Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Trump dismisses Sondland's testimony: 'I don't know him very well'

Trump dismisses Sondland's testimony: 'I don't know him very well'
President Donald Trump sought to downplay bombshell testimony Gordon Sondland delivered to impeachment investigators that tied the president ever closer to a quid pro quo involving Ukraine.
"I don’t know him very well. I have not spoken to him much," Trump told reporters. "This is not a man I know well. He seems like a nice guy though."

Yowsa. Where are they going to imprison Trump & all his henchmen and women? Alcatraz is empty.

Pence is measuring the Oval Office drapes this morning. - Roland Scahill

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Walter Reed standing by for phase two of the physical. - Schooley

They Just Can't Help Themselves, Racism Oozes Out Of Them
Japanese American groups are slamming Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., for comments he made last week comparing the ongoing impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump to the shameful, discriminatory incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II.

Trump administration: “We don’t know Gordon Sondland and the $1 million donation he made to the president’s inaugural committee came in Soros Bucks that we immediately burned. He is also Hillary Clinton wearing a mask.” - Rex Huppke

Republican Shenanigans

One of the many lessons of the last few days is that working for Trump is an incredibly dumb idea. - Dan Pfeiffer

Pompeo May Run For Senator (Right After He Serves His Prison Sentence)
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has told three prominent Republicans in recent weeks that he plans to resign from the Trump Administration to run for the U.S. Senate from Kansas in next year’s elections. The problem: how to get out in one piece.

Nancy is playing 3D chess, donnie is playing Chutes and Ladders and he ate all of the game pieces. - Azia Gunn tweet


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I'm guessing that Rudy Giuliani is checking right now to find out which countries don't have extradition treaties with the United States. - Jon Cooper

Rock The Voter News

I wouldn't say Sondland is throwing people under the bus.
I'd say he's driving the bus, running them over, then backing up and running them over again. - Nick Jack Pappas

But But Her Emails!
North Korea had just tested an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting Alaska, and the Trump administration was scrambling to react. But it seems Nikki Haley, Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, had lost her password for classified communications. 
That’s why on that fraught July 4, 2017, she was typing away on her BlackBerry 10 smartphone, sending “confidential” information over a system meant only for unclassified material.

Can’t wait for the “Sondland is a Never Trumper” tweet. - George Conway


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Business/Tech News

Schiff may have banged the gavel but Sondland straight up dropped the mic. - OhNoSheTwint

Sondland Gets Bad Reviews on Yelp. The Trolls are Busy!
Gordon Sondland keeps getting bad reviews...Reviewers on Yelp are taking out their anger with Sondland by leaving one-star ratings for the hotels to which he is linked.
“If you're looking for a hotel owned by a Trump supporter who gave the campaign a million dollars in exchange for an ambassadorship that he's unqualified for so he can extort foreign leaders into attacking fellow Americans, look no further,” Zee L., a Yelp user from West Hollywood, CA, wrote for his assessment of The Revolution Hotel in Boston.

I suspect all the TVs in the White House residence are currently splattered with Arby's Horsey Sauce and dripping Diet Coke. - Mrs. Betty Bowers




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

World's Tallest Outdoor Elevator on the side of a huge cliff in the Wulingyuan area of Zhangjiajie, China. I'd ride that!


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Well, of course Republicans tried to trash Lieutenant Colonel Vindman

“It’s Lieutenant Colonel Vindman”: Nunes’s effort to out whistleblower is met with an epic clap-back
Nunes’s line of questioning illustrated how Republicans wanted to talk about anything but Trump’s conduct.

Hillary was right when she called Republicans the Party of Personal Destruction.

You watch Vindman, you see the American dream. An immigrant who gave back a thousandfold, who dedicated his life to making America a better place for all, who is willing sacrifice his career and safety for truth and honor and justice. 

Republicans see a commie traitor. - Stonekettle tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I'm totes sure that Republicans would have been super chill if Russia had occupied American military bases on Obama's watch. - Jeff Tiedrich

Following the Republican Money
A family trust that lent money to an indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani is trying to recover more than $500,000 from the defendant and a political action committee tied to President Donald Trump to which he contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Lev Parnas, who is accused of using donations to push for Marie Yovanovitch to be recalled as U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, owes the Pues Family Trust $510,000, court records show.

Remember the patriots who like to quote “the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots” generally don’t mean their own patriotic blood. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

I guess Trump and his crew would love Lt Col Vindman if he had slaughtered people in cold blood like the military personnel Trump pardoned on Friday.  - Roland Scahill

More Eye Rolling Lies From the White House
White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham claimed on Tuesday that departing former aides to President Barack Obama left notes saying "you will fail" and "you aren't going to make it" for the incoming staff of Donald Trump.

Trump Declares He’s Healthier Than Ever While Addressing Rally Crowd From Iron Lung
- TheOnion

The president's broad concern about corruption in Ukraine is that there should be more of it and that he should benefit from it. - David Frum


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If Jesus Christ was a witness in the impeachment trial, the GOP would try to question his credibility to protect Trump. - Tony Posnanski

Rock The Voter News

Buttigieg Campaign Appeals To Moderate Republicans By Touting Low Approval Among Black Voters. - The Onion

Dead Jeffrey Epstein Is Staying In The News
Two correctional officers responsible for guarding Jeffrey Epstein the night he killed himself were charged Tuesday with falsifying prison records.

Fox News will insist that Trump should be given a Purple Heart for having the courage not to tweet an attack on the witnesses during the hearings this morning. - Roland Scahill


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Business/Tech News

British Media Harshly Condemns Meghan Markle For Prince Andrew’s Defense Of Jeffrey Epstein. - The Onion

Maybe If Trump Lied About an Affair as Clinton Did, Republicans Would Impeach Him
A Manhattan judge has cleared the way for President Donald Trump to be deposed in a defamation lawsuit filed by a former "Apprentice" contestant who has accused Trump of sexual assault.
Trump's legal team had argued that a stay is necessary "given the novel and important Constitutional issues involved," the "special considerations due" their previous requests to dismiss the case, and to prevent "irreparable harm."

If weed is a “gateway drug” then beer is the wide, well-lit, legal, taxable, regulated, socially acceptable,  easily accessible walkway that leads directly to the gate. - John Fugelsang




Online dating in 1920s

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Three children at a gold mine on Dominion Creek, Yukon Territory, ca. 1898. Is that Greta Thunberg's doppelganger?


Monday, November 18, 2019

Good morning America

White House forced to deny Trump has serious health condition after ‘abnormal’ medical visit
The White House has attempted to quell rumours about Donald Trump’s health after an unscheduled visit to a doctor over the weekend.
Mr Trump has claimed his visit to the Walter Reed medical centre on Saturday was “phase one” of his yearly physical, despite him having no public events on his schedule for that day and his last physical being only nine months ago.

So I wake up and read that Trump made an unscheduled visit to  #WalterReedHospital for a "check up". My guess is that he had a bad reaction to The Constitution.- Rick

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I like presidents who don’t give our military bases to the enemy. - USA Singers tweet

The more I talk talk to sources, the more i’m hearing America’s betrayal of the Kurds, and the humiliation, “misogynistic” “squashing” of US ambassador in Ukraine for political motivations makes people think, we, Americans, have become the “bad guys.”  Hearing it was gut punch. - Richard Engel, NBC news

Act 2: The Dotard & Lil' Rocket Man
North Korea on Monday responded to a tweet by U.S. President Donald Trump that hinted at another summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, saying it has no interest in giving Trump further meetings to brag about unless it gets something substantial in return. The statement by Foreign Ministry adviser

Trump tried to use blackmail and coercion in order to torpedo the candidacy of the man he saw as his chief roadblock to a second term. Case fucking closed.- Stephen King

Republican Shenanigans

Annual Checkup Reveals Trump Has Energy And Stamina of Much Younger Criminal. - Andy Borowitz

GOP's Pay to Play!
A CBS News investigation has uncovered a possible pay-for-play scheme involving the Republican National Committee and President Donald Trump's nominee for ambassador to the Bahamas. Emails obtained by CBS News show the nominee, San Diego billionaire Doug Manchester, was asked by the RNC to donate half a million dollars as his confirmation in the Senate hung in the balance, chief investigative correspondent Jim Axelrod reports.

Reminder: The Republican defense is that Donald Trump, who has been busted for fraud, money laundering, and stealing from a charity, was really just deeply concerned with Ukrainian corruption.

And they’re saying this with a straight face. - Tennessee Holler tweet


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Roger Stone, you’re going to prison!  But I have no doubt you'll find a way to gas the guards with your umbrella and escape in your penguin-shaped submarine... - Bette Midler

Is this not the best prison-rape protection you've ever seen? - Jimmie von Tungeln

Rock The Voter News

Hillary had a bad cold and the media was fitting her for a coffin.

Trump is rushed to Walter Reed on a Saturday, transparently lies about why, then cancels all his events by 9am on Sunday and no one's talking about his health.

This is what institutional misogyny looks like. - Patrick S. Tomlinson 

Safety Experts Recommend Shouting ‘Free Donuts’ Instead Of ‘Rape’ To Receive Help More Quickly - The Onion

Say It Ain't So, Joe!
Former Vice President Joe Biden defended his reasoning to not legalize marijuana on a federal level if elected president, saying there is not "enough evidence" as to "whether or not it is a gateway drug."
Speaking at a town hall in Las Vegas on Saturday, the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate said whether the U.S. should legalize cannabis on a federal level is still up for debate as far as he is concerned.


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Business/Tech News

The President took an emergency trip to the hospital, he's not had a public appearance since, and it isn't all the media is talking about?

What, do we live in Moscow?

Wait............- Fred Harding

Is This Part of the China Trade Deal, Allowing Security Risks?
The Trump administration on Monday issued a new 90-day extension allowing U.S. companies to continue doing business with China's Huawei Technologies Co Ltd as U.S. regulators continue crafting rules on telecommunications firms that pose national security risks.

My husband just walked in, told the dog how cute he is, and how much he loves him. Held his face in his hands, stared into his eyes, and gave him forehead kisses. Then left the room.I'm sitting right next to the dog. - LaLaLyds tweet



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Slice of pizza or an Albino Wood Turtle?
