Friday, October 29, 2021

Adam Schiff: Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t just playing politics – she is 'legitimately nuts'

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) bashed the "grifters and thieves" that have taken over the Republican Party, although he believes some of Donald Trump's most conspiracy-addled supporters might actually be mentally ill.

MTG is nothing more than a conservative crisis actor.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

It's been 15 days since Steve Bannon told Congress to f*ck off. you know what would happen if you or I tried to pull that sh*t. - Jeff Tiedrich

Why Are Prosecutors Going Easy On The Insurrectionists?
A federal judge unleashed on prosecutors Thursday for allowing some defendants charged in the Capitol insurrection to resolve their cases by pleading to "petty offenses."

It’s nice to see world leaders laughing with our President, instead of at him. - John Collins

Republican Shenanigans

Before you going getting all boo hoo, remember this:

Adam Kinzinger voted 90% of the time for Trump policies.

90%. - Don Winslow

Anti Vaxxers Send Death Threats To Fox News Anchor

ATTENTION VIRGINIA:  Polls are showin' Youngkin takin' a slight lead.  If you don't want to be the next Texas, get your hiney to to polls and vote! - Tea Pain tweet


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Rock The Voter News

If men could get pregnant, paid paternity leave would be in the preamble of the Constitution. - Middle Age Riot

Dear God, Oklahoma Delivers Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
Oklahoma administered the death penalty Thursday on a man who convulsed and vomited as he was executed for the 1998 slaying of a prison cafeteria worker, ending a six-year execution moratorium brought on by concerns over its execution methods,

A weird feature of the current political landscape is that Dems are far more upset Jan 6 rioters wanted to hang Pence than the GOP, or even Pence himself, seem to be. - Joyce Alene


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Business/Tech News

Facebook changing its name to Meta is so exciting I've already forgotten that we just learned they knew women were being sex trafficked on the platform and did nothing! - John Fugelsang

Eww, Restaurant Servers Clean Bathrooms. Who Knew?

Mark Zuckerberg Changes Name To Mother Teresa. - Andy Borowitz

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Facebook changes its company name to Meta

Oct 28 (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) said on Thursday it would rebrand as Meta, a name change that comes as the company battles criticisms...

Facebook is now Meta, as in "I just META nice young white nationalist who told me to vote Trump, hate foreigners, and never get vaccinated, because the government is just trying to put a chip in my head." = Jeremy Newberger

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The Confederacy was hardworking white ppl programmed to be racist & suckered into fighting for the wealthy plantation owners.

And it still is. - John Fugelsang

White Collar Crime Update
The Justice Department announced a series of policy changes Thursday aimed at toughening the federal response to white-collar crime, particularly offenses involving corporate misconduct.

If the judge in the Rittenhouse case doesn't like the word 'victim', perhaps the phrase 'unarmed person shot to death' might do the trick. - John Cleese

Republican Shenanigans

Patagonia stopped all paid advertising on Facebook platforms in June 2020 because they spread hate speech and misinformation about climate change and our democracy. We continue to stand by that boycott 16 months later. - Patagonia tweet

State Trooper Threatened Doctors Over Horse Dewormer.
When a Montana hospital refused to treat an 82-year-old COVID-19 patient with the drug ivermectin earlier this month, a state trooper showed up and doctors got "harassed and threatened" by three different public officials, the hospital told local media outlets.

Texas School Censors All Of ‘Huck Finn’ Except The N-Words - The Onion


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Manchin Will Agree to Halloween Only if Candy Is Completely Removed. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Calling it a ‘billionaire income tax’ was smart branding by the Democrats, because Republicans are going to sound pretty out of touch if they oppose it, which they immediately did. - Stephen Colbert

Thanks to Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, Biden's Build Back Better initiative has been reduced to every American receiving an additional 20% Off Coupon for Bed Bath & Beyond. - TranquilityRuse tweet


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Business/Tech News

It's worth remembering that every single Republican in the Senate is worse than Joe Manchin; a society where billionaires can go to space and veterans can go to food pantries is acceptable to them. - John Fugelsang

Profiting From COVID!
Merck & Co Inc on Thursday said its experimental COVID-19 drug could bring in between $5 billion and $7 billion in sales through the end of next year, assuming it gains U.S. authorization in December.

I don’t know about you, but I kind of like standing six feet apart from people. - Nathalie Jacoby tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Trompe-l'Ɠil is an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that the depicted objects exist in three dimensions. Art soothes my soul.


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

35 percent of voters in new poll say 2020 election should be overturned

Thirty-five percent of registered voters said the results of the 2020 presidential election should be overturned, according to a new poll, nearly nine months after Congress certified President Biden's Electoral College win.

The collapse of education leads to the collapse of a nation.

If you or I plotted to convince a bunch of violent dimwits to go apesh*t and bludgeon cops at the Capitol, right now we'd be rotting in some hellish prison. what the f*ck already. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Informs January 6th Committee He Has Diplomatic Immunity as Representative of Russia. - Andy Borowitz


Pentagon Predicts ISIS-K Attack In U.S. Could Happen In 6 Months Unless Magats Beat Them To It

Remember, Steve Bannon was arrested & indicted for ripping off #MAGA voters with his fraudulent "Build the Wall" scam.

And MAGA voters now praise Trump for setting Bannon free to continue his fine work. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Lauren Boebert is now quoting the bible

Like that’s gonna help her.

U.S. Senator Defends Nazi Salute

How Anti-Maskers do statistics:

If you have 4 pencils and I have 7 apples,... how many pancakes will fit on the roof? 

Purple. Because there are no bones in ice cream. - Rashan Rinaldi


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Rock The Voter News

Joe Manchin just said that he can’t put the burden of debt on his 10 grandchildren.

But he is clearly not worried about his coal company destroying the planet they live on. - ReportDaNews tweet

Manchin Is A Wannabe Billionaire
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Wednesday said he doesn’t like the idea of targeting only the 700 wealthiest Americans to pay for a big chunk of the Democrats' spending package, raising doubts over a newly proposed tax on billionaires.

While the new Hillary Rodham Clinton Chair in Women's History at @UniofOxford is the first chair in women’s history in the world, I hope it will not be the last. - Hillary Clinton tweet


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FOX News - still #1 with people who get their news from only one source! - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

If Elon Musk is against something you’re doing, you know you’re on the right track. - Andy Borowitz

CNN Has Turned Into Mostly Entertainment News

As a college freshman, I took Early American Literature from Professor Milford Wence, who was of an age to remember when mail came by Pony Express. He said the two requirements for English majors was a sense of humor and a dirty mind. - Stephen King

