Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Trump cancels visit after Denmark dismisses Greenland sale

Trump cancels visit after Denmark dismisses Greenland sale
US president Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he is postponing a planned meeting with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen after she ruled out selling Greenland to the United States.

Dear Denmark,

Please sell Greenland to Obama for $1 just so we can watch Trump's head explode.  We promise to return it to you soon.

Sane Americans

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Let. this. sink. in.

The man who just proclaimed himself "King of the Jews" and the "Second Coming of God" controls our nuclear launch codes. - Tea Pain

Trump Defies Court Order Again
The Trump administration will announce on Wednesday that it intends to hold migrant families in detention for the duration of their immigration proceedings, with no limit on the time they can be detained, according to several Department of Homeland Security officials who briefed reporters.
The new rule may be in defiance of a 2015 federal court ruling known as the Flores agreement that limited the time families could be detained to 20 days.

Someday, thanks to Donald Trump, Benedict Arnold will no longer be the name most synonymous with treason. - Middle Age Riot tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Attempts To Ease Tensions With Jewish Community By Noting He Also Would've Murdered Christ. - The Onion

No Wonder Trump Went Crazy Today
Approximately half of respondents in a new survey who voted for President Trump say they would blame him if the U.S. economy falls into a recession.
A Morning Consult poll released Wednesday found that 42 percent of respondents who say they voted for Trump in 2016 would hold him partially responsible for an economic downturn, and another 7 percent said he would be solely responsible.

SCROTUS & right wing fundamentalists "support" Israel so the temple can be rebuilt & the rapture can happen, killing all the Jews. Jews voting for SCROTUS is like the bug voting for the windshield. - Elayne Boosler


 Click here to meet C.W.


During his entire Presidency, Barack Obama sent out 352 tweets.Trump is now at 43,600. - Pete Souza

Rock The Voter News

It shouldn’t be easier to get a gun than an affordable therapist. - David Hogg

Born in the USA? Trump Wants To Revoke It.
President Trump on Wednesday said his administration is once again seriously considering an executive order to end birthright citizenship months after several lawmakers cast doubt on his ability to take such action.

Trump supporters: Trump isn’t antisemitic.
Jews: Trump is antisemitic.
Trump: No I’m not you stupid disloyal Jews.
Trump supporters: See?

- OhNoSheTwint


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Business/Tech News

In 2013, I asked why a kid caught with an ounce of drugs goes to jail, but a bank exec that launders a billion dollars in drug money pays a fine & sleeps in their own bed at night. It's clear: we have one justice system for the rich & powerful, & another for everybody else. - Elizabeth Warren

The Amazon is Burning Up!
Fires are raging at a record rate in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, and scientists warn it could strike a devastating blow to the fight against climate change.
The fires are burning at the highest rate since the country's space research center, the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), began tracking them in 2013, the center said Tuesday.
There have been a total of 72,843 fires in Brazil this year, with more than half in the Amazon region, INPE said. That's more than an 80% increase compared with the same period last year.

The White House found the 16 million votes that Google stole from Trump. They were in the same drawer as Trump's taxes, his bronzed baby bone spurs, a check for $35 billion from the Mexican President, a beautiful and affordable health plan, and Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. - Mike Stanfill

Trump claimed to be Swedish in his book.
So every time he calls Sen. Warren "Pocahontas" we need to call him 'Sven." - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Sunflowers enjoying the lightening show.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sick day request

I am sick of Trump.

I need a day to recharge and chase away the depression.  I'm going to finish caulking some minor cracks caused by a 5.+ earthquake a few weeks back and putter around my fast-growing garden, to regain some happiness.

Time To Deflate In My Garden Photos
Below the recycled post and fence is a six foot row of radishes obscured by the butterfly bush. They should be ready to pick in a couple of weeks. 

Those aren't marijuana plants on the right, those are yuca, a root vegetable I will be exclusively eating if Trump cuts the payroll tax that funds social security. The banana tree will take about a year before it'll produce fruit. That's a Papyrus plant next to the banana tree. The zinnias and herbs were grown from seeds. I need to paint those concrete blocks that are filled with herbs! Yay, another project!

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any humor inconvenience. 

Searching for peace.

Monday, August 19, 2019

White supremacists infiltrated farmer’s market — leaving shoppers and farmers terrified

White supremacists infiltrated farmer’s market — leaving shoppers and farmers terrified
While mulling about the bundles of kale and baskets of fresh peaches, some farmers’ market shoppers are dodging fear and protests from white supremacists who are bringing their racism to another gathering place.

You're proud of your skin color? Congratulations. That's some achievement. - Kona Lowell

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Not to be outdone by Jeffrey Epstein—who owned his own island—Donald Trump set his sights on Greenland... - Elle DeSylva 

Teachers & Guns
An Iowa town hall grew contentious on Saturday after Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) responded to a question about school shootings with an answer emphasizing the need to deal with mental illness. 
Responding a question from a teacher who detailed her training for active shooter situations and then asked when she could get back to training children to read and write

Denmark Offers To Buy United States“We believe that by giving the U.S. an educational system and national health care, it could be transformed from a vast land mass into a great nation,” a Danish spokesperson said. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Obtuseness is a Trump family characteristic

When the recipe call for exactly 3 tears of refugee children

The Architect of White House Racism
Stephen Miller, an architect of many of the White House’s harshest immigration policies, said in a new interview that he felt a “jolt of electricity to my soul” when President Trump announced his candidacy.

Betsy DeVos Says US Should Consider Buying Puerto Rico.   - Andy Borowitz


 Click here to meet C.W.


Might things change if all the energy being spent on nonsense about Area 51 were spent reading American History? - Jimmie von Tungeln

Rock The Voter News

If by a Liberal they mean someone who looks ahead not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions.Then I am a Liberal. - John F. Kennedy 1960

It's Official. Epstein Offed Himself
The New York Times reports that accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein tied his jail bed sheet around his neck and used it to hang himself, breaking several bones in the process, while in federal custody at the Metropolitan Correctional Center.


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Business/Tech News

The difference between Donald Trump and Greenland? Greenland is not for sale. - Sen. Amy Klobuchar

Trump's War On Transgenders
Donald Trump's administration has told the Supreme Court that transgender workers are not protected by federal civil rights law and can be fired because of their gender.
The US government is arguing workers should only be protected from discrimination based on their “biological sex”, court filings have revealed.

Our waitress was giving us a attitude and my 9 year old sister said “first off I ordered crab legs, not your attitude.” LMAOOO - gym leader khy tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Nature is amazing and I bet that honey is too.
