Thursday, April 25, 2019

Time Magazine, 45 years ago this month

Lara Trump: Merkel admitting migrants 'one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany'
President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump remarked Thursday that German Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to allow migrants into the country was "one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany."
“When there was a march across Europe by a million people who wanted to get into Western Europe, Angela Merkel let them in,” ...

At least Lara Trump admits she admires countries that create refugees more than countries that accept them. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The North Korean Art Of The Deal
North Korea in 2017 reportedly issued a $2 million bill to the U.S. for the hospital care of American Otto Warmbier, who was in a coma when he was returned to the U.S. and died without regaining consciousness.
The Washington Post reported Thursday that North Korea insisted that a U.S. official sign a pledge to pay the bill before returning Warmbier, an Ohio native who was arrested while visited Pyongyang.

Holy Guacamole!  The "Great Negotiator" Donald Trump was forced to pay a 2 million dollar "hospital bill" before North Korea allowed the release of Otto Warmbier. 
Trump made a ransom payment to a brutal dictator. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

BREAKING: Jesus asks Franklin Graham to repent for telling people he's a Christian. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Keep Digging, Trump, Keep Digging.
President Trump on Thursday said he did not order former White House counsel Don McGahn to fire Robert Mueller, denying some of the most damaging testimony for the president in the special counsel’s report on the Russia investigation.

Trump should welcome Congressional hearings on the road to impeachment.  Highest ratings ever! - Tea Pain


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Raise your hand if the President of the United States has spent more time on Twitter than you have this morning. - Roland Scahill

Rock The Voter News

Domestic Terrorist Let Loose. This Is Terrifying.
A federal judge on Thursday agreed to release a Coast Guard lieutenant who was accused of plotting domestic terrorism. Christopher Hasson, who was accused in February of stockpiling weapons and drawing up a political hit list, will be released on bail, according to a Baltimore NBC affiliate.


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A suggestion for a campaign slogan: make the unthinkable unthinkable again. - Dan Rather

Business/Tech News

Tesla Posts Massive First Quarter Loss After Self-Driving Car Absconds With $702 Million in Cash - The Onion

Heartbreaking Continuation of Global Warming.
Researchers say what was once the world’s second-largest colony of emperor penguins has “now all but disappeared” after changes in sea-ice conditions made their typical breeding grounds highly unstable.

New Study Finds Earth’s Core Will Be Most Habitable Part Of Planet By 2060 - The Onion



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Cats crack me up. If someone hit the window button, that cat would do a triple Lutz.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

I am so tired of living in the Twilight Zone

Bill Barr directs top DOJ official to defy subpoena from House Oversight Committee
Attorney General Bill Barr has directed the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division chief to not appear this week for a scheduled deposition at the House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

What a month this last week has been.

The Trump presidency is an episode of the Twilight Zone starring the cast of Duck Dynasty. - Middle Age Riot tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

‘This is your Nuremberg moment, your chance to stand on the right side of history.’ — Amal Clooney called out the Trump administration by name for undermining the effort to help women raped during war

Another Domestic Terrorist Inspired By Trump
The Florida man who pleaded guilty to mailing explosive devices said in a letter to a federal judge that attending a rally for President Donald Trump "became like a new found drug."

Waiting for Republicans to do the right thing is like waiting for a stop sign to turn green. - Middle Age Riot tweet

So our BFFs and allies, the Saudis have not only just put 37 people to death, they CRUCIFIED one of them. Think this'll have any effect on conservative Christian leaders' support for our Saudi-loving prez? Or will they turn a blind cheek? - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

You see...Evangelism is defined as spreading the word of the Gospel. The Gospel - the teaching of Christ and the apostles - is to be found in the NEW Testament 
There is no Gospel in the Old Testament, so why are 'Evangelists' so keen to spread the word of the OLD Testament ? - John Cleese

Would The Supreme Court Stop Impeachment For Trump? Yes. They Stopped The Vote Counting In Florida For Bush.
President Trump on Wednesday said that he would attempt to challenge impeachment in the Supreme Court if Democrats carried out such proceedings, though it's unclear the high court would hear such a case.

“Everywhere I go, people tell me that if I am impeached, they’re going to watch it,” Trump said. “The ratings are going to be through the roof.” - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

George Bush said God told him to invade Iraq, which led to 1 million deaths.Fundamentalist Christianity has a higher body count than Fundamentalist Islam. 
Meanwhile, sane, moderate & liberal Christians & Muslims wish y'all would just find an island & fight it out yourselves. - John Fugelsang

Jesus. Kushner Has An Immigration Plan? I'm Telling You, Immigrants Are Going To Get A Vacay At Guantanamo.
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner said Tuesday that he's preparing an immigration plan to present to President Trump in the coming days.
Kushner said at Time magazine's Time 100 Summit that he's put together "a very detailed proposal" that encompasses three major themes: improving border security, moving toward a so-called merit-based system and maintaining "our country’s humanitarian values."


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Business/Tech News

It’s not hard, guys. If you want to graduate without debt, just get a part-time job, go to a state school, and build a time machine to go back to 40 years ago when that was possible. - Jess Dweck

Twitter CEO To Continue Allowing Trump To Break Term Of Service Rules
On Tuesday, President Trump hosted Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in the Oval Office for a closed-door meeting, during which the leader of the free world spent an inordinate amount of time complaining about lost Twitter followers, according to a source familiar with the conversation.
The Twitter chief, for his part, tried to reassure the president that the company’s staff merely wants his follower count to be as bot-free as possible.

Trump’s fourteen remaining Twitter followers included his daughter Ivanka; his sons Eric and Donald, Jr.; several White House aides; and someone named Heinrich Himmler III. - Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Saturn as seen from Cassini. That is an incredible shot.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Twitter CEO to meet with less wealthy man

Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey to hold closed-door meeting with President Trump
The meeting will last 30 minutes, and touch on "the health of the public conversation on Twitter," according to an internal Twitter email obtained by Motherboard.

White House In Panic After Giuliani Somehow Escapes From Basement. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Putin, Kim To Negotiate Timeshare Ownership of Trump. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Encourages Harm To Democrats. Why Isn't This Illegal?
The head of a far-right New Mexico militia group known for detaining undocumented families at gunpoint has been accused of claiming to train a group to assassinate Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and billionaire Democratic donor George Soros.

The future Trump Presidential Library should be a golf bag that is perpetually on fire. - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

From Olivier Knox, White House Correspondents' Association president to news reports of Trump-ordered boycott of Saturday Correspondents' Dinner: "We’re looking forward to an enjoyable evening of celebrating the First Amendment and great journalists past, present, and future."

Trump Sticks It To Vets
According to a report at military website Task & Purpose, President Donald Trump’s tax plan upped the tax on survivor benefits given to the widows and children of soldiers killed in the line of duty — creating even more hardship for Gold Star families.

Remember two years ago when sooooo many journos wanted us to remember kushner and Ivanka were actually democrats and that was going to be soooooo important?? - Molly McKew


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Rock The Voter News

Nixon before Watergate hearingsApproval: 48% 
Americans favoring impeachment: 19% 

Trump (today) before Obstruction hearings Approval: 37% 
Americans favoring impeachment: 34% - Tea Pain

Bernie Is Against Impeachment
Senator Bernie Sanders, the early front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, said he wants Congress to thoroughly investigate President Donald Trump but argued that Democrats risk losing the initiative on issues important to voters if they get into a protracted fight over impeaching him.

Rudy Giuliani says "there's nothing wrong" with the Trump campaign taking intel from the Russians. Jesus!! Do he and Donald just sit around all day drinking mercury slurpies? - Bette Midler


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Business/Tech News

Son : Dad, what's a Canadian? 
Dad : It's an Unarmed North American with Health Insurance son. - Akki tweet

Gulf Of Mexico Slowly Absorbing Texas Coast
Sea level rise has cost Texas homeowners $76.4 million in potential property value, with Galveston hit the hardest, a new study released Tuesday found.
First Street Foundation and Columbia University analysts examined about 3 million coastal properties in Texas. Using a combination of real estate transactions and tidal flooding exposure, they found that from 2005 to 2017, homes in Galveston lost $9.1 million in potential value, followed by Jamaica Beach (which lost $8.6. million) and the Bolivar Peninsula ($8.1 million). 

Planet Earth Doesn't Know How To Make It Any Clearer It Wants Everyone To Leave - The Onion



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
This lovely girl stopped by for a visit. She's being sprayed with cool water next to my construction debris.
