Friday, July 12, 2019

Trump Labor chief Alex Acosta resigns due to Jeffrey Epstein case

Trump Labor chief Alex Acosta resigns due to Jeffrey Epstein case
 Labor Secretary Alex Acosta said Friday he will resign amid controversy over the way he handled a sex crimes case against wealthy ..

The sad and obvious truth is the Trump senate would vote to confirm Acosta again tomorrow if Trump demanded it. - Lawrence O'Donnell

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Sentiment Building To Deport Nation's Billionaires. - Andy Borowitz

Barr Is Just Placating Trump At This Point
Attorney General Bill Barr has ordered an investigation into whether the CIA was correct to determine that Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to boost Donald Trump during the 2016 election. That question has already been answered...A Mike Pompeo-led CIA review in 2017 found no wrongdoing in how the agency concluded that Russia wanted to help Donald Trump in 2016.

Abortion isn't just legal in Israel, it's free.
So all the anti-abortion #maga  people praising Alabama & trying to kill #RoeVWade will probably start demanding we end all US aid to Israel, am I right?
- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

it's a really good thing that Jeffrey Epstein was just a rich white man trafficking and molesting dozens if not hundreds of teenage girls over a span of decades, and not, say, a black man selling loose cigarettes on a street corner, because there are serious consequences for that. - Jeff Tiedrich

Welcome to Gorka Park
When Trump finished speaking, CNN political analyst Brian Karem and former White House deputy assistant Sebastian Gorka exchanged words across the rope line that separated the two groups. Karem said something inaudible that prompted Gorka to charge across the garden and get in front of him.
“You’re not a journalist! You’re a punk!” Gorka fumed.

A good friend of #Donald’s would clamor 
For very young girls he could hammer 
It was dirty and crude 
 But this time he’ll be sued 
And get 45 years in the slammer. - Bette Midler


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Rock The Voter News

Mike Pence launched the “Latinos for Trump” campaign. I like the optimism of using the plural there. - Stephen Colbert

Just Testify Already!
Former special counsel Robert Mueller’s highly-anticipated testimony will be delayed one week under a tentative arrangement he made with House Democrats, according to multiple sources briefed on the arrangements.
Although it’s unclear why Mueller’s testimony was delayed until July 24, lawmakers familiar with the discussions said one reason was an ongoing negotiation about how long lawmakers would have to question the former special counsel.

The one-week delay in the Mueller hearing is bad news. Slippage toward the summer recess, building up unrealistic expectations, creating more opportunities for Trump and his henchman Barr to engage in witness tampering. Watch out! - Laurence Tribe

Don't worry, this trade war with China will only affect you if you frequently buy... (checks list) products. - Stephen Colbert


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Business/Tech News

If we really want an accurate count of undocumented workers in the US, the census question should read, “Do you work at Mar-a-Lago?” - Andy Borowitz

Trump Publicly Announces Upcoming Immigration Raids
President Donald Trump on Friday insisted upcoming immigration raids set to begin this weekend will focus primarily on deporting criminals though he also acknowledged his administration will be targeting anyone who entered the border illegally.

Microsoft is releasing an Xbox shower gel, which is good because I’ve NEVER washed my Xbox. - Stephen Colbert



A second coat of paint will be applied this weekend when the rain subsides.


Every family has that one kid.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I'm guessing the lizard has had enough of the frog's croaking.


Thursday, July 11, 2019

Stop the infighting. Just stop.

Ocasio-Cortez accuses Pelosi of 'persistent singling out' of women of color: It's 'outright disrespectful'
...Ocasio-Cortez made the remarks in an interview with The Washington Post late Wednesday after a day of heightened tensions between Pelosi and House Democrats.

Ay yi yi yi. This is why the GOP wins, because they stay united and focused and the Democrats don't. It's embarrassing.

I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat. - Will Rogers, 1935

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The country is fiercely divided between those who still believe 2 + 2 = 4 and people wholly untethered from reality, and there is little chance the two sides will ever come together again.

Thanks for attending my TED Talk. Help yourself to a complimentary Xanax on the way out. - Rex Huppke

Sorry To Give You This Visual
In an interview via Skype, Alan Dershowitz insisted he never saw an underage girl at Epstein's house, but was worked on by an older lady.
"Were there young women in another part of the house giving massages when I wasn't around? I have no idea of that," he said.
"I kept my underwear on during the massage," Dershowitz went on to stammer. "I don't like massages particularly."

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump never once opposed sending troops to Vietnam, faked and lied to avoid the conflict, and later said it 'wasn't his thing.'

Paul Ryan is a lot more like Trump than he realizes.- John Fugelsang

If you only love the Americans who think look & vote like you, you don’t actually love America. - John Fugelsang

Judge #1: NO
Judge #2: NO
DOJ: We're going for #3!
A federal judge on Wednesday rejected the Department of Justice's (DOJ) bid to swap attorneys working on a case involving the census citizenship question, the second judge to do so in as many days.

Weird how Donald Trump never took a full page ad out demanding the death penalty for Jeffrey Epstein. - Schooley tweet


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

"If you don't want to support Democrats, then go somewhere else." - Hillary Clinton

Money Talks To Let People Walk
Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein never once checked in with city cops in the eight-plus years since a Manhattan judge ordered him to do so every 90 days — and the NYPD says it’s fine with that.

The Kavanaugh hearings retraumatized me brutally, as it did for many, many women. The Epstein case is no exception. Women see wealthy men, and men in general, get away with sh*t like this all the time. We’ve seen it year after year and we’re pissed and exhausted. - Ida Skibenes


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My Uber profile says I’m deaf so when I get into Uber’s I usually just sign hello to them and don’t speak anymore but this Uber driver just called someone and said “this deaf bitch just got in so I can talk for a minute” lmfaooooo - Nicole tweet

Business/Tech News

The only minority destroying America is the one that evades billions in taxes. - David Hogg

Another Impending Government Shutdown?
Senators are growing anxious that they might have to vote to raise the nation’s debt ceiling in a matter of weeks given new estimates that the government could hit its borrowing limit earlier than expected.
The debt limit was exceeded earlier this year, and the Treasury Department is now taking steps known as “extraordinary measures” to prevent the government from going over its borrowing limit.

Serena Williams: Change came “not because we were welcomed, but because we wouldn’t stop winning.”



Only $825 till the goal is met!

Thank you so much!


Never travel with this guy

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Striking a pose on the cliffs of Sperlonga, Italy.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Signing

Mulvaney presses Trump to dump Acosta amid mounting outrage
The acting White House chief of staff has clashed with the Labor secretary, who is under fire for cutting a deal with billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in 2008.

When I saw the above picture of Acosta's family, my first thought was that they look unhealthy. The children are peaked with circles under their eyes and no one is showing any emotion. I hope those girls are OK.

Good news: We're no longer in a Constitutional crisis. 
Bad news: Because we no longer have a Constitution. - Tea Pain tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

UK unable to find an ambassador who does not think Trump is an idiot. - Andy Borowitz

GOP = Grand Old Pedos
Ralph Shortey, a former Oklahoma state senator who last year served as Donald Trump's campaign chair in the state, was meticulous about keeping up his reputation as a pious man, according to several fellow Oklahomans. That reputation, however, has all but disappeared. According to Shortey's attorney, the former Republican lawmaker will plead guilty to one count of child sex trafficking on Nov. 30.

President Trump, moments before signing an executive order on advancing kidney health: “Very special, the kidney has a very special place in the heart, it’s an incredible thing." - Betsy Klein, CNN

Republican Shenanigans

“Took over the airports.” Just when I think I have explored the outer limits of Donald Trump’s melting intellect, new vistas of stupidity open before me. - Stephen King

I Can't Think of One Good Reason To Give A Light Sentence To Anyone Who Sexually Abused Girls. Not One.
Labor Secretary Alex Acosta vigorously defended his handling of a 2008 plea deal with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, saying "facts are being overlooked" as critics question whether he was too lenient as Epstein faced allegations he sexually abused underage girls.
In a news conference, the embattled official said he welcomed new charges against Epstein from New York prosecutors and said abuse victims' statements are handled differently now.

Why did Acosta effectively pardon Epstein's unnamed co-conspirators in the settlement?

They did God’s work, finally bringing some belated justice to this pedophile sex trafficker. The next step for reporters is to clinically, carefully, unmask ever last person who covered for and enabled this pedophile over the years. - Jonathan Swan, Axios

Don't We Pay These Bozos To Read A Report By The Special Counsel?
Several members of Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, admitted to Politico they have yet to read former special counsel Robert Mueller’s 400-page report on the findings of his investigation...'Tedious' and 'what's the point?'


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As for Trump, he’s basically a kidney stone on the body politic. He will pass. - Stephen King

Rock The Voter News

Hey Senate Republicans, oral arguments yesterday in your Obamacare case suggest you may get your way and the whole ACA is eliminated. 20m will lose coverage. Millions more w preexisting conditions w see huge rate spikes.’s your plan then? - Sen. Chris Murphy


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We've lived for too long in a world where women feel like they were at fault & need to apologize when someone sexually assaults them. - Joyce Alene

Business/Tech News

This is the real classy ad for the Trump Doral Hosting the Strip Club Tournament
Interesting placement of the trophy cup.

JPMorgan's Container Ship Seized Because of $1 Billion Worth of Cocaine
Federal prosecutors in Philadelphia have seized a container ship operated by the Mediterranean Shipping Co., weeks after authorities found more than $1 billion worth of cocaine on the vessel in what was one of the largest drug busts in American history.
US Customs and Border Protection seized the ship on July 4, a statement out Monday said. The ship is owned by client assets in a maritime strategy offered by JPMorgan Asset Management, according to a person familiar with the matter. It is operated by the Switzerland-based MSC.

Getting old is no job for weaklings. That said, anyone says I’m 71 years young, I’ll punch yer face. - Stephen King



When you love cats, but not the responsibility of being owned by a cat

Odd News

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When you forgot your umbrella and remember you have a tail.
