Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Fox News host suggests Florida building collapse is 'God's plan'

Fox News host suggests Florida building collapse is 'God's plan'
Fox News host Harris Faulkner suggested on Tuesday that victims of the building collapse in Surfside, Florida are part of "God's plan."
Following a press conference about the latest rescue efforts for dozens of missing people, Faulkner connected the tragedy to accusations that Democrats are trying to "defund the police."

We live in a country that will give nuclear codes to Donald Trump but not a checking account to Britney Spears. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Kristi Noem says the deployment of our South Dakota National Guard to Texas “will be paid for by a private donation.” Kristi Noem has turned our military into mercenaries. It is morally wrong to deploy troops for political purposes using private funds. - South Dakota Democratic Party tweet


Mexico Decriminalizes Marijuana
Mexico’s Supreme Court on Monday decriminalized recreational marijuana use.

If you're mad bc

-the slavery flag's finally coming down
-millions keep their healthcare
-free ppl can marry who they love
-whites are becoming a minority
-the largest voter turnout in US history didn't go your way

we in the the 21st century wait to welcome you with open arms. - John Fugelsang


Republican Shenanigans

The iPhone turns 14 today. It’s almost old enough for Matt Gaetz to date. - Windsor Mann

Aw. Conservative Media Outlets Lost Lots of Viewers.

hi kids! it's me, your favorite sexagenarian here to tell you that when I was a kid the top tax rate was 90% and not only did our country have money for bridges and schools and moon rockets, but we had rich people too, and they had plenty of money to spend on rich people bullsh*t. - Jeff Tiedrich


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The difference between Donald Trump and other organized crime bosses is that Al Capone and John Gotti were never stupid enough to run for president. - Middle Age Riot


Rock The Voter News

I want everyone in America to get vaccinated but if it's mostly going to be Democrats, I guess the silver lining is that Democrats will do well in midterms thanks to the delta variant. - BlackKnight10K tweet


Jill Biden Graces The Cover of VOGUE
Jill Biden has been dubbed "a first lady for all of us" as she graces the cover of the latest issue of Vogue.

Maybe Melania can get on the cover of Vague Magazine instead. - TheUSASingers tweet


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It shouldn’t be that corporations can give unlimited funds to candidates while volunteers can’t give water to voters. - Ethan Wolf

Business/Tech News

In the 90’s, computers would scream every time you went online. that was foreshadowing. - soul nate tweet


Amazon Opens Cooling Center
Amazon is opening a cooling center in Seattle amid a blistering heat wave hitting the West.

I'm in Home Depot and some Little kid just called me an old fart....
So if you're missing your kid, he's in the red LG dryer aisle 17. - Oma tweet



Monday, June 28, 2021

Trump Yelled at Gen. Mark Milley ‘You Can’t F*cking Talk to Me Like That’ During Heated Situation Room Fight; Report

Former President Donald Trump and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley engaged in an ugly shouting match in a heated Situation Room confrontation, according to a new book excerpt first published by Jonathan Swan and Axios. The excerpt comes from The Wall Street Journal’s Michael Bender and forthcoming book, Frankly, We Did Win This Election.

You call it a Trump rally, I call it a delta variant incubation epicenter. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Apparently, Bill Barr woke up and smelled the prison. - Middle Age Riot

"The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries."
—James Madison

"We'll see about that."

- Randi Mayem Singer

Toyota Continues To Donate To Insurrectionist Members of Congress
After the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, and the decision immediately after by 147 members of Congress to still vote against certifying President Biden's electoral victory, "nearly 200 corporations and industry groups said they would pause or altogether stop making political contributions" to these lawmakers... Toyota's corporate PAC gave to 37 GOP election objectors this year, more than doubling what the runner-up, San Diego defense contractor Cubic Corp., donated to Republicans who voted to nullify Biden's victory.

Today’s a great day to not buy a Toyota. - Scott Dworkin tweet

Republican Shenanigans

First they came for Rudy Giuliani's law license, and I did not speak out- because I was laughing so hard that I couldn't catch my breath. also, f*ck that guy. - Jeff Tiedrich

Know who isn't disbarred? the email lady. - Jeff Tiedrich



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Mitch McConnell Warns That Voting Bill Would Bring U.S. to Brink of Democracy. - Andy Borowitz

Really strange how it's not bigger news that the company being ran by a former President and GOP frontrunner in 2024 is days away from being indicted and will likely go under shortly after that. - BlackKnight10K tweet


Say What? Conservative Clarence Thomas Wants To Legalize Pot. He Probably Bought Pot Stock.

Trump attacking Mitch McConnell and Bill Barr — and blaming McConnell for losing Georgia — probably isn’t the best midterms strategy for Republicans. 

Oh well. Thoughts and prayers. - Angry Staffer tweet


I am so relieved to have my laptop back. Last week was a myriad of factors that ended without me doing harm to anyone.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A hexagonal storm on the top of Saturn. NASA photo


Sunday, June 27, 2021

Yee Haw!

A new edition will be posted tomorrow on Monday, June 28.

Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience.

I must admit, I feel normal with my laptop in my lap.

See you tomorrow!