bae Wells

Rock The Voter News

Joe Manchin Has Used Up His 15 Minutes of Fame Many Times Over, In My Humble Opinion.
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) gave a blunt assessment of America’s current political orientation on CNN’s New Day Thursday, declaring the country center-right while personally rejecting the labels “progressive” or “liberal.”

Like so many West Virginian’s Joe Manchin drives a Maserati and lives on a yacht. - Noel Casler


How the press used to be: We regret that we got something wrong and we’ll try harder because our credibility is important to us. 

How the press is now: F*ck you morons for not being as smart as us. - Sam Youngman


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Business/Tech News

Disbanding & Bankrupting The NRA Is Long Overdue

This weekend, America will turn back its clocks one hour and Virginia will turn its clocks back a 100 years. - Dave Matt