Thursday, September 23, 2021

Former Trump adviser Michael Flynn is pushing a bonkers theory that COVID-19 vaccines are being added to salad dressing

Former Trump adviser Michael Flynn is pushing a bonkers theory that COVID-19 vaccines are being added to salad dressing
Former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn this week pushed a theory that COVID-19 vaccines are being snuck into our salad dressing.
Flynn was speaking this week to Clay Clark, the host of the conservative podcast "The Thrivetime Show," and Andrew Sorchini, a Beverly Hills-based precious metals dealer.

I trust Putin as much as I trust Trump. Everyone is expendable in their eyes. Flynn isn't in like Flynt, as Putin would serve him a salad with plutonium dressing in a heartbeat.

Now that General Flynn exposed their salad scheme, Pfizer now plans to add the vaccine to one of its best selling drugs, Viagra. - Tristan Snell 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

holy f*cking sh*t, conspiring to overturn an election is a felony. you know this. I know this. could someone PLEASE tell Merrick Garland. - Jeff Tiedrich

Prince Andrew Prances Around Pedophile Lawsuit. His Arrogance May Be His Downfall.

In America, it's safer to be a white man trying to overthrow the government than a black man doing anything. - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

Lead Florida GOP Senator, Manny Diaz calls for a review of all vaccine mandates, including polio, mumps, and rubella.

Just when you thought the state of affairs in Florida could not get any worse. - Aaron Parnas

Billionaire Funneling More Money To End Democracy
Americans for Prosperity (AFP), an advocacy group backed by GOP mega-donor Charles Koch, launched a multi-million dollar ad campaign Thursday attacking Democrats’ $3.5 trillion social spending package.

We surpassed the deaths from the 1918 pandemic, despite all the innovation in medicine & tech, because social media made Americans stupid. - Lance Cooper


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Infrastructure. Reconciliation. The Debt Ceiling. If there’s one person that can navigate this legislative storm and land the plane safely, it’s  Nancy Pelosi. I have great faith in our Speaker. - Rob Reiner

Rock The Voter News

If Hunter Biden gets a job in the Administration, I'll denounce it.

If he gets the Administration to do unwarranted deals for his clients, I'll denounce it.

If he gets business trademarks approved while his father is in office, I'll denounce it.

He's done none of those things. - Bradley P. Moss


I’d rather be vaccinated than ventilated. - Rosanna Arquette 


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Business/Tech News

When rich people can’t get everything they want at Whole Foods instantly it’s called “supply chain issues” but when the working class people in Flint can’t take a shower for five years it’s an “unfortunate reality” - Jack Califano

Is Sex Trafficking Adding To Missing Girls and Women?

The Best Things In Life Aren't Things. - John Fugelsang


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

‘Peril Remains’: Bob Woodward Explains Why Democracy is Still Threatened Because ‘Trump is Still Out There’

‘Peril Remains’: Bob Woodward Explains Why Democracy is Still Threatened Because ‘Trump is Still Out There’
Spoiler alert: The final words of Bob Woodward and Robert Costa’s book detailing the last days of the Trump administration and transition to President Joe Biden are “Peril remains.”
CNN host John Berman revealed this detail to viewers of New Day who have not yet completed the book Peril, which was published Tuesday amid breathless headlines detailing reporting from the book that is both shocking and entirely predictable.

Trump had a six point plan to overturn the election and it was put in writing. That would be like posing in a bunch of pics and videos with Jeffrey Epstein and still walking free….oh, wait… - Noel Casler


A canary signals coalmine collapses.

"Hunter Biden" signals GOP collapses. - Jake Lobin

Republicans Have Turned Into Mafia Wanna-Be's

New Program Encourages Americans To Get Vaccine To Prevent It From Going To Foreigners. - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Files Lawsuit After Finishing New York Times Story He Started in 2018. - Andy Borowitz

Pope Calls Catholic Conservatives "The work of the devil." Way To Go!
Pope Francis is once again denouncing conservative critics of the Catholic Church for doing the devil’s work.

If the Republican Party doesn't move ahead without Donald Trump, it will be destroyed.

But Donald Trump will destroy the Republican Party if it tries to move ahead without him.

Best Catch-22 ever. - Middle Age Riot


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And y’all called us “Un-American” and “soft on terror” for trying to warn you about George W Bush. 

And when we were proven right, you hated us for trying to warn you about Trump. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

I'm Going Out On A Limb Here, But Democrats Are Going To Win More Seats Than They Lose In The Midterms
It’s long been one of President Biden’s favorite sayings: “Don't compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative.”


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Business/Tech News

The GOP promises exactly 2 things:

1. To protect the super-rich from minor tax increases
2. To protect hardworking conservative voters from Hunter Biden's Laptop. - John Fugelsang

Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad Senators, Bad Senators.

Trump used to seem confidently delusional, but now he reeks of desperation, as if he sees "LOSER" on his tombstone. When you start suing family members, what's next? Running naked through Mar-a-Lago screaming "I'm the President of me"? - Paul Rudnick


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Chuck Schumer Calls on Biden to Stop 'Hateful and Xenophobic Trump Policies,' Mistreatment of Haitian Migrants at Border


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called on President Joe Biden to put an end to the reported mistreatment of Haitian asylum-seekers at the U.S. southern border.

What is so heartbreaking is that plastic bag the Haitian man is holding, it probably contains everything he owns.

Nobody ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American public. - HL Mencken 



Short edition today as I had to go shopping to replace my gas stove with an electric one, so I won't get blown to smithereens AND so I can cook food!

Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience.

Thank you for visiting and there will be a new edition tomorrow.
