Monday, April 29, 2019

Trump accuses New York attorney general of illegally investigating NRA

Trump accuses New York attorney general of illegally investigating NRA
President Donald Trump on Monday accused the New York attorney general's office of illegally investigating the National Rifle Association and called on the group, which has been roiled by a leadership fight, to "get its act together quickly."

What could the New York Attorney General do if she found wrongdoing in the NRA? 
She could seek to remove the board, she could force it to pay back funds improperly obtained
In an extreme case she could even force them to dissolve or cease operations. - Tim Mak, NPR

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Welcome to America 
where our president assures you he wasn't defending white supremacists  
he was merely defending people who defend monuments to white supremacy. - John Fugelsang

Trump Is Treading In Dangerous Waters
American naval vessels transited through the Taiwan Strait for the seventh time since July, highlighting the U.S.’s strategic rivalry with China as Taiwanese presidential hopeful and Foxconn founder Terry Gou called for the island to adopt high-tech defense mechanisms...

The president of the United States is advising the NRA on how to avoid a state investigation. It’s the weekend after more mass shootings, and he’s kissing that ass while trashing New York and the American legal system. Happy Monday! - Adam Parkhomenko

Republican Shenanigans

It just stuns me to no end that millions of stupid f*cks think this moron is the answer. - Jeff Tiedrich

Uh Oh. Trump Insults Fox News Friend
Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano has responded to President Trump’s weekend Twitter broadside against him, expressing some surprise to Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo.
“This is the way you treat your friends? How do you treat your enemies?” the judge said while opening up the segment on Monday morning. ...

Trump says he's a "student of history." Really? Prove it! Show us your grades! - Bette Midler


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The third Article of Impeachment against Richard Nixon charged him with failing "without lawful cause or excuse to produce papers and things as directed by duly authorized subpoenas issued by the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives." - Bill Kristol

Hillary Granted My Wish!
Hillary Clinton is featured in a new video reading aloud excerpts of a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller's report, including a line in the report that quotes President Donald Trump bemoaning the appointment of Mueller.

Rock The Voter News

Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden should run together. I’d love to see America with mandatory 4PM naps. - Conan O'Brien

Finally, Sarah Huckabee Sanders Dresses Appropriately In Prison Stripes
Her knees look like eyes.

To Impeach Or Not To Impeach, That Is The Question. I Say GO FOR IT!
Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), a member of the House Judiciary Committee, said Sunday that Democrats should consider bringing impeachment proceedings against President Trump.
Richmond, appearing on CBS's "Face the Nation," also called for Trump to testify under oath.
“I think it’s the best way to get all of the facts out," Richmond said.

16.9% of Americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Who do you think they voted for? - Hoodlum tweet


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Oliver North, because when I feel that Wayne LaPierre isn't corrupt enough to lead the NRA, I turn to the deranged ideologue who secretly sold weapons to Iran and went to prison for obstructing justice and is somehow now a hero to the moronic hordes who worship guns and hate Iran. - Jeff Tiedrich

Business/Tech News

I don't get it.  The tech Godzillas have all the algorithms in the world to get us to buy shit, so why can't they keep hate speech off the internet?  Those video games are no help either.  Fuckers sit around in diapers shooting & shooting, because if they leave, their team loses - Bette Midler

Good News! 55% Of Americans Aren't Insane!
55% of Americans say they definitely would not consider voting for Pres. Trump in 2020, new ABC News/WaPo poll finds.

“Go to your synagogue. We need to fill up those rooms. We need to show them that terrorism will not prevail,” Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein said outside of Chabad of Poway, urging even the Jews who haven’t been to synagogue in a long while to show up this weekend in solidarity.


Finish My Casita Fundraiser
If you can afford a dollar or two it would greatly help.
I love my little cabin. I need to finish the roof fascia and gutters. Kitchen cabinets would be nice. See that pole leaning next to my front door? It was a rake, may it rest in peace.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A leopard just chillin'.


Friday, April 26, 2019

House Oversight Dem threatens jail for Trump officials who don't comply with subpoenas

House Oversight Dem threatens jail for Trump officials who don't comply with subpoenas
Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), a member of the House Oversight Committee, on Thursday warned that the investigative body “will use any and all power in our command” – including incarceration – should White House officials refuse to comply with congressional subpoenas to testify as the panel ramps up its wide-ranging investigation into the Trump administration.

We are either a nation that believes no one is above the law, or we aren't. It's that simple. - Jenny M Colón tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Getting rid of confederate monuments erases American history that's why Germany has all those Hitler statues. - OhNoSheTwint

Twitter CEO Appears To Be Afraid of Trump & Nazis
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey reportedly called Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) to defend the platform's decision to keep up a tweet from President Trump that the congresswoman said resulted in a surge in death threats.

I see that the day after the Saudis crucified someone ( after torturing him )the top Wall Street CEOs were in Riyadh for a conference organised by the Saudi government. 
The Book of Timothy: " The love of money is the root of all evil  
Disgusting people...  -John Cleese

Republican Shenanigans

Melania Trump turns 49 today or as her husband calls it “ew.” - OhNoSheTwint

Trump Whips Up His Nazi Base
President Trump on Friday defended his comments in the aftermath of the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., in which he said there was "blame on both sides” for violence that led to the death of a counterprotester.

Mike Pence won’t commit to refusing Russian help in the next election.

Brad Parscale, now Trump’s campaign manager, denied the Russians even helped last time.

Trump’s GOP doesn’t consider making use of help from a foreign enemy to be collusion; to them it’s just good politics. - Rep. Adam Schiff


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Trump trying to prove his Charlottesville comments were not racist by praising Robert E. Lee merely proves that every ignorant racist is ignorant that he's racist. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Kansas Is Pro-Choice. Wow.
The Kansas Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the state’s constitution protects a woman’s right to an abortion and upheld an injunction blocking a state law that would have banned a common second trimester abortion procedure.

I'm not going to tell you my #1 choice for the Democratic party nomination but I will tell you that I'd happily settle for my 20th choice. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

Karmic justice for years of birtherism and endless Benghazi hearings would be 12 months of daily televised impeachment hearings.  Sound about right? - Tea Pain

Facebook Can't Seem To Solve Its Privacy Issues
Facebook expects to pay up to $5 billion over Cambridge Analytica scandal.
Facebook's costs jumped by $3 billion in the first three months of the year as the company deals with an ongoing Federal Trade Commission investigation into the social network's privacy practices.

This year, the White House Press Correspondents Dinner will be hosted by Ron Chernow. SCROTUS will skip it again, 3rd year in a row, because if there's anything SCROTUS fears more than a smart comic, it's a presidential historian. - Elayne Boosler



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

After such an ugly week, here is a Mama swan and her babies.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Time Magazine, 45 years ago this month

Lara Trump: Merkel admitting migrants 'one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany'
President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump remarked Thursday that German Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to allow migrants into the country was "one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany."
“When there was a march across Europe by a million people who wanted to get into Western Europe, Angela Merkel let them in,” ...

At least Lara Trump admits she admires countries that create refugees more than countries that accept them. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The North Korean Art Of The Deal
North Korea in 2017 reportedly issued a $2 million bill to the U.S. for the hospital care of American Otto Warmbier, who was in a coma when he was returned to the U.S. and died without regaining consciousness.
The Washington Post reported Thursday that North Korea insisted that a U.S. official sign a pledge to pay the bill before returning Warmbier, an Ohio native who was arrested while visited Pyongyang.

Holy Guacamole!  The "Great Negotiator" Donald Trump was forced to pay a 2 million dollar "hospital bill" before North Korea allowed the release of Otto Warmbier. 
Trump made a ransom payment to a brutal dictator. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

BREAKING: Jesus asks Franklin Graham to repent for telling people he's a Christian. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Keep Digging, Trump, Keep Digging.
President Trump on Thursday said he did not order former White House counsel Don McGahn to fire Robert Mueller, denying some of the most damaging testimony for the president in the special counsel’s report on the Russia investigation.

Trump should welcome Congressional hearings on the road to impeachment.  Highest ratings ever! - Tea Pain


 Click here to meet C.W.


Raise your hand if the President of the United States has spent more time on Twitter than you have this morning. - Roland Scahill

Rock The Voter News

Domestic Terrorist Let Loose. This Is Terrifying.
A federal judge on Thursday agreed to release a Coast Guard lieutenant who was accused of plotting domestic terrorism. Christopher Hasson, who was accused in February of stockpiling weapons and drawing up a political hit list, will be released on bail, according to a Baltimore NBC affiliate.


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A suggestion for a campaign slogan: make the unthinkable unthinkable again. - Dan Rather

Business/Tech News

Tesla Posts Massive First Quarter Loss After Self-Driving Car Absconds With $702 Million in Cash - The Onion

Heartbreaking Continuation of Global Warming.
Researchers say what was once the world’s second-largest colony of emperor penguins has “now all but disappeared” after changes in sea-ice conditions made their typical breeding grounds highly unstable.

New Study Finds Earth’s Core Will Be Most Habitable Part Of Planet By 2060 - The Onion



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Cats crack me up. If someone hit the window button, that cat would do a triple Lutz.
