Monday, July 5, 2021

Donald Trump appears to admit thrust of fraud charges at campaign rally

Donald Trump appeared to admit the central thrust of the criminal case against the Trump Organisation on Saturday, asking how “anybody could know” businesses have to pay tax on...

Hey, you know who didn't get indicted? Hunter Biden. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

If you love The 4th of July, never forget The 6th of January. - duty2warn tweet


Euro 2020 Soccer Event Turns Into SuperSpreader Event.
In what should come as a surprise to absolutely no one, the month-long Euro 2020 soccer tournament being held in 11 cities across Europe in front of live crowds has quickly turned into a COVID-19 superspreader event, according to the World Health Organization.

Fox News presents Qwhite a problem for the survival of democracy. - Randi Mayem Singer

Republican Shenanigans

Imagine getting ready to go grocery shopping and thinking, I’m going to wear this flag as a cape.

Sweet Jesus, Please Rapture Hobby Lobby, Pronto!

Hobby Lobby covers Viagra, not IUD; because a fertilized egg is clearly God's will but a limp penis clearly isn't. - John Fugelsang



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Remember, evangelicals - 
Hobby Lobby 
is SO against 
women’s reproductive choice 
and US labor
they outsourced manufacturing
to a country 
that forces women 
to have abortions. 

Enjoy your shopping.  
And those low low prices. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

As a former GOP chair, I never thought I'd say this, but thank you to the Democrats for being good stewards of the Constitution when America needed them most. - Jennifer Horn



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This is one time shoving a flag up somebody’s ass would be patriotic. - Middle Age Riot


Interesting What Is Going On In Mexico
Mexico said Monday it has arrested a former leading police official on charges of torture from nearly a decade ago.

Do not grow old no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born. — Albert Einstein


Friday, July 2, 2021

Michael Cohen: Weisselberg indictment 'the tip of the iceberg'

...“I don't want people to think that this case is about Allen Weisselberg and an apartment and a free car and so on. It is substantially larger in scope than just that aspect. That is but the tip, it’s the tip of the iceberg, and there is so much more that's going to be coming,” Cohen said during an interview on “CNN Newsroom.”

The tax evasion charges against the Trump Organization may seem minor, but remember: Trump is a terrible businessman, subsisting on defaulted loans,  bankruptcies and a crappy TV show. His hotels are empty and his brand's in freefall. He never ran an empire, only a  shell game. - Paul Rudnick


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

It's a LOT easier to stay sober now that President Biden has the helm. - Sgt Joker tweet


Uh Oh. Roger Stone Is Going Through Some Things.
The Department of Justice is attempting to seize a $400,000 condo purchased by Trump confidant Roger Stone weeks after his January 2019 criminal indictment.

Trump, you sweaty imbecile. you could have quietly lived in the shadows and laundered Russian mob money and done porn actresses to your heart's content but you had to be the center of attention and now the whole world knows that not only are you a criminal, but a stupid criminal. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Accuses Weisselberg of Working For Him For Five Decades Without His Consent. - Andy Borowitz


GOP Strategy: Perform A Racist Act Then Apologize. Repeat.

The Court is no longer supreme - it's obscene. - Randi Mayem Singer


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Help us mark our independence from this virus—get vaccinated. - President Joe Biden

Rock The Voter News

VP Kamala Harris should tweet again to enjoy the long weekend just to cause MAGA and Fox News to suffer another aneurism. - George Takei

Boy Scouts Settle Lawsuit For 60,000 Sex Abuse Victims To The Tune of about $14,000 Each Before Lawyer's Fees


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Business/Tech News

I guess "Trump Org" will be filing bankruptcy soon.

But it won't be Allen Weisselberg filing it lol - Billy



FYI: Weisselberg did not have to post bail but he did have to surrender his passport. White collar crime sure has its perks.


Maybe It's Time For Florida To Pass Laws So Engineers Make Structural Maintenance Decisions, Not Condo Boards

Happy 4th of July Everyone!


Thursday, July 1, 2021

Trump Organization and CFO, Allen Weisselberg, charged with tax crimes

A Manhattan grand jury has charged former President Trump's namesake company and its chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg.

- YS tweet


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

It’s still taking time to get back to being used to a president who visits a disaster site and talks about how awful it was for the victims, not all the compliments he got from invisible people about his incredible response. - Mrs. Betty Bowers


Company + Lobbyist = Pocketed U.S. Senator
Indiscreet comments made by an Exxon Mobil lobbyist to undercover activists may figure prominently in upcoming congressional hearings about the role of oil companies in the battle against climate change..."Joe Manchin, I talk to his office every week," bragged McCoy to the interviewer. He called the senator from West Virginia a "kingmaker" and discussed how "on the Democrat side we look for the moderates on these issues" in their efforts to stop policies that could hurt the company's business.

The gaslighting continues. If you're reading this, you survived a concerted, concentrated attempt to overthrow the US government. You also survived a global pandemic mismanaged by a previous president.* It happened. It wasn't a figment of your imagination & the danger is ongoing. - Molly Cantrell-Kraig 


The only thing you can trust the Republican Party to do is reach a new low every day. - Middle Age Riot

Meghan McCain Quits The View

But if Meghan McCain leaves the view, how will we ever know who her father was? - OhNoSheTwitnt



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Voting Rights Diminished By U.S. Supreme Court

Rock The Voter News

Speaker Pelosi shuts down a question about Kevin McCarthy's threats: "I'm not responding to him. We're making our presentation here. Go ask him about what he says, OK?"


Senator Auntie Maxine Has A Nice Ring To It
President Joe Biden quipped at a bill signing ceremony that he wanted to see headline-making Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) in the U.S. Senate.


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Can we finally stop pretending it's radical to expand the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College, and end the filibuster? We do these things, or we let democracy die. It really is that simple. - Robert Reich


Business/Tech News

Dear Allen Weisselberg:

They are not bluffing. Seriously. 

Very truly yours,

Tristan Snell
(Former NY AAG who prosecuted Trump University)


Oh, Another Pro-Trump Social Media Site! GETTR. GETTR?

Notice one thing missin' from all of Trump's statements and lawyers?  

A denial. - Tea Pain




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Mountains of salt, in Darbest, Iran.
