Friday, May 24, 2019

That Nancy Pelosi...

Facebook refuses to delete fake Pelosi video spread by Trump supporters
Footage of House speaker deliberately slowed down to make her appear drunk or ill

I wonder what else Nancy Pelosi has up her sleeve -- other than the U.S. Constitution.

The difference between Pelosi and Trump:
They have to doctor videos of Pelosi to make her seem drunk. - The Hoarse Whisperer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Poor Donald Trump. 
Nancy Pelosi isn't nearly as mean to him as history is going to be. - Middle Age Riot

If Assange Is Found Guilty, Pentagon Papers Style Reporting Will Be Illegal
The Dept. of Justice has just announced an additional 17 new charges against Julian Assange. A grand jury indicted the Wikileaks founder on felony violations of the Espionage Act, including conspiracy to receive national defense information.

Hey wanna hear something crazy?  It’s entirely possible to believe Julian Assange is a vile & loathsome narcissist AND oppose a precedent for this govt to go after publishers for publishing true information. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

I just wish one reporter would ask,"Why are you such a lying, f-cking moron?" - Woman in the Moon tweet

Lone Texas Republican blocks disaster aid package on House floor
Communities still severely damaged by wildfires, flooding, hurricanes, lava flow and even typhoons have waited for this assistance.

I feel sick when I listen to the President talk. - Joyce Alene


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Rock The Voter News

Hillary taking a swipe at Bill Barr’s legal skills...
“As far as I'm concerned he missed a bunch of classes in law school.”

The Shining

I Hope No One Slipped Him Something In A Drink. I Put Nothing Past This GOP.
U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler became woozy and appeared almost to faint during a press briefing on Friday with New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, but the congressman said soon after that he had been dehydrated and was now feeling better.

Still waiting for Trump to collude with America, even just one time. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Impeachment does not put Donald Trump in trial. 
Impeachment puts the whole Republican Party on trial. - driftglass tweet

Business/Tech News

Muchas Gracias de Mexico
President Donald Trump’s trade war is wreaking havoc on many American farmers — but it turns out that Mexico is actually benefiting.

I had this horrible nightmare that they came out with honey almond butter M&Ms and the paramedics couldn't fit me into the ambulance. - John Fugelsang



It's hard, hard work producing All Hat No Cattle.
I bet I put in more work hours than Trump!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Anybody interested in a lot next to a gyrocopter airport? This isn't far from where I live. I love that tree but it is ready to fall.

Best Wishes for a Peaceful Weekend.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Impeachment or the 25th Amendment?

Pelosi tells colleagues Trump is 'villainous' — and he wants to be impeached
The House speaker's message to Democrats came as vocal support for impeachment rose among lawmakers in the caucus.

I pray for the President of the United States. I wish that his family or his administration or his staff would have an intervention for the good of the country. - Nancy Pelosi

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It's heartbreaking that a sixth child has died in detention. It's outrageous that we're only learning about it eight months after the fact. - Hillary Clinton

Good. Someone Should Hold Police Responsible.
USA TODAY is leading a national effort to obtain and publish disciplinary and misconduct records for thousands of police officers.

I've read the intelligence. I attended yesterday’s briefing. The latest crisis with Iran didn't come out of thin air—it is a direct result of this president's actions. - Elizabeth Warren

Republican Shenanigans

Any agreement to silence Pelosi could face constitutional hurdles, since one of Pelosi’s principal duties as Speaker is to speak. - Andy Borowitz

Another Indictment!
The investigations into President Donald Trump and campaign chair Paul Manafort have yielded another indictment for serious financial crimes, according to the DOJ.

We can take George Conway’s criticism of the Trump administration seriously once George starts criticizing Kellyanne Conway’s insane public statements on behalf of the Trump administration. - Roland Scahill


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Pelosi ransacked the Oval Office for the nuclear codes until she finally located them in a desk drawer under a pile of empty Quarter Pounder containers from McDonald’s. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

It’s 2019 and yet some in the media still a woman earning money as a bigger scandal than a man stealing it. - The Hoarse Whisperer tweet

Mnuchin Axes Harriet Tubman $20 Bill
The U.S. Treasury will not introduce a redesigned $20 bill picturing escaped slave and abolitionist Harriet Tubman next year as planned, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Wednesday.

Robert Costa: "Do you think [Trump] should have served in Vietnam?" 
Pete Buttigieg: "Well, I have a pretty dim view of his decision to use his privileged status to fake a disability in order to avoid serving in Vietnam."


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Business/Tech News

“I can’t f-cking believe he hasn’t been impeached yet.” — Nixon in Hell

The Fart Of The Deal
China, the world’s biggest soybean importer, almost tripled purchases from Russia amid a trade dispute with the U.S., the biggest producer.
Russia sold about 850,000 metric tons of soybeans to China from the start of the 12-month season in July through mid-May, according to Russia’s agriculture agency Rosselkhoznadzor. That’s more than during any season before and compares with about 340,000 tons sold during all of the previous period, Chinese customs data show.

FUN FACT: Richard Nixon's approval ratin' was at 48% the day the Watergate hearings started.  After 8 months of hearings, it was 24%.   
FUNNER FACT: Donald Trump's approval ratin' is currently 38%. - Tea Pain tweet





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
This is Fisheating Creek, Florida. It is a beautiful and mysterious Cypress swamp filled with fish, birds, and gators. The last time I was there was in 1967. I stepped on a Cypress knee wading through the water and limped for weeks. Good times!


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

To Impeach or not to Impeach...

Panicked Trump flips out on the White House lawn after Pelosi accuses him of a ‘cover up’
On Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters that President Donald Trump had clearly engaged in a cover-up, though she did not go so far as to demand impeachment.
Later in the day, the president rushed to the Rose Garden to denounce her claims. “I don’t do cover-ups,” he told reporters.

Speaker Pelosi says "we believe the president of the United States is engaged in a cover up"

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump Sends National Guard To His Accountant's Office. - Andy Borowitz

I Wonder How McGahn's Law Firm's Clients Feel About Him Ignoring A Subpoena
Former White House Counsel Don McGahn made it official: He will be a no-show at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, defying a subpoena and threats of enforcement from House Judiciary Chair Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.). In a letter to Nadler, McGahn's lawyer cites Assistant Attorney General Steven Engel's "detailed and persuasive" memo on why McGahn should say no, and the stated wishes of McGahn's "former client," President Trump.

If I am ever subpoenaed, I will say, “The President says I can ignore this.” - Andy Borowitz

Can’t wait for Trump to threaten to hold his breath until the investigations are over. - Roland Scahill tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Is Mad About Being Accused of a Cover Up As He Obstructs Multiple Investigations - R. Saddler tweet

My God. 
Jim Benvie, a spokesman for the so-called “border vigilante” organization the United Constitutional Patriots, has been accused of running a scam charity that was purportedly raising money for a cancer-stricken child.


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Impeachment just isn't going to cut it anymore.
America needs to see Donald Trump dragged kicking and screaming out of the White House in handcuffs and thrown into a police van while Nancy Pelosi holds the door open. - Middle Age Riot tweet

Rock The Voter News

I Can Hear Trump Screaming All The Way Here In Costa Rica
A federal judge in New York City on Wednesday said Deutsche Bank and Capitol One can turn over financial documents related to President Donald Trump and his businesses in response to subpoenas from House Democrats.

Trump’s re-election campaign is just going to be a series of endless court losses. - Eric Boehlert


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Business/Tech News

Trump walked out into the Rose Garden and saw Nancy Pelosi’s shadow, and now Infrastructure Week will last six more months. - Jeffrey Wright

The 292-sq-ft Lillevilla  Cabin, about $19,000
Affordable Housing Hits Amazon. Free Shipping To Boot. Wow.
Housing firms have found a new home: Amazon.
These homes  are apparently selling out there. Indeed, multiple news outlets like real estate sites Curbed and The Real Deal reported that a 172-sq-ft $7,250 prefab cabin, which the manufacturer claims can be built in eight hours, on Amazon sold out. (The house offers free shipping.) Then many again reported that the home was back in stock.

“I pray for the president of the United States.” - Nancy Pelosi 



Thank you!



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Spanish Wells, Bahamas. This is the eastern most island of the Bahamian chain. It was settled in the late 1700s by disgruntled South Carolinians. I was lucky enough to visit there.
