Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Arkansas legislators look at blocking employer vaccine mandates

Arkansas legislators look at blocking employer vaccine mandates
Fresh from rejecting a proposal to allow schools to require masks for young students, some Arkansas lawmakers are now targeting businesses that require employees to be vaccinated against covid-19.
During a committee meeting Tuesday, legislators approved the study of a bill that would prohibit employers from requiring the disclosure of an employee's vaccination status.

At this point most people are either 95% immune to Covid or 100% immune to facts. - Randi Mayem Singer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

To all those folks chanting ‘no more masks’ at school board meetings in the south. You’re saying guns wrong. - Noel Casler

Just Pass The Darn Infrastructure Bill!
Senate Democrats approved a $3.5 trillion budget resolution early Wednesday morning, setting the stage in the weeks and months to come for the party to craft and attempt to pass a sweeping economic package expanding the social safety net that President Joe Biden has made a signature agenda item without the threat of a filibuster from Republicans who oppose it.

Delta is bad, but imagine how much worse it would be if Donald “It will go away like a miracle” Trump had been elected. Or you could just look at Florida and Texas. - Stephen King


Speaking of Donald Trump...

Republican Shenanigans

The "Pro-Life Party" will kill us all. - Tea Pain

YouTube Suspends Randy Dandy Paul, Again.

Fauci says it is safe to watch youtube now that Rand Paul has been suspended. - Andy Borowitz


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I’m old enough to remember when the GOP had an ‘anything goes’ policy to protect the USA after 9/11. We were led to believe torturing ‘enemy combatants’ was for the greater good. Now those same assholes won’t even get a vaccine or let kids wear a mask in school. - Noel Casler

Rock The Voter News

Has Bipartisanship Become Contagious?
A bipartisan trio of senators introduced a bill that would rein in app stores of companies they said exert too much market control, including Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc's Google.

Get vaccinated, because if you die from COVID-19, someone will pry the gun from your cold, dead hands. - Middle Age Riot


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Business/Tech News

Yesterday was the 100 year anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt being stricken with Polio.

The US has been polio free since 1979.

Because of... well, you know. - John Fugelsang

Facebook Jumps On Claim That Vaccines Turn You Into Chimpanzees!



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The earth laughs in flowers. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Senate passes $1T bipartisan infrastructure bill in major victory for Biden

Senate passes $1T bipartisan infrastructure bill in major victory for Biden
The Senate on Tuesday passed a roughly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal, a significant win for President Biden and the first step on his top legislative priority.

After years and years and years of “Infrastructure week” – we’re on the cusp of an infrastructure decade that will transform America. - President Biden

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I try to optimistic, but then I read the state newspaper and get the feeling that America is now just Jonestown in slow motion. - Jimmie von Tungeln


Cuomo Steals Spotlight From Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

Whoa! My vaccine microchip is teaching me Critical Race Theory. - Brian Hjelle

Republican Shenanigans

Marjorie three-names has been suspended for a week by Twitter and all I can think is why not forever. - George Takei


‘Rise Up, Patriots!’ Rand Paul Calls To Intubated Patients Lying Unconscious In Hospital ICU - The Onion

Gov. DeSantis Requests Federal Help

I have heard several times that some people don't want to take the vaccine for "religious reasons".
What the heck religion tells you not to take a vaccine????? - Pamela Apostolo tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Of course Andrew Cuomo should resign. 

Brett Kavanaugh, Gym Jordan and Matt Gaetz should also resign. 

Why is it only Dems who hold themselves accountable, while RepubliQans just double down? - Randi Mayem Singer


Prince Andrew Has Nowhere To Hide. Or Does He?
Virginia Roberts Giuffre, one of the many alleged victims of child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, has filed a federal lawsuit in New York accusing Britain’s Prince Andrew of sexually abusing her on multiple occasions when she was still underage.


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Business/Tech News

Laissez les bons temps rouler!
New Orleans city council voted Thursday to remove penalties for low-level cannabis possession offenses, while in a separate action city leaders decided to vacate thousands of past cannabis-related convictions

If you don’t think Donald Trump will end up in prison, remember, nobody thought he would end up in the White House either. - Middle Age Riot



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
In the Atacama Desert in Chile, there's 3,000-year-old, densely packed shrub called Yareta. It looks like moss covering rocks, but it's actually a cluster of branches and leaves that is so hard you can stand on it


Monday, August 9, 2021

Kayleigh McEnany calls the Biden administration the 'biggest contributor to vaccine hesitancy'

Fox News host and former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany called the Biden administration the nation's "biggest contributor to vaccine hesitancy" on Monday.
She also referred to the CDC as the "deep state" in her on-air comments.

We could have just paid everyone to stay home for eight weeks.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

U.S. Military Required To Get Vaccinated
The Pentagon will require members of the U.S. military to get the COVID-19 vaccine by Sept. 15, according to a memo obtained by The Associated Press. That deadline could be pushed up if the vaccine receives final FDA approval or infection rates continue to rise.

DeSantis Blames Covid Numbers On Arabs Who Invented Numbers. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Sturgis is the Delta Variant's EZ Pass. - John Fugelsang


Rand Paul Continues To Make A Fool Of Himself

Senate Passes Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Calling For Rand Paul To Be Paved Over. - Andy Borowitz


The same GOP who treated Obama’s birthday party like a scandal have said nothing about the 700,000 person motorcycle rally in Sturgis. 

Me at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally


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Rock The Voter News

Stop naming Covid variants after greek letters and start naming them after Fox News hosts and GQP legislators. - Baligubadle tweet


Dear Gawd, We're Doomed.
A top epidemiologist is warning that the highly transmissible delta variant of COVID-19 might be one of the most contagious diseases in recent history.

Schools “can’t enforce masks” but sure did enforce not letting us wear shorts or spaghetti straps. - Akilah Hughes


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Business/Tech News

"Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor." ~ James Baldwin

Jeffrey Epstein Fund Compensates Victims $806,666.6666666667 Each
The fund set up to compensate women who were sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein is closing down after paying out roughly $121 million to 150 victims, the fund’s administrator announced Monday.

I just declined to “accept cookies” if you want to know what kind of mood I’m in today. - Conan O'Brien
