Friday, June 18, 2021

‘Traitor!’ Mike Pence heckled during speech at Florida faith conference

‘Traitor!’ Mike Pence heckled during speech at Florida faith conference
Former vice president Mike Pence was loudly heckled during his speech at a faith conference in Orlando, Florida on Friday.
As Mr Pence spoke to the Faith & Freedom Coalition, boos and cries of “Traitor!” could be heard from the crowd.

Where was Mother?

 Mike Pence should be booed wherever he goes. - OhNoSheTwitnt


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

"Biden gave Putin a pass"
-the Potus who gave Putin a pedicure. - John Fugelsang


Court Martial or Not, LOCK HIM UP!
According to Texas law professor Steve Vladeck, the federal government filed a legal brief Wednesday that opposes his filing that it is unconstitutional for a retired servicemember to be court-martialed...Presumably, this issue will deal with whether retired Lt. General Michael Flynn can be court-martialed for advocating a military coup on the United States.

This should be good: Missouri signs bill penalizing any local police agency that enforces certain federal gun laws.  We fought a war over this.  The Rs really are pining for a return to Reconstruction. - Harry Litman


Republican Shenanigans

Pretty obvious that the Arizona fraudit has found that Joe Biden won by an even larger margin… Or they wouldn’t keep kidnapping the ballots and taking them off to cabins in the wilderness. - Lisa Glass


Matt Gaetz Is About To Go Through Some Things
Since federal prosecutors obtained the cooperation of GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz's once close-ally in May, sources tell ABC News the ongoing investigation, which includes sex trafficking allegations involving Gaetz, has engulfed the tight-knit Central Florida political scene as prosecutors continue their investigation of the Florida congressman.

Listen up, stupids: you can celebrate Juneteenth *and* the 4th of July - Jeff Tiedrich

Ted Cruz Calls Obamacare a Democratic Plot to Keep People Alive So They Can Vote. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Obamacare is everything that Republicans hate: Obama and the verb “to care.” - Andy Borowitz


More Video Of The Insurrection. I Didn't See Any Antifa or BLM. Not One.

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth”— Buddha


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I am 70 years old.  NEVER, in 70 years did I once think my fellow Americans would cheer, support, and hope a Russian leader would one-up an American president.  Patriots do not do this, Americans do not do this...what & who are these people and why do they hate America? - Shock and Flaw tweet


The USA Has A Labor Shortage and the GOP Wants To Send States' Law Enforcement To The Border. Idiots.
As President Joe Biden faces an influx of asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border, Republicans have capitalized on security concerns from conservatives ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. Now, Idaho Gov. Brad Little is adding his voice to the mix.

Victoria's Secret is getting rid of its Angels. Your move, Charlie. - Stephen Colbert



Fully Pfizered!
Thank you, Costa Rica!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

I am on my way to get fully Pfizered

 I will return tomorrow unless I am ill from the 2nd vaccine! Thank you for visiting!

Peace through Pfizer.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Biden-Putin summit sparks chaos, shoving among media

Reporters covering the event described a shoving match that broke out moments after Biden and Putin went inside the historic villa for their meeting.
'Security should stop touching us' 

Biden comes out stronger from this summit. Look how much smaller Putin seems today than in Helsinki in 2018. - Edward Luce

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans
Sounds as if Biden mentioned to Putin that it would be a pity if hackers "in Florida and Maine" felt it necessary to destroy Russia's oil industry, the only real industry it has. We'll see soon enough if Putin got the message. - Jonathan Alter


Biden Picked Pro on Russia To Prep For Putin
Officials who served under former President Trump, including Fiona Hill, the former National Security Council (NSC) official who testified in his first impeachment trial, reportedly helped President Biden prepare for his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Some of y’all aren’t old enough to remember this but there was a time when the press corp asked thoughtful, detailed policy questions instead of just yelling dumb gotchas for reportable clickbait. - The Hoarse Whisperer

Republican Shenanigans

Good Thing That Trump's DOJ Thought He Was Insane.
Top Justice Department officials derisively dismissed a series of last-ditch efforts by then-President Donald Trump’s aides and emissaries to get DOJ lawyers and the FBI to investigate outlandish election fraud claims in the waning weeks of Trump’s presidency, newly-released emails show....“Pure insanity,” then-acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue wrote in response to one New Year’s Day email from Meadows relaying the Italy theory.

Making Juneteenth a national holiday while lawmakers introduce legislation to make it harder for teachers to talk about racism is satirical. - Lance Cooper



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In the final analysis, the January 6 insurrection failed because Donald Trump and his supporters have the cumulative intelligence of a bar-b-q corn chip. - Middle Age Riot

Rock The Voter News

Holy f*cking sh*t, it doesn't matter how covid got here. we put a racist game show host in charge of keeping our country safe and — spoiler alert — he f*cked it all to hell. - Jeff Tiedrich

Hillary Was Right About Everything
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday said that elected officials who have suggested the 2020 presidential election was not conducted fairly are aiding Russian President Vladimir Putin's effort to undermine America. 


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Senate Votes To Make Juneteenth Federal Holiday So Long As No One Thinks Too Hard About Its Significance. - The Onion

Business/Tech News

BREAKING Joe Biden did not embarrass our country today. - Jeff Tiedrich


Judge Blocks Biden's Suspension of Gas & Oil Leases

Today 1858 in Springfield, Senatorial candidate Abraham Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.  I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free.”




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The top of the world, Mt. Everest.
