Friday, October 1, 2021

Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for COVID-19

Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for COVID-19
Justice Brett Kavanaugh has tested positive for COVID-19, the Supreme Court announced Friday.
Kavanaugh, 56, has been fully vaccinated since January and has no symptoms, the court said in a statement. His wife and daughters, who are also fully vaccinated, tested negative on Thursday.

New Evidence Indicates Alcohol Offers No Protection Against Covid. - Andy Borowitz

A majority of Trump voters say they are in favor of seceding from the union.

A majority of everyone else say "good f*cking riddance." - Middle Age Riot

A Liar Held A Rally  and Guess What? More Lies!
A US marine who says he saved a baby during the evacuation from Afghanistan in photos seen across the world is under investigation for appearing on stage with Donald Trump at a rally.

Sinclair Lewis was right. They are wrapped in the flags, carrying crosses. - insertcleverid tweet

Republican Shenanigans

I hope Sandy Hook families never stop suing Alex Jones. They deserve all of his money and future earnings for what he has personally put them through. - Ricky Davila


Justice Samuel Alito Defends The Indefensible 
Justice Samuel Alito on Thursday rejected criticism that the Supreme Court has improperly handled some of the cases that come to it as a part of its emergency docket without the benefit of a full briefing schedule and oral arguments.

Brett Kavanagh has tested positive for covid-19. Ruth Bader Ginsburg must have just gotten her wings. - BlackKnight10K tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Just a reminder-
If Puerto Rico & DC were states
nobody would care abt 
what Manchin & Sinema think. - John Fugelsang

You know what, screw this defeated attitude. We have the Presidency, the House and the Senate. We have amazing members in our Democratic Party and voters. Let’s get some pride and go motivate people to go vote because this midterms is the most important election of our lifetime. - David Weissman


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Business/Tech News

If the government is running out of money, maybe it should take back the $2.3 trillion it gave away to the rich under Trump. - Andy Borowitz


Fox News Celebrates 25 Years of Lies

The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens.
-- Jimmy Carter, who turned 97 today. Happy Birthday!


Thursday, September 30, 2021

Democrats Need to Follow Lead of This 84-Year-Old Congressman and Call for Trump to Be Criminally Prosecuted

If a Democratic president did exactly what Donald Trump did after losing re-election — from radicalizing his supporters with lies of “election fraud” to calling them to the Capitol on January 6 then urging them to “Stop the Steal” which led to an “act of domestic terrorism” as the FBI has classified Jan. 6 — is there any doubt that Republican members of Congress would be screaming daily for that former president to be criminally prosecuted?!

The Constitution is like the Bible:

Republicans haven't read it, either. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Holy f*cking sh*t, it's good to see the January 6 Commission doing what Merrick Garland seemingly won't. - Jeff Tiedrich

What Sorcery Is This?

Republican Shenanigans

I have zero tolerance for antivaxxers. I'm not going to listen to their hysterical bullsh*t. I'm not going to entertain their conspiracy theories or their pseudoscience delusions

These people deserve to be ridiculed and ostracized. Nothing more. - Stonekettle tweet

Babies who received 17 vaccines in 2 years didn’t take time to do the research first. - Tonya tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Susan Collins Sad That Joe Manchin Has Replaced Her as Most Annoying Senator. - Andy Borowitz

Joe Biden has TWO Joe Liebermans.
Barack Obama only had to deal with one. - John Fugelsang

Why Is Louis DeJoy Still Postmaster General?
You better get those holiday packages sent out sooner rather than later: Mail delivery is about to get slower and more expensive.


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Business/Tech News

For months, stories exclusively quoted business owners claiming they can't find workers because of unemployment checks.

Those checks are gone and unemployment hasn't budged, yet I haven't seen a single follow-up story.

We should hold people accountable for false narratives. - Dan Price

Never Forget, Brexit Was Started By Conservatives

On the worst days, don’t forget how much worse it would be if the coup attempt succeeded on Jan 6 and the criminal sociopath never departed the White House. - Steven Beschloss


If I did this, there would be no AllHatNoCattle!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Merck says it's COVID-19 antiviral pill is effective against variants

Merck says it's COVID-19 antiviral pill is effective against variants
Pharmaceutical company Merck on Wednesday said that its experimental, antiviral COVID-19 treatment has demonstrated in lab studies to likely be effective against coronavirus variants, including the highly contagious delta strain. 

Nurse Carefully Weighs Whether She Better Off Getting Vaccine Or Losing Job And Dying. - The Onion

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Queen Elizabeth II Shudders To Think How Close She Came To Meeting Ivanka and Jared. - Andy Borowitz

No Matter Who Made What Decision On The Afghan Pull Out, We Should Have Never Been The In The First Place
Top generals told lawmakers Tuesday that they previously recommended keeping around 2,500 U.S. troops on the ground in Afghanistan, contradicting earlier statements by President Biden that no one had advised him against a complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from the country last month.

The modern Confederates are trying to do to America what Sherman did to Atlanta. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

This is hard to talk about but when I was a child, my parents, without my consent, took away my god given freedom to die of polio. - kibblesmith tweet


Former Trump Aide Makes Unwanted Sexual Advances.
A Donald Trump donor is accusing Corey Lewandowski, one of the former president’s longtime top aides, of making unwanted sexual advances toward her at a Las Vegas charity event over the weekend.

Something tells me Corey Lewandowski is not in this to Make America Great Again, but to just get laid. - Jeremy Newberger


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Americans Unable To Remember Electing Joe Manchin President. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

They voted 420-9 to fund the iron dome but keeping our own government open is going to be a close one. - jai tweet

It's A Ruse, Don't Believe Her!

YouTube has announced it will remove all videos that spread Covid misinformation

Facebook, your move. - Edward Hardy


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Doctors and nurses are quitting over vaccine mandates and I can't think of a better way to ensure we have decent medical professionals. - Alt Fed Employee tweet

Business/Tech News

Irony is being told you have to wear a mask at the Unemployment office after being fired for not getting the vaccine. - Renee Libby

Fly The Vaccinated Skies of UNITED!

Hard to imagine it now but we used to answer the phone with no idea who was on the other end. And we did this all the time. We were savages. - toure tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A Cold War era KGB camera ring in 14k gold. Not very subtle, is it?
