Thursday, July 18, 2019

Trump’s racist screed against Omar was scripted and came off the teleprompter

Trump’s racist screed against Omar was scripted and came off the teleprompter
Appearing on CNN’s “New Day,” New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman said that Americans can expect more bashing of non-white lawmakers like Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from now to election day in 2020 because Donald Trump’s campaign is going to be all about race.

Make no mistake. Trump wants to cause violence against these women. 

I’m confused. Would Jesus lock her up or send her back? - David Corn

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Next time Trump is out with Melania I hope people start chanting “send her back” at them. - OhNoSheTwint

Won't This Cause An Uptick In Immigrants From Central America?
A US State Department spokesperson confirmed that the State Department is looking to redirect some funding originally designated for the Northern Triangle -- Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador -- to embattled Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido

Democracy may be our birthright as Americans, but it’s not something we can ever take for granted. 

Every generation has to fight for it. 

After last night's Trump rally, it's clearer than ever that the time has come again. - Hillary Clinton

Republican Shenanigans

I’m done listening to lectures about being un-American from the party whose Kentucky senator blocked a bill to save 9/11 victims.- Rep Eric Swalwell

New Marine One Scorches White House Lawn. How Apropos. 
The presidential helicopter isn’t supposed to leave scorch marks on the White House lawn. So the Navy and Lockheed Martin Corp. are working to fix a “high risk” problem after the new Marine One did just that in a test without the president on board.
The first in a $5 billion fleet of new Marine One helicopters is supposed to be ready to go into service by September 2020.

Kellyanne Conway had the audacity to ask a journalist’s ethnicity. I would like to know her methnicity, because it looks like she’s 100% pure. - Bette Midler

Wow.. NO charges pressed in the Eric Garner Murder...  We all watched a Snuff Film... I’m lost for words.... Bullsh*t. - ICE T tweet

Jeffrey Epstein Seeks To Distance Self From Trump. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

ADVICE: If you feel tempted to argue with a Trump supporter about whether Trump is a racist, stop. Conserve your energy and devote it instead to replacing Trump and his Republican enablers In 2020. - Andy Borowitz

I Wonder How History Will Remember This Vote.
The House voted to kill a measure seeking to impeach President Donald Trump – the first vote on such a measure since Democrats took the majority and since the release of former special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“We will have to repent ... not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


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Germany urged Trump in no uncertain terms not to go back where he came from. - Andy Borowitz

Americans would feel safer if huge caravan of angry white men left the country. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

This man just asked me to “please stop speaking Spanish” on this plane to NYC (in his defense it’s very early and he’s racist) so the man next to him STARTED SPEAKING SPANISH and then the flight attendant and my GOD i have never wanted to get up and dance more than i do now. - Jaime Primak tweet

My God. In Japan?
At least 23 people are feared dead and 36 injured in a suspected arson attack at a renowned animation studio in the Japanese city of Kyoto

Exactly 50 years ago today, we were on our way to the Moon! It was an honor to work with this crew and a privilege to complete the mission of a lifetime. - Buzz Aldrin


Praying the fundraiser succeeds

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Scandinavian Airlines, 1969.
I'm so old I remember when airlines from the U.S. served delicious meals and snacks. Today we get a plastic bag of whatever.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Flu fog has not lifted

This helps:
I actually look and feel like the person on the tabcin box.

Watching the series, NARCOS, helps too. Anything but Trump as I am sick enough!

Your child is being eaten by a camel.
Do you....

A) Save your child
B) Take a photo.

Hopefully I'll post a complete edition tomorrow. Fingers crossed!


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sick day

I have the flu. I feel as though a truck ran over me. Just shoot me. I'll be back asap.