Thursday, July 15, 2021

'They're not going to f**king succeed': Top generals feared Trump would attempt a coup after election

'They're not going to f**king succeed': Top generals feared Trump would attempt a coup after election
The top US military officer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley, was so shaken that then-President Donald Trump and his allies might attempt a coup or take other dangerous or illegal measures after the November election that Milley and other top officials informally planned for different ways to stop Trump, according to excerpts of an upcoming book obtained by CNN.

Who would you rather be in a foxhole with, General Milley or Cadet Bone Spurs?

Went to sleep with news that US Generals feared Trump would attempt a coup. Woke up to confirmation Kremlin had kompromat on him and weaponized his candidacy. Arrest that MF’ker already. - Noel Casler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

So let me get this straight.
In the months leading up to 1/6, everyone in Trump’s orbit, the heads of our military and our intelligence agencies knew that Trump was planning a coup and they held that information until a book came out? - Woman In The Moon tweet

Liz Cheney Slapped Jim Jordan's Hand Away. Good For Her.

I’m starting to wonder if we should just give politicians a lie detector test as they take their oath of office. - TG tweet


Republican Shenanigans

Donald referred to insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt as “an innocent, wonderful, incredible woman,” and said “if that were on the other side, the person that did the shooting would be strung up and hung.” He's calling for the lynching of a Capitol police officer. And he's a traitor. - Mary L. Trump tweet


How Will We Know If Kellyanne Conway Is Telling The Truth In Her New Book?

I still think Major Biden is a much better First Dog than Lindsey Graham ever was. - Jake Lobin


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Rock The Voter News

Your reminder that the email lady warned us about Trump and everything she said turned out to be 100% true as f*ck, - Jeff Tiedrich


Our Surgeon General Lost 10 Family Members To Covid
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy on Thursday made a personal plea with Americans to get vaccinated and stop spreading misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic, revealing the toll the virus has taken on his family.

The simple truth is this. Sec. Clinton was right about a “vast right wing conspiracy.” There was and is. It is filled awful people, louses and hypocrites. It has done horrible  damage to the country and out of it came the foundation for the fascist movement that imperils us all. - Steve Schmidt

Editor's note: Steve Schmidt was John McCain's campaign manager who pushed Sarah Palin to be his VP. I'm taking this as some sort of mea culpa.


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Business/Tech News

Pro tip: if you can afford your own private space program, you can afford to pay your workers a living wage. so how about it, - Jeff Tiedrich


Soon To Come? -- Fire Sale of Miami Beach Condos
The tragic collapse of a residential tower spooked South Florida homebuyers and real estate investors alike into reassessing the risk of buying in the Miami-area condo market.

I'd be cool with Jamie Spears taking over as conservator of Donald Trump. - Randi Mayem Singer




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A cheeky little Gray langur monkey swinging back and forth from its mother's tail in Bandipur Tiger Reserve located in Karnataka, India.


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

DeSantis selling 'Don't Fauci My Florida' koozies

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is selling merchandise on his campaign website taking shots at Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious diseases expert, and other coronavirus restrictions. 
The merchandise includes drink koozies and shirts that say “Don’t Fauci My Florida” and flags that closely resemble former President Trump’s style saying “Keep Florida Free.”

GOP: Life begins at conception and ends at infection. - OhNoSheTwitnt

This is the actual DeSantis Ad


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Ron DeSantis wants to kill his constituents and the cruise industry at the same time. - Daniel Uhlfelder


George W. Bush Needs To Sit Down & Shut Up

George W. Bush weighs in on bad consequences.   

Next up, dating tips from Chris Brown. - John Fugelsang


Republican Shenanigans

GOP: Abortion is murder! Every life is precious! 

Also GOP: Letting kids die of preventable diseases is good because liberal tears. - OhNoSheTwitnt


Marjorie Taylor Greene Looks Like A Man In A Dress, Just Like Caitlyn Jenner!
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia misgendered conservative California gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner in a Twitter feud, calling the celebrity a "man in a dress."

Thanks to its lousy COVID vaccination rate, Missouri has gone from the Show Me State to the Ventilate Me State. - Middle Age Riot



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Ken Starr went from impeaching a president for fellatio to performing fellatio on an impeached president. - John Fugelsang


Rock The Voter News

Norwegian Cruise Line Sues Flori-duh
Norwegian Cruise Line on Tuesday sued Florida’s surgeon general over a state law prohibiting cruise ships from requiring passengers to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination, marking the latest development in Florida’s battle with the cruise ship industry.

Let’s get one thing straight: Jeffrey Epstein continued to abuse girls after Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz got him a sweetheart deal. Both of them knew what the billionaire pedophile was doing. - Andrea Junker


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Business/Tech News

Good For Maine!

I dream of a day when space travel is available not only to billionaires, but to any person with a net worth of over $500 million. - Conan O'Brien




Thanks, friend!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Governor vows to arrest Democrats who fled Texas to block voting restrictions

Lawmakers flew to Washington DC to deny legislature a quorum but Greg Abbott says he will call special sessions indefinitely.

Democrats Agree to Return to Texas if Greg Abbott Leaves. - Andy Borowitz


Greg Abbott Furious After Texas Democrats Escape Earth’s Atmosphere. - Andy Borowitz


Lie Manufacturing Machine Performing Uninterrupted

Border Wall Fails To Stop Texas Democratic Legislators From Escaping To Mexico. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Free Uterus Inspection Courtesy Of Texas

The $10,000 'abortion bounties' signed into law by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, mean that women will face harsher punishment for getting an abortion after a rape, than men face for COMMITTING the rape itself.

This is reproductive terrorism. - Jake Lobin


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Courage looks a lot like Democrats in Texas. - John Collins

Rock The Voter News

Fox News is so hungry for ratings and viewers that it is literally killing many of them just to keep the others angry, mistrustful and glued to their screens. - George Takei

Ken Starr Is Even Worse Than I Already Thought
Ken Starr, the lawyer who hounded Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, waged a “scorched-earth” legal campaign to persuade federal prosecutors to drop a sex-trafficking case against the billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein relating to the abuse of multiple underaged girls, according to a new book.


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The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. And stupid. We should be scared sh*tless of stupid. - Middle Age Riot


Business/Tech News

Trump supporters are threatening to leave the United States, and I’m offering to help them pack. - John Collins


My, My, My, The Feds Have Been Busy
A former Chicago bank executive was found guilty Tuesday of charges alleging he conspired with onetime Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort to exchange risky bank loans for a high-ranking position in the presidential administration.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The underside of a mushroom. I like mine, crispy fried.
