Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Rudy Giuliani suffers fresh humiliation — he's suspended from practicing law in DC too

Rudy Giuliani suffers fresh humiliation — he's suspended from practicing law in DC too
Rudy Giuliani was suspended from practicing law in New York last month after several complaints about the rampant dishonesty he deployed in his failed quest to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Rudy:  I wonder if that lawn mowing position at Evergreen Landscaping Co is still available.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Here's the entire list of every good thing Hitler ever did:

- BlackKnight10K


Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump is nothing but a beggar in an oversized suit. - Tim Hannan


I Hope All The Intel Agencies Are Monitoring Tucker Carlson


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Rock The Voter News

I’m really getting fed the fuck up watching the leader of a violent insurrection to overthrow the US Government walk around as a free man. Anyone else? - Tim Hannan

Traumatizing The Messengers


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Business/Tech News

Trump Doesn't Think The "Terms of Service" Rules  Apply To Him

I’ve skimmed former guy’s complaint against Facebook and it’s every bit as stupid as you’d think it is. - George Conway


In related news, a shirtless and shoeless Donald Trump just filed a First Amendment lawsuit against 7-11 for telling him “no service.” - John Fugelsang




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I'd Tip Toe Through The Tulips in Holland.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Six months ago, today

... But six months after the insurrection, the Justice Department is still hunting for scores of rioters, even as the first of more than 500 people already arrested have pleaded guilty. The struggle reflects the massive scale of the investigation and the grueling work still ahead for authorities in the face of an increasing effort by some Republican lawmakers to rewrite what happened that day.

The difference between Republicans and ISIS is that ISIS accepts responsibility for the terror attacks it incites. - Andrea Junker

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

U.S. Quietly Slips Out Of Afghanistan In Dead Of Night  - The Onion

Will Ivanka Flip On Her Father?
Ivanka Trump could flip on her father, former President Donald Trump, because she has "more to lose" from the Manhattan district attorney's investigation into her family's company, according to Mary Trump...Ivanka, a former Trump Organization employee, has "more to hang on to," Mary Trump said.

6 months ago today, Ivanka Trump called the people participating in the attempted coup "American Patriots," then deleted the tweet following backlash.

Rep. Mo Brooks Says Trump Made Him Do It
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) claims in a new court filing that he was asked by a White House official to speak at former president Donald Trump's infamous "Stop the Steal" rally that preceded the Jan. 6 insurrection.
The Alabama Republican was given Trump's endorsement for the U.S. Senate after making the speech, which a lawsuit alleges helped incite the violent assault on the U.S. Capitol, but Brooks' attorneys responded by insisting he only took part because the former president wanted him there.

Mo Brooks, Jan. 6: “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass.”

Brooks’ legal filing, July 2: “Brooks never, on or before January 6, 2021, used any words designed to cause anyone to attack the U.S. Capitol or to engage in any form of violence.”

According to a new book, Donald & Melania eat dinner at Mar-a-Lago most nights at a roped off table “like zoo animals.” I think that’s unfair. Zoo animals would not hang out at Mar-a-Lago knowing how murdery Eric & Don Jr are. - Bette Midler


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Rock The Voter News

Never forget: If Mitch McConnell had not stolen 2 Supreme Court seats for Trump there would be 5-4 progressive majority protecting voting rights instead of 6-3 conservative majority gutting them. - Ari Berman

Oregon Governor To Attempt To Prepare People For Killer Heat

I want to take this moment to thank anti-vaxxers for giving us a real-time demonstration of how evolution works. - Kona Lowell


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Don Jr. should be in custody or confined to a rehabilitation hospital, not snorting blow & making memes under the protection of taxpayer funded U.S. Secret Service. The whole world is watching. It’s getting unseemly. - Scott Linnen

Business/Tech News

Fox News is launching a weather channel.

Lightning will now be called Jesus Jolts and 30% of the country will be out in the rain wearing colanders on their heads. - The Hoarse Whisperer


Hackers Decided To Have A Sale After The Hack. Did I Get That Right?
The hackers who have claimed responsibility for an international ransomware outbreak have lowered their asking price in a private conversation with a cybersecurity expert, something he said may be a sign the group was having trouble monetizing their massive breach.

Nothing pains some people more than having to think. - Martin Luther King Jr.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Photographer Adam Jones was being divebombed by barn swallows nesting under his front porch. So, he took pictures of the angry birds, this one from 3-4 feet away.


Monday, July 5, 2021

Donald Trump appears to admit thrust of fraud charges at campaign rally

Donald Trump appeared to admit the central thrust of the criminal case against the Trump Organisation on Saturday, asking how “anybody could know” businesses have to pay tax on...

Hey, you know who didn't get indicted? Hunter Biden. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

If you love The 4th of July, never forget The 6th of January. - duty2warn tweet


Euro 2020 Soccer Event Turns Into SuperSpreader Event.
In what should come as a surprise to absolutely no one, the month-long Euro 2020 soccer tournament being held in 11 cities across Europe in front of live crowds has quickly turned into a COVID-19 superspreader event, according to the World Health Organization.

Fox News presents Qwhite a problem for the survival of democracy. - Randi Mayem Singer

Republican Shenanigans

Imagine getting ready to go grocery shopping and thinking, I’m going to wear this flag as a cape.

Sweet Jesus, Please Rapture Hobby Lobby, Pronto!

Hobby Lobby covers Viagra, not IUD; because a fertilized egg is clearly God's will but a limp penis clearly isn't. - John Fugelsang



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Remember, evangelicals - 
Hobby Lobby 
is SO against 
women’s reproductive choice 
and US labor
they outsourced manufacturing
to a country 
that forces women 
to have abortions. 

Enjoy your shopping.  
And those low low prices. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

As a former GOP chair, I never thought I'd say this, but thank you to the Democrats for being good stewards of the Constitution when America needed them most. - Jennifer Horn



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This is one time shoving a flag up somebody’s ass would be patriotic. - Middle Age Riot


Interesting What Is Going On In Mexico
Mexico said Monday it has arrested a former leading police official on charges of torture from nearly a decade ago.

Do not grow old no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born. — Albert Einstein
