Friday, June 4, 2021

Facebook suspending Trump until at least 2023

Facebook announced Friday that it is suspending former President Donald Trump until Jan. 7, 2023, a full two years after he was first barred from the platform.
After that date, Facebook will evaluate whether the "risk to public safety" of restoring Trump's account has abated.

It’s only a two year ban from Facebook if you try to incite a mob to overthrow the US Government. - Tim Hannan

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Trump Banned By SpellCheck. - Andy Borowitz


Stupid Is As Stupid Does

1. Matt Gaetz gets to question Don McGahn about obstruction of justice,
2. Irony shoots up behind a Motel 6. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Tucker Carlson Claims New Evidence Indicates Virus Escaped From Hillary’s Lab. - Andy Borowitz


Hey, Look, A Republican Coward!
Republican Rep. Mo Brooks is avoiding a lawsuit from his Democratic colleague Rep. Eric Swalwell that seeks to hold him accountable for the January 6 Capitol insurrection -- so much so that Swalwell's attorneys hired a private investigator to find him.

if those the Capitol rioters
had gotten the chance 
to physically beat Mike Pence, 
how much more he'd be praising Trump. - John Fugelsang



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The Bidens took a bike ride today. That shouldn’t be news! Except picture Donald & Melania on bikes together & what she'd be trying to jam into his spokes to get him to fly over the handlebars. - Bette Midler tweet


Rock The Voter News

Republicans like Scarborough or Paul Ryan or Reagan would still be bad f*cking deal. Just because something isn't as bad as Trump doesn't mean it won't be bad. The cult of Reagan led to the cult of Trump.. - Phillip Fry

Millions Ask Facebook To Ban Their Relatives - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

The three months before Biden took office, the economy created 60,000 new jobs a month.

The four months since then, it's created 530,000 new jobs a month.

Next question. - Ronald Klain

Florida Is Cruising For A Bruising 

The first thing that happens in the afterlife is I make you sign a non-disclosure agreement. - The TweetOfGod




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Nile River seen from the International Space Station to remind us how miniscule we really are.


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Biden says he is 'looking closely' at retaliation over Russian-linked cyberattack

President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he was examining whether the U.S. would retaliate for a cyberattack linked to Russian-based hackers targeting the country's largest meat producer...

The largest meatpacker in the world was shut down by an attack from a Russian group of cyber hackers.

So, turns out it wasn't Biden coming for conservatives' burgers - it was Putin. - Wallis Weaver

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Israel Builds New Settlement To Host Palestinian Peace Talks. - The Onion


George P. Bush Is Following In Ted Cruz's Footsteps

I call them Grab-Em-By-The-Pussyvangelicals. - John Fugelsang


Republican Shenanigans

DeJoy DeServes DeJail. - John Fugelsang


Judge Says No To Noem
A federal judge on Wednesday rebuffed South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem's efforts to force the National Park Service to grant the state permission to shoot fireworks from Mount Rushmore National Memorial to celebrate Independence Day this year.

Louis DeJoy: under criminal investigation
Matt Gaetz: under criminal investigation
Rudy Giuliani: under criminal investigation
Individual-1: under criminal investigation

Hillary: enjoying a nice walk in the woods, probably

me: laughing at all you "lock her up" morons - Jeff Tiedrich



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Rock The Voter News

The Republican Party is like a “Worst Person” contest. - Mrs. Betty Bowers


This took guts. Thank you for not staying silent, Paxton. - Hillary Clinton
I have dreams and hopes and ambitions. Every girl graduating today does, and we have spent our entire lives working toward our future. And without our input, and without our consent, our control over that future has been stripped away from us. I am terrified that if my contraceptives fail, I am terrified that if I am raped, then my hopes and aspirations and dreams and efforts for my future will no longer matter.


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Business/Tech News

I’m gonna tell you a secret about pre-POTUS Trump in NYC and the MSM. They all knew who he was, but he was great for ratings, and everyone just kind of hoped he wouldn’t win. - Noel Casler


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Half of U.S. states to end Biden-backed pandemic unemployment early

Half of U.S. states, all of them led by Republican governors, are cutting off billions of dollars in unemployment benefits for residents, rebuffing a key part of President Joe Biden's response to

Half the USA is vaccinated. The other half thought 2020 was just too much fun. - Conan O'Brien


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

As bad as attacking the Capitol was, pretending it didn't happen, and doing nothing about it, that's far worse. - Jeremy Newberger


West Virginia Offering Vaccine Lottery To Win Guns. Meth May Draw More People.

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Telling Associates He’ll Be Institutionalized By August. - Andy Borowitz


Trump's Blog was canceled by lack of interest from his own supporters. Womp womp.
Former President Trump’s blog, where he shared statements with supporters after being banned from social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, has been shut down....Interactions with posts on Trump’s blog dropped significantly in the weeks after it was launched, The Washington Post noted.

Trump’s blog is permanently shut down, was he made aware his posts could be used as evidence against him? - Noel Casler


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Rock The Voter News

Trump to Be Reinstated in August as President of Trump University. - Andy Borowitz


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I'm dealing with trumpers at work. I don't get paid enough for this. - Molly Rogers

Business/Tech News

You know how you got your vaccine without paying a dime? You didn’t spend hours on the phone with your insurance company. You weren’t reduced to a profit margin.

That’s how all health care could be. - Robert Reich

Biden Suspends Trump's Arctic Leases