Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Guantanamo’s oldest prisoner to be released after 16 years without charge

Guantanamo’s oldest prisoner to be released after 16 years without charge
Saifullah Paracha, the oldest prisoner at Guantanamo Bay, will be released after more than 16 years in custody, his lawyer has said.
The 73-year-old from Pakistan has been held on suspicion of ties to al-Qaeda but never charged with a crime.

The Grime of the Century. - Dan Rather

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

‘The Onion’ Calls On Israel To Bomb Our Offices In Case Any Hamas Agents Hiding Out There 


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Is Against Investigating Jan 6 Capitol Riot Probably Because He Has Something To Hide.
A day before the House is expected to vote on bipartisan legislation that would form a 9/11-style commission to investigate the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol riot, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has come out against it.

Safe to say that Trump is to Kevin McCarthy what Jim Henson was to Kermit the Frog. - Jeremy Newberger


A year ago my coworker said he "prayed a hedge of protection" around all of us and God told him we wouldn't get COVID. Tonight, he died from COVID. - Shannan Martin tweet

Republican Shenanigans

The guy who grabbed us by our pussies appointed 3 Supreme Court justices who will regulate us by our pussies.

But her emails, right? - Lindy Li


Oh, Goody! Arizona GOP Election Official Calls Audit A Sham
A Republican official tasked with maintaining files on 2.6 million registered voters in Maricopa County, Arizona tore into Donald Trump’s big lie and the sham election audit being conducted in his county.

Trump Claims Arizona Audit Uncovered Widespread Math. - Andy Borowitz



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Even though I am fully vaccinated I will continue to wear a mask, not because I don't trust the CDC, but because I don't trust Republicans. - Middle Age Riot

Rock The Voter News

Reminder: Republicans Are Locked & Loaded
Democrats’ 2020 down-ballot disappointments are already coming back to haunt them.

Your reminder that Congress has already changed the size of the Supreme Court seven times before.

This is not radical. It’s essential. Expand the court. - Robert Reich


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Business/Tech News

The FBI just announced that you no longer have to wear a mask while robbing a bank. - Marie Connor


Covid Patients Being Sued By Hospital Chain. Yay USA Healthcare!
Community Health Systems (CHS), one of the largest hospital chains in the U.S., has filed tens of thousands of lawsuits against its patients in the past year, even as many other hospitals have cut down on suits due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Good writing is a delight to those who read it and a mystery to those who write it. - Stephen King





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A beehive filled with honey glowing in the sunlight.


Monday, May 17, 2021

Maricopa County supervisors holding meeting Monday to refute election auditors' claims

Maricopa County supervisors holding meeting Monday to refute election auditors' claims
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has scheduled a meeting Monday afternoon to address questions raised by state Senate President Karen Fann tied to the Senate-ordered audit of Maricopa County's November election tally.

So Republicans balk at Biden’s infrastructure plan but happily agree to Trump’s proposal to sell them the Brooklyn Bridge. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The dividing line will not be Masons and Dixons, but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other. - Ulysses S. Grant



Dear God, This Is Disturbing About The Secret Service and Obama. SS Has KKK In It?

The CDC messed up the mask thing, but seriously anything short of telling us to drink bleach is a win. - Andy Borowitz


Israel Returns Occupied Territories To Palestinians After Running Out Of Targets To Hit In Gaza. - The Onion



Republican Shenanigans
So while the Republican party won't remove Matt Gaetz from his committees & congress, it looks like the police will. - Grae Hall


Forcing Women To Reproduce Is On The Docket
The Supreme Court agreed Monday to consider a major rollback of abortion rights, saying it will decide whether states can ban abortions before a fetus can survive outside the womb.
The court’s order sets up a showdown over abortion, probably in the fall, with a more conservative court seemingly ready to dramatically alter nearly 50 years of rulings on abortion rights.

Good time to remind people that Marco Rubio believes that women should be forced to have their rapists’ babies. - OhNoSheTwitnt


If you’re wearing a mask in public and somebody tells you you don’t have to do that anymore, just say “I don’t want to be recognized from the Star Wars movies” - Jason Isbell



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I love the smell of Joel Greenberg ratting out Matt Gaetz in the morning. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

Steve Bannon Rears His Ugly Head
More than six months after the 2020 election, several members of former President Donald Trump's inner circle are pouring millions into a renewed push to challenge the election's outcome -- an effort that has gained new life in Arizona as it captivates the former president and many of his followers.


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Unless Joel Osteen agrees to return his Ferraris, Rolexes, and gulf stream jets, churches should pay taxes.


The government is now saying that UFO's are real. 
And for the first time I'm like "Wait a minute! Are UFO's not real??!" - Trevor Moore

Back In 2004 A Retired Intel Officer Told Me That UFOs Exist And There is Physical Evidence

We are not alone. The universe it too vast, life too tenacious, for humans to be it as far as intelligent life goes. Heaven help us if that’s untrue.

And now, it seems we may not be alone, even on our own planet. - George Takei





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The knotted branches of a ‘Spider’s Web’ tree (also known as ‘Strangler Fig’) Nanning, Guangxi, China.


Friday, May 14, 2021

AOC calls Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘deeply unwell’ after 38-minute video of her stalking Ocasio-Cortez emerges

AOC calls Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘deeply unwell’ after 38-minute video of her stalking Ocasio-Cortez emerges
...AOC's comments come after a 38-minute video was unearthed Friday that shows Greene in February of 2019 – before being elected to Congress – on Capitol Hill stalking the New York Democrat.

AOC says of MTG: “I used to work as a bartender. These are the kinds of people that I threw out of bars all the time.”

The people who are trying to frame 1/6 as having been perfectly legal and cool, are doing so because they’re plotting to try again. - Pam Keith

How Is This Legal?

Really really shocked to learn that the lady who believes in Jewish space lasers might be mentally unhinged. - Jeff Tiedrich


Republican Shenanigans

Elise Stefanik Vows To Accept Trump As Her Personal Savior. - Andy Borowitz


GOP Rep Lets Son Sleep In Capitol Basement And More!
A former aide accused U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., of allowing his son to live in a storage space in the basement of the U.S. Capitol for several weeks and recklessly exposing staffers to the novel coronavirus, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court Thursday.

Matt Gaetz is going to plead The Fifth grade. - Grae Hall




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This was the week the GOP got so evil, non-evil people were defending a Cheney. - John Fugelsang


Rock The Voter News

Jesus: Willing to sacrifice himself for others.

Donald Trump: Willing to sacrifice others for himself.

Franklin Graham: Willing to sacrifice Jesus for Donald Trump. - Middle Age Riot

Are These Military Officers Qoo Qoo Members?


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DarkSide Learns That Payback Is A B*tch
DarkSide, the ransomware group behind the Colonial Pipeline attack, has apparently lost access to its website and servers.  

Matt Gaetz Speaks Out Against Being Forced To Wear Mask, Pants on House Floor. - Andy Borowitz




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Japanese have been producing wood for 700 years without cutting down trees. In the 14th century, the extraordinary daisugi technique was born in Japan. They use pruning as a rule of art that allows the tree to grow and germinate while using its wood, without ever cutting it down.
