Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Infecters

Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed as the next Justice of the Supreme Court.

Coronavirus Task Force Meetings Secretly Attended By The Coronavirus. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump Running Out of Time To Give Every One of His Supporters Covid. - Andy Borowitz

My My My. Putin Takes Hunter Biden's Side?
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that he saw nothing criminal in Hunter Biden's past business ties with Ukraine or Russia, marking out his disagreement with one of Donald Trump's attack lines in the U.S. presidential election.

If masks didn’t work all our doctors would be dead. - Bill Weir


Republican Shenanigans

God Refuses To Rapture Pence Due To Covid Exposure. - Andy Borowitz

10,000 Evictions Caused By Mitch McConnell 

Just like everything else he inherited, he messed it up. ~ Obama on Trump


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Long before Justice Brett Kavanaugh considered "late arriving" votes "illegitimate," lawyer Brett Kavanaugh labored for their inclusion.  

If not for the  votes Kavanaugh helped add to the totals in Florida on THANKSIVING weekend, Bush might have lost n 2000. - Ronald Klain

Rock The Voter News

Good. Pompeo Is Under Investigation.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is under investigation for potentially violating a federal law that forbids federal employees from engaging in political activity while on duty or inside federal buildings over his address to the GOP convention in August

Democrats Favor Expanding Supreme Court by Adding Entire Obama Family. - Andy Borowitz



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Barack Obama in Orlando on Trump: "This week, with everything that's happening, you know what he brought up? He was fussing about the crowd size at the inauguration again, saying his was bigger. Who is thinking about that right now? Nobody except him."


Business/Tech News

The stock market understandably doesn’t like to hear that the President of the United States is giving up on Covid. - Brian Schatz


I Wonder How The Federal Employees Who Support Trump Feel About Losing Their Employment Protections.

Desperate CDC Now Just Claiming Wearing A Mask Will Make You Rich And Famous Beyond Wildest Dreams. - The Onion




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Mama Cheetah and her cheetos.


Monday, October 26, 2020

Just Shoot Me

 Internet problems.

A new edition tomorrow if the Internet God will allow it.'

Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience.


Friday, October 23, 2020

Trump on Covid-19 at the debate : “I take full responsibility. It’s not my fault.”

President Donald Trump seemed poised to take responsibility for his failure on Covid-19 at Thursday’s presidential debate — and then he didn’t.
“I take full responsibility,” Trump said. He immediately continued: “It’s not my fault that it came here. It’s China’s fault.”

I have a debate-over. A hangover from the debate. - The Hoarse Whisperer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It’s not every US president that has the triple endorsements of Iran, Russia, and the Taliban. - Andy Slavitt

Prime Minister of Israel Declines To Bash Biden
President Donald Trump teed up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to bash Democratic opponent Joe Biden during a televised call between the two leaders on Friday. Netanyahu declined to take the bait.

Americans Favor Continuing to Mute Trump After Debate. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Mitch McConnell read 'The Grapes of Wrath' and rooted for the boll weevil. - John Fugelsang

Seriously, CNN Needs to Fact Check Rick Santorum. He's a Fake News Super Spreader.
Pro-Trump CNN commentator Rick Santorum really attempted to make the claim Thursday night that nobody ever called Donald Trump—who entered the national political arena by peddling the racist birther conspiracy theory against President Barack Obama—“a racist before he was president of the United States.”

When the media wants to show Joe Biden making things worse for black people, they have to go back to 1994.

When the media wants to show Donald Trump making things worse for black people, they have to go back to five minutes ago. - Middle Age Riot


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Trump Claims Dog Ate His Health-Care Plan. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Fox: New Evidence Hillary Killed Lincoln. - Andy Borowitz

Trump's Voter Intimidation Plan Goes Into Action

Do you remember another election in your lifetime where armed citizens showed up at polling places to intimate other citizens?


225,000 people are dead in this country. Vote for their families. There are black men and women being oppressed in this country who are regularly murdered by police. Vote for their families. There are 545 children who may never see their parents again. Vote for humanity. - Chelsea Handler


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I think it's time to talk about that $410 million debt. - Mary L. Trump

Business/Tech News

My mother, who when she was teaching in a very poor school in Rochester, NY in the 1960s, brought bread & peanut butter so that every one of her kids, no matter how much breakfast they claimed to have had, all ate something before school started.
Months later, when her principal saw the increased test scores for her class, he asked "what did you do?" She replied, "I fed them." This is not to lionize my mother, but to point out how a small bit of empathy goes a long way. - William F. Tulloch

