Wednesday, November 3, 2021

GOP leader says Republicans could flip 60 seats next year

Republicans took a victory lap Wednesday following Republican Glenn Youngkin’s stunning win in the Virginia governor’s race, with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) predicting his party could flip more than 60 House seats in next year’s midterm elections.

Perhaps — and hear me out here — going high when they go low isn’t really working. - Andrea Junker

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Wouldn’t it be great if parents were as concerned about school shootings as they are about Critical Race Theory?

Israeli Spyware Maker Blacklisted By Biden
NSO Group has been placed on a US blacklist by the Biden administration after it determined the Israeli spyware maker has acted “contrary to the foreign policy and national security interests of the US”.

The corporate Dems
who blocked the Dems 
from being able to run on making progress
are now saying 
that a corporate Dem 
losing Virginia
proves that voters 
don't want progress
- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Why do Trump dummies think that J.F.K. Jr., who was a Democrat, is going to come back from the dead to be their Republican savior? - DesignationSix tweet

Six Insurrectionists Elected To State and Local Levels. Face Palm.

Having a single black president broke people's brains so much that they're literally sitting around waiting for a dead white guy to return from the grave and lead them to the White House. I don't drop acid but I have to imagine that it's like that. - BlackKnight10K


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Are we supposed to just pretend that hundreds of conspiracy theorists didn’t just gather in Dallas to see JFK, Jr. reveal himself?

The media needs to start to cover the kooks. They are in Congress now, too. The media needs to step it up. - George Takei

Rock The Voter News
Hmmmm . . . no cry of voter fraud out of the GOP as long as they win. - Brian J. Karem

Biden Social Spending Bill Whittled Down To $10 Billion Check To Joe Manchin. - The Onion

Trump Furious After Drunk Giuliani Demands Virginia Recount. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

If you want to avoid seeing your family this Thanksgiving, be sure to book a flight on American or Southwest. - Conan O'Brien

Here's Hoping OAN Is Sued To Kingdom Come!
Smartmatic, a company that creates election and voting technology and support services, is suing conservative news outlet One American News Network (OAN) for slander and libel about its voting systems

President Biden has another 3 years and three months left in his first term and everyone is acting like his Presidency over. - BlackKnight10K tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A Puffer Fish skeleton for you to ponder.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

‘Make it a Christian town’: the ultra-conservative church on the rise in Idaho

A Guardian investigation has revealed that a controversial church whose leader has openly expressed the ambition of creating a “theocracy” in America has accumulated significant...

When stupidity is considered patriotic it is unsafe to be intelligent. - Isaac Asimov

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Yeah, I wanted Hillary to win in 2016, but I didn’t storm the Capitol when she lost. - John Collins

POLL: World Views U.S. As Sickly & Undemocratic
American health care systems, including their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the state of the country’s democracy, are seen negatively abroad, according to the latest Pew Research Center report released Monday.

for those of you keeping score at home, it's been 19 days since Steve Bannon told Congress to f*ck off and 11 days since Congress asked Merrick Garland to do something about it. holy f*cking sh*t, the crickets are deafening. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans are more concerned that liberals are going to take their racism than take their guns. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Sounds Like The Texas Governor Is Planning A Big Old Book Burning.

The sooner these people are raptured, the better off we're all gonna be. - Stonekettle


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Rock The Voter News

Republicans Name Manchin Employee of the Month. - Andy Borowitz

NOT BREAKING NEWS: John F. Kennedy Jr. is dead.
QAnon believers have reportedly gathered in Dallas, Texas in anticipation of a big announcement from John F. Kennedy Jr.—but they may be waiting some time, as Kennedy died in a plane crash 22 years ago. The gathering was spotted by independent journalist Steven Monacelli, the publisher of Protean Magazine and contributor to The Daily Beast. He posted Monday night that a big crowd of “what appears to be QAnon believers” gathered in downtown Dallas ahead of an expected announcement by Kennedy at Dealey Plaza later this week. Monacelli even spotted people wearing campaign t-shirts saying: “Trump/JFK JR 2024.” Some QAnoners believe Kennedy faked his own death and is now Q, the anonymous leader of their conspiracy movement. However, Kennedy died after crashing into the Atlantic Ocean on July 16, 1999.

QAnon Trump supporters gathered in Texas because they believed JFK Jr. faked his own death and was going to announce he would be Trump’s running mate in 2024.” 

Who else thinks these people need help? - Chip Franklin

No one could have predicted that the idiots who guzzle horse goo would be the same idiots who think JFK Jr. is going to pull himself out of a hat. - Jeff Tiedrich

The Kyle Rittenhouse jury is set, and it includes ONE person of color.

Sounds about White.


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Business/Tech News

There are 48 Democratic Senators who would be happy to go on television and give interviews about why they support the Build Back Better agenda.
So media, stop being lazy and drama-focused by just covering the two who have issues with it. - Janice Hough

Yahoo Is Leaving China Or They Were Kicked Out
Yahoo announced it is ending its services in China, more than 20 years after it entered the country and on the same day a data protection law takes effect in the world's second largest economy.


Monday, November 1, 2021

Roughly 7 in 10 know 'just some,' little or nothing about spending packages: poll

Roughly 7 in 10 know 'just some,' little or nothing about spending packages: poll
A new poll published on Sunday found that about 7 in 10 Americans know 'just some' or even less about what's in both the Biden administration's infrastructure and social spending bills. 
Despite 55 percent of respondents saying they were following negotiations about the bills at least somewhat closely, only 31 percent said they know a great deal or good amount about what's in the legislation...

November 1st is the official beginning of Republicans Claiming There's a War on Christmas Season. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

After threats that 10,000 NYPD officers could quit the force over the NYC vaccine mandate, the actual number going on unpaid leave today was 34. - Tristan Snell tweet

LOL those 34 idiots are sitting in a bar called O'Neills somewhere in Queens checking the door waiting for the rest to arrive. - YS tweet

Mess With These Texas Police & Sue Them To High Heaven, Please!

Halloween?  l live in Florida. I'm scared every f*ckin time I leave the house. - duke windsor388 tweet

Republican Shenanigans

In the end, Melania Trump is just another contractor her husband isn't going to pay. - Middle Age Riot

Is The FBI Making Excuses For Their Lack Of Action on Jan 6? Aspirational Nature, My Foot.
Senior FBI officials are reportedly defending the bureau’s actions before the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, contending that many warnings appeared to be protected free speech because of their “aspirational” nature.

Lindsey Graham would have helped Nixon erase the tapes. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Rock The Voter News

Anyone else sick and tired of the media being so hard on President Biden after the four years of HELL we all lived through? - Jon Cooper

Kyle Rittenhouse Gets Another Red Carpet Treatment From Judge

NYC Mayor: About 9,000 municipal workers have been put on unpaid leave for refusing to comply with the COVID vaccine mandate that took effect today. - Kyle Griffin

I'm pretty sure God never let anyone into heaven just because they have "Christian" in their profile. - Death Metal Viking tweet


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Business/Tech News

Humans are fascinating: They blithely go about their business while democracy and the planet are on fire.- Steven Beschloss


Jesus, Imagine Thinking "I wonder what Josh Hawley's thoughts on masculinity are?"

If you vote on one issue this election, let it be democracy.

Without it, none of the other issues even matter. - Ally Sammarco
